Dear Friends,

I have heard from many of you about the growing issue of homelessness in East County, and I share your concerns. That's why I wanted to send you an update, so you know the steps the County is taking to address this issue.
Although it's the Board of Supervisors' job to set the direction for County government, it is the work of County staff to implement that strategy. To ensure that all available resources are being brought to address the large encampment on Magnolia Ave in the unincorporated area of El Cajon, I requested an update from the County’s Department of Homeless Solutions. Their update, and some recent articles about homelessness in East County, are below.

It's my job to make County government work for you. If there is any way my office can ever be of assistance to you, please do not hesitate to use the contact form on my website for the fastest response, email me at, or give me a call (619) 441-4327.

As always, it's an honor to serve you.
Joel Anderson
Supervisor, District 2
General Updates
Agencies On-Site Daily (from 3/16/22 - 3/31/22):
  • Office of Homeless Solutions (OHS)
  • Homeless Solutions & Equitable Communities (HSEC) Department
  • Homeless Assistance Resource Team (HART) Sheriff's Deputies
  • Home Start – City of El Cajon homeless outreach contractor
  • Behavioral Health Services (BHS) – East County Mental Health Center outreach staff
  • People Assisting The Homeless (PATH) – BHS contracted outreach staff
  • Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PERT)
  • Equus – Housing and Community Development Services (HCDS, a County agency) contractor for housing vouchers
  • Beginning April 1, the above agencies will return to weekly on-site visits.

Updates from Agencies
Department of Public Works (DPW):
  • On 3/17, DPW removed a significant amount of accumulated waste from the site: 20 cubic yards of solid waste (including an entire truckload of shopping carts), 15 gallons of biohazardous waste (feces and urine), 300 needles, and 29 aerosol cans.
  • The week of 3/21, DPW was scheduled to be onsite for two days to remove relinquished trash and debris while individuals continue to Shelter-in-Place and work with outreach team members.

Sheriff's Department
  • Sheriff’s HART deputies are onsite daily with County Office of Homeless Solutions staff providing outreach assistance, transportation and facilitation into housing and other resources.
  • HART Team has met with El Cajon PD to collaborate on homeless issues and partnerships.
  • HART PERT clinician has conducted multiple mental health evaluations to facilitate resources while working with BHS.
In Case You Missed It
Photo by Peggy Peattie for Voice of San Diego
Key Points:
  • The East County region is home to the second-highest number of individuals experiencing homelessness
  • Anderson and BoS are bringing a greater sense of urgency to addressing this issue than in years past
  • Anderson introduced proposal to look into safe parking lots in East County
  • Anderson and Lawson-Remer introduced a shallow rent subsidy to help keep seniors in their homes
  • Anderson advocated for increased and sustaining collaboration between cities and the county, and for approaching homelessness from a regional perspective
Key Points:
  • Many County departments and Offices came together to hold a homeless resource fair on March 12
  • Anderson stopped by the event and shared 4 approaches to reducing homelessness
  • First, Anderson mentioned the shallow rent subsidy program to help keep seniors in their homes
  • Second, Anderson is trying to push for small homes and safe overnight parking lots for the homeless
  • Third, outreach is needed to cut down on first time homelessness
  • Finally, the County is working to provide more permanent solutions with services and shelters

Supervisor Joel Anderson
Office Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

County Administration Center
Phone: 619-531-5522

El Cajon District Office
Phone: 619-441-4327

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