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Celebrating the Art of Collecting
Jubilee Quilt Circle Second Thursday Workshop
Newer Forms Exhibition
Farewell to Our Curator
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COVID-19 Update
The Collective's Gift Shop
Jubilee Quilt Circle

Celebrating the Art of Collecting

Last Call

Renowned art collector Lester Marks and his wife Dr. Penelope Gonzalez will open their home to guests for a view of his spectacular collection of contemporary art with a focus on his prized African American art.

The hybrid in-person art reception and virtual presentation will include a live streamed interview of noted artist Trenton Doyle Hancock, who looms large in the Marks' Collection, a private silent auction, an online auction, an art raffle, luscious lite bites and libations, interaction with many of the featured artists and valet parking. Three special awards will be presented at the event. Lee Ann Carrier will receive the Artist-in-Action Award; Carole A. Pinkett, the Beverly P. Harmon Service Award; and Norman J. Nelson for Linebarger for the Arts Patron of the Year Award.

Purchase your tickets for the event, raffle tickets and auction registration on Eventbrite.