The Egret Corner
August 2021 | Issue 14
Three Marbled Godwits (Limosa fedoa) and four Willets (Tringa semipalmata) among the pickleweed.
Location: Lower Ballona Creek
Photo: Jonathan Coffin, edited by Lisa Rachal.
Dear Ballona Wetlands Advocates,

In this month's newsletter, we are highlighting a few of the common shorebirds you can witness at Ballona; an investigative news article on LA's drainage system, ways students impact the planet starting at their school, and an ecological physiologist that played a part in making fieldwork safer for women, LGBTQ+, and BIPOC.

Our virtual classes, 2 different lessons about Ballona are available to 1st to 5th graders, 1 hr per lesson. If you know of a group or class that may be interested in our virtual class, please feel free to contact or fill out this form.

Enjoy the rest of the newsletter, for previous issues visit our newsletter archive. If you have any questions or concerns email Lastly, give us feedback by completing our newsletter survey.

Thank you for your ongoing support.


The Ballona Wetlands Team
Diversity in the Field: Presenting Beck Wehrle
In this segment, we aim to support diversity by showcasing people currently underrepresented in STEM(science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields working to improve the environment and/or people's access to natural spaces. We hope to provide representation for people who might not see themselves in these fields and inspire ways to be more inclusive.
Meet Beck! He is an ecological physiologist who specializes in amphibians and reptiles.

Beck is a transgender(trans) man and identifies as queer. In this article, he along with several other trans scientists share their stories of how its been for them to be trans scientist. Along with his research, Beck co-founded the Queer and Trans in STEM at UC Irvine and serves as a role model on the website 500 Queer Scientists.

Reading this article provided me with a better understanding of what it means to be trans and how I can better advocate and support the trans community especially in scientific spaces.

Reusable bottles are great—but here’s how kids can make a major eco-impact at school.
Each year we are experiencing more effects of climate change. As students return to school they may have the desire to do more for the planet, besides using a reusable water bottle but aren't sure what is possible.

This article provides ideas, examples, and messages from leading environmental groups on how students can have a huge impact on creating greener and cleaner schools.

Local News
News items related to the Ballona Wetlands
do not necessarily reflect the views of the Ballona Wetlands Land. Trust.
The toxic truth of L.A.’s stormwater sewer system
This featured article is the first of a two-part series by the Santa Monica Daily Press covering LA's storm drain system.

In this article, the author Clara Harter gives background on why LA's drain system is harmful. The second article will recognize some ongoing efforts to mitigate the negative effects of LA's drain systems.
Please Vote!
Ballots have been mailed to all California voters to determine whether Governor Gavin Newsom will complete his elected term or whether he will be removed from office and replaced by one of the numerous candidates running in the upcoming recall election.

As a non-partisan charitable organization, we do not endorse candidates for office. However, we do encourage everyone to exercise their right to vote, and we encourage voting choices that are favorable to environmental conservation and sustainability.

So please, make sure you look for your ballot in the mail and make sure you complete and mail your ballot at the earliest possible opportunity. Learn more about the recall election here.
Bird of the Month: Long-billed Curlew
Birds featured here have been seen at the Ballona Reserve or in the surrounding area.
Interesting Facts
The Long-billed Curlew is the largest shorebird in North America and its genus name, Numenius, means "of the new moon" which refers to the dark thin curved tip of its bill.
Habitat: breeding occurs in grasslands in the mid-western plains of North America like the Great Plains and Great Basin; wintering occurs in wetlands, estuaries, and beaches along the southern coasts

Diet: aquatic invertebrates and insects, their bill acts as tweezers pulling prey up from the substrate and bringing the prey to its mouth, like this

Nesting: in shallow depressions on dry grounds in areas with low vegetation; nest comprise of grasses, animal droppings, pebbles, seeds, and bark
Your Contributions Further Our Efforts!
Contributions collected are used to advance our efforts to advocate for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem. Any contributions are greatly appreciated.
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The Ballona Wetlands Land Trust is a non-profit community organization
dedicated to advocating for the greater Ballona Wetlands ecosystem and to facilitating access to this ecosystem for education, stewardship, and public outreach.