Building Capacity by Speaking with One VoiceOne thing I’ve learned since becoming the CEO for The Arc of Florida is that we need to build capacity in Florida so individuals on the Agency for Persons with Disabilities iBudget Waiver can get the services they need. These individuals have the choice to decide what services they want, as well as who will deliver them. A primary goal this year of The Arc of Florida is to ensure that all those who advocate for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities speak with one voice. We want to work with others to ensure small providers are informed about what is happening at the state level regarding policy, practice, and procedure. Our aspiration is to help meet the specific needs of those individuals and to be able to help them plan for the future. Our Advocacy Platform will provide the needed information. Our first call will focus on this year’s APD Legislative Budget request submitted by Director Barbara Palmer. We will discuss her recommendations and share our insight. We will also provide updates on an Advocacy Day at the Capitol, discuss the Waiting List and a plan for those who are currently waiting, and suggest ways on how to advocate in your community. Lastly, The Arc of Florida is seeking providers to formally become colleagues. A colleague is a provider of services that becomes part of The Arc of Florida family, but without all of the responsibilities and benefits as full membership. We only have a few slots left for colleague memberships. Register here for our meeting on Tuesday, November 1.
APD Budget released by Director Palmer: The first formal step in the budget process for state government is outlined in section 216.023, Florida Statutes, which states that “[t]he head of each state agency … shall submit a final legislative budget request to the Legislature and to the Governor … based on the agency’s independent judgement of its needs.” This has already occurred, and you can review the entire
APD budget request as posted on line here: Florida Fiscal Portal Publications. 
Director Palmer asked for $79M for crisis enrollment waiting list. Other than crisis enrollment, there is no item in the Agency’s budget request to increase the iBudget Waiver services to address inflation and operating costs that continue to rise. APD is also asking for more 61 positions for monitoring and increased wages to APD staff so they can be competitive. Although they already received an increase to $15/hr, the Agency wants to increase pay. This would only apply to state employees. 
There is additional money for iConnect and $4.3M for state institutions addressing building mold. We have lots of work to as we move forward to identify needs to meet those that we serve. Here is a detailed review with narrative on the APD BUDGET REQUEST
We're moving fast and want your input! Mark your calendar for our October Advocacy Meeting, Wed., October 26. Our featured speaker will be Olivia Babis, Senior Public Policy Analyst for Disability Rights Florida.
Thank you for your advocacy! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our CEO Alan Abramowitz at or 850.241.3232.