Wednesday, March 12, 2025

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This Sunday

Worship Schedule

8:45 a.m. Traditional Service in the Chapel

9:30 a.m. Contemporary Service in the Sanctuary

11:00 a.m. Contemporary Family Service in the Fellowship Hall

11:00 a.m. Traditional Service in the Sanctuary

FAITH Talks: Suzanne Henderson

Sunday, March 16

9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on Zoom


What if being a Christian is less about what we believe and more about how we live? Join us for a deep dive into the Gospel of Mark as we explore Jesus’s community-organizing impulses, his power-sharing agenda, and his 2000-year-old call to discipleship.


Open Table Dinner and Programs

Join us tonight!

Open Table Dinners, prepared by Chef Johnny, are served from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Cost is $10 for adults and youth in the sixth grade and above; $6 for children two years old through the fifth grade. Gluten-free meal options are always available. This week, BLAST and Children's Choir will not meet, but there will be childcare available in the Education Wing for children 5 and under during the Ash Wednesday service.

Tonight's menu: Chicken Pot Pie, Mashed Potatoes, Rolls, Salad Bar, Oreo Chocolate Cups. You can prepay for dinner here.

Crucial Conversations

Wednesdays, March 12 - April 9 at 6:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Fellowship Hall 203

In this five-week Lenten series led by Shea Watts and Justin Perry, we’ll hear from scholars and pastors on being intentional in our approach of challenging conversations. We’ll practice these conversations in small groups.

Lenten Life Groups

Wednesday, March 12 - April 9, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Life Groups provide a place for spiritual friendship and spiritual growth. This Lent, draw strength from some of Jesus's most important teachings using reflections written by New Testament Scholar, Suzanne Henderson. Lenten Life Groups will meet weekly through Lent, with some being focused on ages and stages, and others being open to all. Learn more and sign up here.

Hannah’s Heart

March 12, 6:30 in FH 201

meets the 2nd Wednesday of the month

Hannah’s Heart is an informal, confidential support group for women facing infertility, pregnancy loss, or the loss of an infant. Recognizing and honoring the unique journey of each individual and family, we seek to create a space where we can share our struggles and heartache and find support, care and community with others navigating similar pain. For more information, contact Katherine Kerr.

New Announcements

Recreation Ministry Summer Camp

Visit our website for details and registration

June 23-26: Covenant Sports Camp

July 14-17: Covenant Creative Camp

July 21-24: Imagination Station

Every week this summer our Recreation Wing will be filled with fun! Some camps will be run by our own Recreation Ministry staff and others will be led by outside groups. Explore all the camps and sign up on our website.

You Made the Mission Remarkable!

It was....remarkable! On behalf of the Mission Remarkable leadership team, thank you for your remarkable generosity at this year's fundraiser. With your contribution, we raised over $54K, all proceeds supporting the ministry of Mission and Outreach.

Parent Worshop: Connecting Through Play

Friday, March 21 at 1:00 p.m.

Fellowship Hall

Join Dr. Megan Connell from Health Quest for an engaging workshop on how board games and tabletop games can bring families together, foster

meaningful connections, and create screen-free quality time. RSVP to Beth Gallos at Epiphany School.

Serve Breakfast at Levine Men's Shelter

Wednesday, March 26, 6:00 - 9:00 a.m.,

3406 Statesville Avenue

Start your morning with the opportunity to serve our neighbors at Roof Above Levine Men's Shelter. Volunteers cook breakfast and offer fellowship to the neighbors. It is sure to be a joyful morning! Sign up here.

FAITH Talks: Presby 101

Sunday, March 23

9:30 a.m. in Fellowship Hall and on Zoom

We'll continue Presby101 — a series in which we are exploring what exactly it means to be Presbyterian. Next Sunday, Grace Lindvall and Mary Kate Sykes will be teaching on the sacraments. Perhaps you've been baptized or have witnessed a baptism and have questions about the sacrament. Or perhaps you partake in communion each month and find yourself wondering what we believe is "going on" at the table? What exactly is a sacrament, anyway? We hope you'll join us for a conversation on both theology and practice and we grow deeper in our understanding of Presbyterianism. 

Staff Announcement

Traditional Music and Choir Leaders

Heather and Kenney Potter

On Monday evening, the Personnel Committee shared with the Session that Kenney and Heather Potter have submitted their resignations from Covenant’s staff. We are deeply grateful for their faithful service for these seven years and will miss them.

Fortunately, they have both graciously agreed to assist the church with the transition. Heather will continue to serve through the end of April in order to finish the academic year with the children’s choirs. Kenney will continue to conduct the chancel choir through an appropriate portion of the summer. 

In writing, the Potters expressed their deep gratitude for the privilege of serving alongside this congregation: “We are grateful to God for the opportunity to partner with you in worship and ministry; it will remain one of the great joys of our professional lives.” And yet our lives are marked by different seasons, and the Potters say, “We sense God leading us away from church ministry and into a focused season of care for our growing children and aging parents.” Obviously, we support them in their prayerfully discerned decision.

We will work closely with the Potters and other music staff in the next few months to ensure as smooth a transition as possible and solicit your prayers and support along the way. We will also plan an appropriate time of celebration of the Potters’ ministry among us. In the meantime, please join us in offering heartful gratitude to these dear friends.

In Christ’s service,

Bob Henderson                John McAlister

Senior Minister               Personnel Chair


Charlotte Hornets Game

Sunday, April 6 at 1:00 p.m.

Gather your family and friends and spend an afternoon watching the Charlotte Hornets take on the Chicago Bulls! Ticket sales help support our Youth Basketball League. Use this link to buy tickets.

Highland Renaissance Teacher Snack Cart

Drop off donations in the Welcome Center by Thursday, March 13 at Noon

Support the teachers and staff of Highland Renaissance Academy by contributing snacks and drinks to their breakfast cart. Click here for a list of needed items.

Stream Clean

Sunday, March 23 at 4:00 p.m.

Join Kim Moseley and Outdoor Ministry for our quarterly stream clean at Chantilly Nature Preserve. Meet at the park for a great afternoon of work and fellowship. Click here to sign up.

Seeking Summer Housing for Stapleton/Davidson Interns

Host a college student 

This summer, Covenant will welcome a group of Stapleton/Davidson college interns to work in our community. If you have a garage apartment or guest suite that you'd be willing to share with our interns, please contact Nikki Zimmermann.

Summer Intern for Christian Discipleship

Our summer intern will enjoy a range of experiences in ministry, be committed to growing in a life of Christian faith, and be interested in helping children, youth, and adults grow in their journeys of faith. Visit our website for the full job description and how to apply.

Rejuvenation Pruning of Holly Bushes

As part of our ongoing campus improvements, the Carissa holly by the Recreation Wing will receive a rejuvenation pruning to open the interior for new growth and better maintenance. This pruning will also improve our campus safety by expanding the sight lines and enhancing visibility around the Rec Wing. While this rejuvenation pruning might appear extreme initially, the new growth will soon become thick, lush, and manageable. We appreciate your patience as we continue to enhance the safety, beauty, and welcoming spirit of our campus.

Vacation Bible School 2025

August 4-8


Mark your calendar and get ready for a fun week of VBS at Covenant! VBS programming is for children ages 4 through 5th grade and there will be many volunteer opportunities for middle and high school children and adults. Registration is now open!

We're Hiring The Following Positions

Co-Director of Children's Ministry

Curriculum & Classroom Development

We are seeking to fill the newly created position of Co-Director of Children's Ministry focusing on curriculum and classroom development. This is an exciting opportunity to work with a growing education team leading a dynamic children's ministry. Visit for details.

Full-Time Custodian

Do you know someone who would make a great addition to our Operations team? Covenant is looking to fill a full-time Custodian position for Wednesday through Sunday. Visit for details.

Full-Time Lead Teacher in our Child Development Center

We are looking for full-time lead teaching positions to work 8:30 a.m - 5:30 p.m. in our older infant classroom and a full time floater position for the 3,4, and 5-year-olds classrooms, Monday through Friday. Experience in early education is required. Contact for details or to apply.