A collaboration between OMAFRA and the University of Guelph
Stories of the Alliance people, places and programs generating impact in the agri-food sector in Ontario and around the world.
In this issue:
- Ontario invests in agri-food research to strengthen sector
- Alliance Tier I research program call for proposals now open
- Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series
- Agri-Food Yearbook survey
- Arkell Research Station feature
- Alliance people, places and programs in the media
- Upcoming events
Ontario invests in agri-food research to strengthen sector
The Ontario government is investing $7 million into agri-food research projects that will support greater environmentally friendly agricultural practices, protect livestock health and welfare, and stimulate economic growth in the agri-food sector and Ontario’s rural communities.
Through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance Ontario is supporting advanced agri-food research in collaboration with the University of Guelph on projects that include:
- Evaluating the ability of natural buffer strips to reduce the impact of agricultural practices on freshwater ecosystems, protecting water quality and biodiversity
- Studying the impact of using herbs instead of antibiotics to improve calf health, growth, and welfare
- Assessing the capacity of communities to respond to rural and agricultural issues and identify best practices
- Examining pests, diseases and weeds impacting Ontario crops, developing integrated pest management practices, and examining crop genetics to improve varieties and disease resistance
- Addressing pathways of common illnesses to improve the health of young animals and evaluating probiotics and alternative control measures.
Alliance Tier I Research Program Call for Proposals
The Alliance Research Program funds research projects that support strong rural communities, help keep our food safe and develop a prosperous, environmentally sustainable agri-food sector in Ontario.
The single-stage call for proposals for project operating funding is open until 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 12, with an intent process deadline of Monday, Sept. 27.
Project proposals must align with OMAFRA Research Priorities 2021-22 and address a specific research question.
Eligible U of G researchers interested in applying for research project operating funding may do so through the Tier I Research Program Call for Proposals. If you have questions, email rescoord@uoguelph.ca.
Skills for Research Impact Workshop Series
Faculty, research staff and graduate students interested in enhancing the impact of their research will learn how to successfully plan, execute and evaluate knowledge mobilization activities. Sessions will cover topics key to effective research communications and engagement of non-academic audiences.
This workshop series is a collaboration among the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance, the Community Engaged Scholarship Institute and the Research Innovation Office at the University of Guelph.
Focus ON: Arkell Research Station
The Arkell Research Station is the home of three diverse operations: the Arkell Equine Research Facility, the Ontario Poultry Research Centre, and the Arkell Swine Research Facility. Like the other agricultural research stations across the province, the property is owned by the Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario, an agency of the Government of Ontario, and managed by the University of Guelph through the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance.
The Arkell Equine Research Facility maintains a herd of standardbred and thoroughbred horses, ponies and foals. The herd is used primarily for reproductive, respiratory and locomotion/performance studies. The facility is surrounded by 57 hectares of pasture with many paddocks and shelters for housing up to 80 horses, ponies and foals.
The Ontario Poultry Research Centre enables studies that include genetics, nutrition, reproduction, behaviour and housing for broilers, broiler breeders, pullets, laying hens, and turkeys. With five barns, which include a total of 40 independent research areas with a variety of housing systems, the Ontario Poultry Research Centre collects data and provides support for approved research projects.
The Arkell Swine Research Facility is home to studies that include genetics, nutrition, reproduction, behaviour and housing. As a bio-secure facility, it maintains and operates a 350-sow farrow-to-finish hog operation. The University of Guelph, in partnership with the Government of Ontario and the Ontario swine industry, is overseeing the construction of a new swine research centre at the Elora Research Station that is expected to be complete in 2023.
Yearbook Survey: We want to hear from you
For the past 10 years, the Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance has delivered this issue of Research magazine in hard copy by mail, with your subscription to Ontario Farmer and through our network of partners and colleagues.
Now we want to hear from you!
Do you enjoy reading the Agri-Food Yearbook? What stories do you value the most? What else would you like to see?
A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.
Alliance researcher Dr. Francois Tardif joins farmers in a recent session hosted by the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association to discuss how cover crops can help a farmer's bottom line.
U of G researchers have found corn silks naturally contain diverse microbes, a finding that may point to a new strategy to help protect cobs from fungal infections.
The Alliance and livestock research centres are applauded in this opinion article highlighting the importance of innovation in Ontario’s agriculture sector.
Alliance-funded researchers receive additional funding from the governments of Canada and Ontario to support and promote mental health in Ontario’s farming and rural communities.
Dr. Leith Deacon aims to provide data to policy makers on how rural populations in Canada are underrepresented in COVID-19 emergency management policies. Alliance funding will allow the project to expand in September to at least six additional rural counties in Ontario.
A second publication highlighting Alliance research on a new strategy to help protect corn from fungal infections.
Planning for Research Impact Workshop – Tuesday, Sept 21
This first workshop of the Skills for Research Impact series focuses on knowledge mobilization 101! Become familiar with knowledge mobilization plans and conceptualize strategies adapted to your research goals and audiences. Participation is free.
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