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Dear Lori,,
There comes a point each year when the weather shifts—always a bit earlier than I’d like. It has been unseasonably cold lately, and as someone with Charlotte, NC roots, I can’t say I’m thrilled about it. Cold weather has never been my favorite. However, my children are eagerly anticipating snow—not just a flurry, but the kind of snowfall that brings magic to their eyes and allows snowmen to be built.
Despite the chill, my true excitement lies in all that’s happening at Messiah this Advent season.
This Sunday, we will bring back our Giving Tree gifts for nearly thirty families we are serving this year. On Wednesday, we’ll gather to sort and organize these gifts during Pack, Pray, and Eat. We’ll also prepare Christmas food bags as part of our Food Pounding outreach. After dinner, we’re in for a special treat with a Christmas Handbell Concert at 7 PM.
Additionally, this Sunday at 3 PM, we’ll enjoy our annual Messiah at Messiah concert. What a blessing it is to be part of a community that celebrates Advent in so many meaningful ways!
I hope to see you soon,
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9 AM Worship Service
A blended service with weekly communion
Children's Church (ages 4-10)
10 AM Sunday School for All Ages
Adults have a choice of 5 classes (read more)
Children attend both music and classroom time divided by age
11:15 AM Worship Service
A blended service
Children's Church (ages 4-10)
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In This Issue
Giving Tree: Gifts due Sunday!
Messiah @ Messiah: This Sunday, December 8 at 3pm
- Unlikely Advent: A sermon series and Churchwide Study
Bridge Builders
- Oh! Holy Night
- Volunteer: Be a Tutor
Snack Supper: Bring Dinner for Youth Group
Wednesday at Messiah
Midweek Connection: Wednesday @ Noon in the Fellowship Hall
Pack, Pray, Eat: Giving Tree @ 5:30pm
Children's Handbells: Wednesday @ 5:45pm
Handbell Christmas Concert: Wednesday @ 7pm
Sanctuary Refresh: Coming in January
Blue Christmas Service: December 15
- Child Enrichment Preschool (CEP)
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At Messiah, The Giving Tree has been a cherished annual tradition for 40 years. It's a wonderful opportunity to share the joy of Christmas with children in our community who might not otherwise be able to celebrate.
Last year, your generosity overflowed the Church office with beautifully chosen and joyfully wrapped gifts. It was a joy to be surrounded by such tangible evidence of your Christmas spirit!
Giving Tree gifts due THIS WEEK!
Gifts due by December 8. Remember to join us for a special, Pack, Pray, Eat on December 11 as we prepare the gifts for delivery!
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Messiah @ Messiah
Join us in the Sanctuary, December 8 at 3pm, for our performance of Handel's Messiah. This concert combines the voices of community members with our Chancel Choir, professional soloists, and a professional orchestra for a glorious performance of Handel’s Messiah.
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An Unlikely Advent
Sermon Series & Churchwide Study
Begins December 1
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Join us this December as we delve into the stories of some of the more unlikely figures in the Advent narrative and uncover the profound lessons God has for us.
This 4-week sermon series features a weekly Churchwide study led by our pastors at 10am in the Fellowship Hall. (Also available online, links will be sent in Sunday email.) Want to prepare? Pick up your copy of Unlikely Advent in the office Sunday!
December 1: "What If I Missed It?"
December 8: "Playing the Villain"
December 15: "A Curious People"
December 22: "When God Shows Up"
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Bridge Builders
Intergenerational Connection and Volunteer Opportunities
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Oh! Holy Night
Join Us for a Christmas Celebration for All Ages!
As the holiday season approaches, we warmly invite you to our special event, Oh! Holy Night, on December 14th from 4:30 to 6 PM.
Event Highlights:
- Bethlehem Dinner: Catch the holiday spirit as you eat a wonderful meal inspired by the flavors of Bethlehem and share holiday plans with one another!
- Movies: Enjoy heartwarming Christmas movies that capture the spirit of the season. Perfect for all ages, these films will bring smiles and holiday cheer.
- Crafts: Get creative with fun and festive craft activities. Whether you’re young or young at heart, there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
- Music: Immerse yourself in the beautiful sounds of Christmas music. Sing along to your favorite carols and let the melodies fill your heart with joy.
This event is family-friendly and open to everyone. Whether you’re looking to make new friends, spend quality time with loved ones, or simply enjoy the holiday spirit, Oh! Holy Night is the perfect place to be.
Mark your calendars and join us for an evening of celebration, community, and Christmas cheer. We look forward to seeing you there!
Date: December 14th
Time: 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM
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Volunteer Tutoring at Cardinal Forest
We need two additional tutors for this ministry.
The Messiah/Cardinal Forest tutoring program will begin on Tuesday, January 7 from 4-5pm.
If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please contact Tina Nojek at or 703-644-4020
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Snack Supper
Youth Group meets in the Youth Center on Sunday evenings at 5pm for a Snack Supper followed by conversation and activities. Suppers can be as simple as cereal and milk. You bring the food, set-up, serve, and clean-up.
We welcome individuals, families, and groups to volunteer. This can be a good activity for a Sunday School Class or other small group looking for ways to be involved with the Youth!
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Wednesdays at Messiah
Messiah has a lot happening during the week too! Whether you are looking to serve the community, grow in your faith, make some music, or fellowship with others, Wednesday at Messiah has something happening for you!
| Midweek Connection is a casual and friendly chance to connect with our community over a warm bowl of homemade soup. Join us Wednesdays at noon in the Fellowship Hall. We can't wait to get to know you better! |
Pack, Pray, Eat
Join us for a service project, then stay and enjoy a delicious dinner surrounded by good company!
This is a terrific opportunity for the whole family to serve our community together.
Wednesdays at 5:30PM
December 11
Giving Tree & Christmas Food Pounding
December 18
Weekend Backpacks & Produce Ministry
Children's Handbells
Children’s Handbells meets weekly during Pack, Pray, Eat on Wednesdays beginning at 5:45pm. This is a drop-in program, no prior experience or commitment is required. Ages Pre-K- 6th grade.
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Handbell Concert
Join us at 7pm for a special Christmas concert by our adult Handbell Ringers.
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Messiah CEP Preschool
2024-25 Classes is open!
**We offer 4 hour days with optional After Care!!**
*MILITARY DISCOUNT on Registration Fees!*
Messiah Preschool offers classes for ages 2 years through 4 years old. Our play-based curriculum uses sensory and pretend play, STEM projects, process art, cooking and MORE, which allows for each child to have a developmentally appropriate preschool experience.
Our guiding philosophy is that children learn best about themselves and their environment in an atmosphere where a variety of experiences exist and achievement pressures are minimized.
Please visit our website for more information about class offerings, tuition rates and to register using our online form!
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