
March 2025

Senior Enrichment Center

18255 Victory Blvd.

Reseda, CA 91335


Activities Schedule and Menu Link

Wilkinson Senior Center

8956 Vanalden Ave.

Northridge, CA 91324


Activities Schedule, Travel and Menu Link

Special Events

Click here for Festival Sponsorship Form
Click here for Food and Beverage Vendor Forms

Encino Farmers Market - Every Sunday 8am to 1pm

ONEgeneration in the News

Brookdale Foundation Group

Thank you to The Brookdale Foundation and colleagues for the successful article publication in the GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy highlighting the efforts organizations across the country (including Grandparents As Parents) have continued to make in identifying successful respite services for Kinship Households in a post-pandemic society. Click here to read article.

Intergenerational Activities

Throughout February, the Intergenerational Program at ONEgeneration celebrated Black History Month by recreating artwork and engaging in games and songs that highlighted the achievements of various inventors and honorees. In the spirit of love and friendship, the children and their neighbors crafted Valentine’s Day cards and friendship bracelets. To also spent some time making a mix media collage and color sorting. They continued their connections by making Presidents' Day headbands and crafting a special suncatcher in honor of Ramadan. This month, both adults and children not only strengthened their bonds but also came together to celebrate diverse cultural traditions and holidays.

In Gratitude

National Caregiver’s Day was last month and ONEgeneration would like to thank all the family caregivers who are caring for their loved ones. In honor of the day, our staff and volunteers assisted the older adults in our daycare program with creating cards for their caregivers in honor of today.

Mental Health Expansion Grant

ONEgeneration is grateful to our long-time community partner Health Net for their recent grant in support of our Mental & Behavioral Health Expansion Project. ONEgeneration is committed to the expansion and development of increasing access to Mental & Behavioral Health Services for both the members of our Senior Enrichment and Wilkinson Senior Centers as well as the clients enrolled in our Care Management Programs.

Food Pantry Volunteers

Thank you to all of our volunteers including our Nursing interns from West Coast University who helped with our walk-up food pantry giving out food and cases of water to over 180 older adults last month. If you or someone you know is facing food insecurity, our pantry is open to the public the 2nd Tuesday of each month from 9-11 am or until food runs out at 17400 Victory Blvd.

Mirman School

Last month middle schoolers from the Mirman school joined our Senior Enrichment Center. Students brought their lunches and joined our members while they enjoyed their meal and conversation with young visitors. Afterwards the students engaged in chair exercise alongside older adults who take this class regularly. Both populations were able to learn a bit about each other while making new friends.

Valentines Flower Arranging Class

Thank you to Perry from Total Senior for sponsoring a very special Valentine's Day inspired Flower Arranging Class at ONEgeneration's Wilkinson Senior Center last month. The next class will be on March 11th at 10 am. RSVPs are required. To participate please call (818) 654-8376. Space is limited.

Wilkinson Senior Center

ONEgeneration's Wilkinson Senior Center would like to thank everyone who participated in last month's Valentine's Day Dance including our sponsors Anthem Blue Cross, Senior Helpers of Granada Hills, Senior Care Center, Humana, and Trader Joes in Granada Hills! Love was in the air!

For Goodness Cakes LA and AARP

Huge thank you to the volunteer team from For Goodness Cakes Los Angeles and AARP for stopping by our Adult Day Care Center's Valentine's Day party last month and distributing delicious cupcakes and beautiful roses to our seniors.

Senior Enrichment Center

ONEgeneration's Senior Enrichment Center would like to thank everyone who participated in last month's Valentine's Day Dance including our sponsors Optum and MJM Insurance Services. Special thanks to the students from USC Marshall Brittingham Social Enterprise Lab who joined us on the dance floor!

Waltham Council on Aging Senior Center 

ONEgeneration would like to extend our deep appreciation to the Waltham Council on Aging Senior Center in Waltham, Massachusetts for their outreach to support seniors in fire impacted areas. Their large donation of Ensure was distributed to older adults who were displaced by the fires and in need of nutritional support.  

Program Updates

ONEgeneration's Senior Enrichment Center 

  • Location: 18255 Victory Blvd., Reseda, CA 91335
  • Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
  • Annual Registration of $15.00 can be paid by cash, check or card
  • Call (818) 705-2345 for more information
  • Class Schedule click here
  • Lunch Menu click here

Wilkinson Senior Center - Northridge

Nutrition Services

  • Homebound Meal Delivery: If you are a Senior, 60 years or older and in need of meal delivery, please call our Case Management in-take line at (818)708-6624 for information. 
  • Dining Center: ONEgeneration Senior Enrichment Center: Reseda: In-person dining, Monday - Friday. REGISTRATION for lunch will be open starting at 10:30am. Lunch served at 11:30am - 12:30pm. $3 suggested donation. Information (818)705-2345.
  • Dining Center: Owensmouth: In-person dining Monday - Friday, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. $3 suggested donation. Information: (818) 708-4758, Please leave a message.
  • Dining Center: Canoga Park: In-person dining Monday - Friday, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM. $3 suggested donation. Information: (818) 708-4758, Please leave a message. 
  • Dining Center: ONEgeneration Wilkinson Senior Center: Northridge: In-person dining, Monday - Friday. Lunch served at 11:30am - 12:30pm. $3 suggested donation. Please call to register (818) 654-8382. 
  • Dining Center: Plummer Village Apartments, 15450 Plummer Street, North Hills 91343. In-Person, meals served Monday-Friday from 12:00 to 1:00 PM. Please call (818) 654-8376 for more information.
  • Dining Center City of San Fernando Las Palmas Park: In-person dining weekdays from 11:00 am to 12:00 pm. $3 suggested donation. Please call to register (818) 654-8007. 
  • Homebound Meal Delivery (Calabasas/Agoura Hills Areas & City of San Fernando): If you are a Senior, 60 years or older, in the Calabasas/Agoura Hills Areas or in the City of San Fernando and need meal delivery, please call (818) 654-8007 for more information.

Transportation Services

  • If you are a Senior, 65 years old or older and are in need of transportation, please call 818-708-6614 for information.

Adult Daycare    

 ONEgeneration's Adult Daycare program has re-opened in-center operations.

Infant/Toddler & Preschool Programs

These programs are currently open with modifications.

  • Call 818-708-6377 for more information.

Grandparents As Parents

  • Call 818-264-0880 for information about participating in a support group or for other available resources.
  • Court Navigation services are available free of charge. Please contact Jaime, ONEgeneration's Court Navigator at 818-370-2263 for an appointment.

Encino Farmers Market

Open Sundays from 8 am to 1 pm at 17400 Victory Blvd. Plenty of free parking.

  • Business/Community outreach booth rentals available each week contact 
  • Follow us on social media @encinofarmersmarket

Volunteer Opportunities

We have many no-contact volunteer opportunities. All volunteer work is 'in-person".

Red Cross Fire Relief Services Click Here

Adult Daycare Center Support Groups

4th Wednesday 9:30-11 AM

Family Caregiver Support Group - In Person

1st Tuesday 3-4 pm Family Caregiver Support Group - Virtual

1st & 3rd Tuesday, 2-3 pm

Women's Support Group -

In Person

ONEcaregiver Website

ONEgeneration Mental Health Campaign for Youth

ONEgeneration Energy & Water Conservation Programs

Attention residents of Calabasas, Agoura Hills, Westlake Village and West Hollywood: ONEgeneration has a new partnership with the Clean Power Alliance. We can help you with applying for utility assistance, energy conservation, and with rebates for energy-efficient appliances. Contact our Environmental Projects Manager, Juana Torres for more information: 

Grandparents As Parents

ONEgeneration's Grandparents As Parents Program

Health & Wellness Resources Links

City of Los Angeles 311 call center provides various options to connect to a wide variety of non-emergency City services and general City information. Some of the most popular City services can be requested by calling 311 or (213) 473-3231, visiting, or using the MyLA311 mobile app.

City of Los Angeles Neighborhood Info

County of Los Angeles Older Adults Resources

COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 Vaccinations

Get a Digital Copy of your COVID-19 Vaccination Record

​​​​​​Medi-Nurse Line: ​​​​​​If you don’t have health care coverage, or you have Medi-Cal but don’t have a regular doctor, the advice line can connect you with a nurse to talk about COVID-19 symptoms and help connect you with local resources. This service is available 24/7. Call (877) 409-9052​​.


Homebound Older Adult Vaccinations

Adult Protective Services

California Drug Take Back Program

Pierce College Encore Classes

Fight Chronic

Friendship Line

LA County Hotline: If you are feeling depressed call 1-800-854-7771


National 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline


Patient's Rights

Alzheimer's Association - Southland

Chapter March Activities

Alzheimer's Association Emergency Situations

Regal Medical Group Free Classes

HOPE - UCLArts & Healing - Meditation and Music

Front Porch: Well-Connected on-line classes and activities

Front Porch: Well-Connected on-line classes and activities : Spanish

Senior Planet from AARP - On-line activities

LA County Library digital card Use card for free movies and TV: Kanopy & Hoopla.

Story Corps Connect for virtually interviews

Free Wi-FiClick on the link for a list of Library parking lots offering fee Wi-Fi.

Flyers en Español

Community Resources

Construction will soon begin at the Metro G Line Van Nuys Station

Metro will soon close Van Nuys Station to initiate the construction of two bridges at Van Nuys Bl and Vesper Av and a new aerial station at Van Nuys Bl. Construction could begin as early as February 21, 2025, through late 2027.

Work Location: Metro G Line alignment between Van Nuys Bl and Sepulveda Bl.

Construction Work Hours: Monday to Friday from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM.

Intermittent Weekend work from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM or Nighttime Work from 9:00 PM to 7:00 AM. Click on flyer for more information on additional closures.

(818) 847-3828

(800) 824-0780

(818) 342-4686

(800) 434-0222

ONEgeneration Senior Centers'

Resident Newsletter Poet


a poem by Norman Molesko  

Mother Earth and Father Time

can acknowledge my existence and

my essence as an elder now.


I appreciate my serenity and my peaceful outlook.

No hustle and bustle like most of the world cherishes.


As an elder, who is approaching a century now,

I don’t know how long I will have to live,

days, weeks, months or maybe years.


I wish you all

a meaningful and fulfilling life

in your world of goodness.

© Norman Molesko 2025 Ambassador For Seniors


In honor Jenna 'cuz she is truly AWESOME!!!!! Carol & Stuart Zimring.

In memory of George & Kaoru Suzuki. Irene Suzuki

In honor of Robert & Renee Resnick. Ronda Tkac  

Ways to Support ONEgeneration

Donation: Help us support older adults in our communities! We depend on community member donations to keep our programs running. We thank you for your generosity! Donate on our website using PayPal or a credit card by clicking on the button above or visiting our website at and clicking on the Donate Now button.

Ralphs Reward Card: Register ONEgeneration as your Ralphs Reward Card's designated nonprofit organization and ONEgeneration will earn donation funds each time you shop at Ralphs. Register online at by clicking on the button above or by calling 800-443-4438.

Facebook Campaign: Did you know that you can create a fundraiser on Facebook and select ONEgeneration as the non-profit you would like to the funds to go towards? Just pick @ONEgencares, the amount you would like to raise and the end date of the campaign. ONEgeneration will later receive all of the funds raised.

Legacy Brick:

Honor a loved one with a personalized engraved brick placed near the main entrance of our Intergenerational Center.

To learn more please email

In-Kind Donations: ONEgeneration's Senior Enrichment Center Thrift Corner Store is looking for donations of slightly used clothing and household items. For questions or to schedule a donation drop-off, call Andree Goens at 818-708-6605.

Vehicle Donations:

Donate an old car to ONEgeneration and everything will be handled for you, including free pickup. Click on button above to be taken to our vehicle donation web page or call 855-500-RIDE or 855-500-7433 for more information.

Donor-Advised Funds: If you wish to make a donation to ONEgeneration through your DAF, please contact the Financial Institution holding these funds. Your desired contribution to ONEgeneration must come directly from them. Learn more on our website's donation page, scroll down on page to tabs.

Planned Giving: Leaving a legacy can help impact our communities for decades to come. Please consider ONEgeneration in your future giving plans. To learn about ONEgeneration's Planned Giving options, please contact Sue Sexton at 818-708-4756 or email

Check Donations: To donate via a check, please make it payable to ONEgeneration & mail to

ONEgeneration Fund Development, 17400 Victory Blvd., Van Nuys, CA 91406.

We appreciate your support!

Thank You to our Newsletter Sponsor

Paul Davis Insurance Services

Thank you to our Partners & Supporters! Click on images for additional information

Corebridge Financial

Bristol Hospice

Brandman Centers for Senior Care

Valley Presbyterian Hospital

UCLA Health

Mitch Greene - Mortgage Loan

Van Nuys Airport

West Val Pharmacy

Affiliations and Partnerships

ONEgeneration Board of Directors,

& Friends of ONEgeneration


  • Sahar PouyanradBoard Chair, Executive Director /Regional Team LeaderJ.P. Morgan Chase Bank 
  • Liz Altman-HarbergerBoard Vice Chair, Executive Vice President & Chief Marketing Officer, Corebridge Financial
  • Joe Lagrimas,  Board Vice Chair, Associate Vice President Medicare, Molina Healthcare
  • Nathaniel HuttonBoard Treasurer, Consultant, Oasis - CATCH Healthy Habits" Program
  • Jim EsterleBoard Secretary, Executive Consultant - HR & Development


  • Elmida Baghdaserians, Professor/Chair, Los Angeles Valley College
  • Wendy BavanProvidence St. Joseph Health
  • Jeff Borenstein M.D., M.P.H.Internal Medicine, UCLA Health
  • Catherine CoddingtonDistrict Director, Office of Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel
  • Jeff Friedman, Vice President of Marketing, Dynamic Nursing, Inc.
  • Tanya Gardner-Haymon, Assistant Medical Center Administrator, Kaiser Permanente
  • Charles Laing, CPA, Clumeck Stern Schenkelberg & Getzoff
  • Gasia Majarian, Executive Director, Bristol Hospice
  • Casey Nathan, Partner, Sinclair Braun Kargher, LLC
  • Lindy Pearson, Owner, Oxygen Yoga & Fitness Agoura Hills
  • Rachael Rudd, Sr. VP, Plan Product (CA Medicare), Health Net
  • David Rutt, Principal, Dorfman & Rutt

  • Elder Roger Williams II, Practitioner of Public Health, Terra Health, LLC
  • Stuart D. Zimring, Esq., Principal, Law Offices of Stuart D. Zimring
  • Jenna Hauss, MSW, President & CEO, ONEgeneration
  • Kenneth KangCFO & COO, ONEgeneration

Board Emeritus

  • Gloria Pollack

In Memoriam

  • Karl Boeckmann
  • Fred Simmons, Esq.
  • Harry Vickman

FRIENDS of ONEgeneration

  • Marvin Burns, Esq.
  • Paul Davis
  • Rickey Gelb
  • Eva Goetz
  • Dan Osterweil, MD
  • Marion Ross
  • Dr. Judy Rosenberg
  • Susan Rothenberg
  • Congressman Brad Sherman
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