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Hello conservation community,

Happy July! Temperatures are warming up, we're celebrating this fiscal year's programming, planning is in swing for Summer Oak Maintenance, and we're recruiting more Stream Watch volunteers to track when our streams go dry this summer. We hope you're enjoying the early days of summer, and fingers crossed we see you out and about at one of our events!

Until next time,

Napa RCD

This Month's News

Program Spotlight

  • Breaking Barriers: Campbell Creek Culvert Removal

News & Announcements

  • Pollinator Planting Assistance for Vineyard Partners
  • 2023 Water Conservation Video Contest Winners Announced!
  • We Want Your Feedback!
  • Clear As Mud- Workshop 3 Scheduled

In Case You Missed It

  • Meet Your Neighbors- Prescribed Burn Association Meetings Scheduled
  • Stream Watch Tracks When Streams Go Dry

Upcoming Programs

  • See below for details

Breaking Barriers: Campbell Creek Culvert Removal

The current Campbell Creek culvert.

Style of the proposed replacement culvert.

As part of Napa County’s continuing efforts to address resource concerns in our watersheds, partners have been looking at stream crossings on County maintained roads. County staff have been looking for projects that would prevent large amounts of sediment from being deposited into our creeks, as well as projects that could improve the ability of our native fishes to make it into the farther reaches of their spawning habitat.

In Campbell Creek, there is a 6ft diameter culvert near the confluence with Campbell Creek and Dry Creek. The culvert was categorized as high priority during a 1998 stream inventory because it was expected to be a total barrier (impassable to all fish at all flows) due to excessive jump height into the culvert, inadequate jump pool depth, and high downstream water velocities during large storms.

Napa County Department of Public Works is working with Stantec Engineering to design a bottomless concrete arch culvert to replace the existing culvert. This upgrade will increase flow capacities and allow for better access to upstream habitats for steelhead trout. Public Works and Stantec are currently working on the design, review, permitting, and grant funding opportunities to implement the project, expected to be finished by summer of 2024. Because the existing culvert is undersized for peak flows from a 100-yr storm event, upgrading the crossing will also prevent roughly 1,150 cubic yards of sediment from falling into the stream and river systems if the stream crossing were to wash out.

Read the full article, including the history and timeline of the project, at the Napa RCD website.

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News & Announcements

Pollinator Planting Assistance

Napa RCD is looking for vineyard partners who are interested in increasing pollinator habitat in Napa County by establishing permanent pollinator cover crop mixes. In partnership with the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD), and with funding from the Wildlife Conservation Board (WCB), we will provide interested farmers with compost and a California Native pollinator cover crop seed mix to cover between 1 and 10 acres of vineyard middles.

Deadline to apply is August 15th, 2023. 

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2023 Water Conservation Video Contest Winners Announced

This year we had a over 60 entries into the Water Conservation Video Contest! The quality was high, and our judges had a very hard time narrowing down the options to the top three videos.

The theme this year was "Planning for those not-so-rainy days: Drought is a part of California life. Despite wet years, worsening drought will continue to be a public concern in our state. How can we use outdoor water most efficiently to plan for long-term water conservation?"

Take a look at this year's winning videos:

1st place: Save Water Me-Now, Lydia Zhou (American Canyon High School)

2nd place: Water Conservation 101, Sophie Stone and Anika Ewig (Vintage High School)

3rd place: Water You Waiting For?, Giselle Mylen Hinahon (American Canyon High School)

Congratulations, winners, and thank you to all that participated!

View all Winning Videos

We Want Your Feedback!

Napa RCD is a part of the Inner Coast Collaborative (ICC), a regional partnership of Napa RCD, Clear Lake Environmental Resource Center, Colusa County RCD, Solano RCD, Sonoma RCD, and Yolo County RCD that receives funding from the Department of Conservation's Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Grant.

To help inform regional forest and fire planning efforts, a survey has been created to summarize the socio-ecological context of the region's resilience to wildfire. Data from this survey helps inform decision-making and is a way for folks in Northern California to provide input on efforts to plan for and mitigate wildfire throughout the region. The survey takes 10-15 minutes to complete and will remain open until Tuesday, August 1, 2023.

Take the Survey

North Coast Soil Hub Schedules Third "Clear as Mud" Workshop

The journey through the mud continues as we join our friends at the North Coast Soil Hub for a series of workshops designed for ag professionals. This time around, join the North Coast Soil Hub for a virtual, in-depth discussion about biochar and its potential as a soil amendment on working lands. 

Register Here

In Case You Missed It

Meet Your Neighbors! Prescribed Burn Association Meetings Scheduled

Join University of California Cooperative Extension and Napa RCD for a series of Prescribed Burn Association (PBA) community meetings. Learn more about PBAs and talk with other community members interested in starting one in Napa County.

Community Meeting #3- July 20, 5:30-7pm

Seavey Vineyard, St Helena. REGISTRATION REQUIRED

Community Meeting #4- July/August, 5:30-7pm

Berryessa Area. Details to Come.

More Info

Stream Watch Tracks When Streams Go Dry

Join the Stream Watch Team and help us track when our streams go dry, and when they start running again in fall!

We've got data points along streams throughout the Napa River Watershed, but we're really hoping some folks in the Calistoga area can adopt a stream or two from our list. What does that mean? Every week from fall to the start of summer, volunteers make a photo observation and answer a few questions about the water level of a stream and the trash level in and around the stream. The whole process takes 5 minutes each week, so it's perfect if you're out for a bike ride or daily walk!

Right now, we're especially interested in when our streams stop flowing for the summer. Weekly observations are important so that over time, we can track trends year over year.

Think you'd like to join the Stream Watch Team? Visit the Stream Watch page on our website, and reach out to Ashley at

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Upcoming Programs

Napa StoryWalk at

Moore Creek Park

July 8 | 9am

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Clear as Mud: Biochar

July 13 | 10am - 12pm

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Community Oak Maintenance Day at Alston Park

July 15 | 9-11am

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PBA Community Meeting 3

July 20 | 5:30pm - 7pm

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For more watershed-related events, visit

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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |