Dear Prayer Partners,

Our third day of camp is officially in the books. Today is "Everyone's Birthday Party" day. When we all wake up, the camp grounds and sleeping areas are all decorated to wish all of us a Happy Birthday. There are party hats galore and everyone is wishing everyone Happy Birthday throughout the day.

After chapel, we head to dinner. On our way there, we see the beginnings of a birthday party with fun blow ups and a huge rock wall just waiting to be climbed. Once we conclude our pizza dinner, we are treated to cupcakes and then the outdoor party begins. A popcorn machine, snow cones, a dance party and face painting all are on board to make this a night to remember. Then we gather the kids and the counselors and the kids all receive an small mp3 player that includes all the camp songs we've been singing all week along with the entire drama. It's the best gift for the kids and they love it. And, of course, we have to sing Happy Birthday to our campers. What a night!

Along with the birthday party today, the girls are gearing up for Thursday's Royal Tea Party. That includes going to visit with the infamous "Claire" and to her closet to pick out a dress.

While choosing a dress at Claire's Closet, one sweet camper asked a teenage helper, “Do we get to keep the dress?” “Yes,” she was told. “We really get to take the dress home and keep it forever and ever?” “Yes,” she was told again. She became so excited she hopped and danced around with glee!

It's days like today that make camp so great for these kids who may have never experienced a birthday party or received a gift of any kind.

It's one of many reasons why we do camp! Thank you for your continued prayers.



p.s. Pray for the volunteers coming out on Thursday who are helping with the Royal Tea Party. Pray also for the company coming out to provide the boys with their "Dude Royal" Ninja warrior experience. More on that tomorrow. :)