March 22, 2022

Dear Fellow Members & Special Guests,

We look forward to seeing you tomorrow, Wed.

Mar. 23 at 6pm, at the Wayfinder Hotel, for the fifth and final lecture of our 20th Annual Michael F. Crowley Lecture Series, featuring guest speaker, Steve Marino.

A reception with light hors d’oeuvres will be held following the lecture and Q&A.

Click HERE for the lecture description and speaker bio, and please read on for important reminders.

Thank you for sharing this information with those in your party who do not have email access.

J. Howard McGrath

Patrick J. Boyle (1860-1923)

Photo from the collections of the Newport Historical Society

The Life and Times of Patrick J. Boyle,

Newport's First Irish Mayor

Guest Speaker:

Steve Marino

Wednesday, March 23, 6:00 pm

The Wayfinder Hotel


Virtually, via Zoom

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This lecture has made possible by a generous gift from:

Important Information:

  • The lecture fee/donation is $5 per person payable at the door. Cash or Check to "MNIH."

  • To speed your entrance into the venue and prevent crowding at check-in, we suggest you arrive a bit early and please have your lecture fee ready. If paying via currency, exact change is much appreciated.

  • If you have joined the Museum to attend this lecture you do NOT pay the $5 per-person lecture fee.Your just-paid 1-Year Membership fee entitles you to attend this first lecture as our guest. Welcome!

  • Those of you with Annual (vs. Life) membership are due for renewal at this time, unless you have recently make a payment. Please consider renewing online via below link or bringing a check with you to the lecture (Individual membership $20/Family $30).

  • To cancel your in-person reservation, kindly contact Ann at or by phoning (917) 270-3372.

  • If you are unable to attend in person, e.g. due to illness, please consider participating virtually via Zoom. Registration is required to receive the Zoom login info. Click HERE for Zoom registration.

  • Including Q&A, the lecture will run approximately one hour. The presentation will be videotaped and a link to the recording may be found on the "Lectures" page of our website several days after the event.

  • Our post-lecture reception will include complimentary light hors d'oeuvres (cash bar).

  • We know many of you like to "make a night of it" and enjoy supper before or after our lectures. The Wayfinder Hotel restaurant, "Nomi Park", will not be open for dinner service the evening of Wed. Mar. 23, so if you are planning to enjoy supper out, please make alternative arrangements.

  • As a reminder, we ask that all attendees be fully vaccinated, per previous communications.

Any other questions, please touch base.

See you Wednesday evening!


Ann Arnold May

Lecture Series & Membership Coordinator

on behalf of the Museum of Newport Irish History Board of Directors, Deanna Conheeny, President

(917) 270-3372 - mobile

(401) 841-5493 - landline

Museum of Newport Irish History

Mailing Address:
PO Box 1378, Newport, RI 02840

Interpretive Center Location:
648 Lower Thames Street, Newport RI 02840


Museum Board of Directors:
Mar. 27, 12:30 pm Historic Cemetery Tour Info
Mar. 27, 3:00 pm "Dancing at the 40 Steps" info.
NEW! Walking Tour Brochures Now Available
Membership Renewals
Visit our Website