Membership Newsletter
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
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Welcome to our bi-weekly newsletter's current edition (Volume 49), "LEAD LIKE ANDREW." It's a quick-read, multi-topic news channel for members to see what is going on, what is planned, and what successes from the previous weeks.
We urge you to contact us with news, tidbits, or notices of upcoming events in your area so that we can include them! We also value your feedback on this newsletter or how your national office is serving you.
Don't hesitate to get in touch with Conrad Jones (email Conrad) or
Dr. Roy Benavides (email Roy) for feedback or for sharing newsletter information!
Please share this newsletter with other men in your parish or community.
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Chapter and Brother News!
Send us pictures and short writeups of what great things are going on in your Brotherhood world! We'd love to share!
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Christ Church, Elizabeth City, NC
The Brotherhood Chapter at Christ Church in Elizabeth City, NC partnered with Gateway to Heaven Church in bringing an abundance of God's love to the Hickory Village Mobile Home Park. Good food, good music, and good fellowship. as the Brothers coordinated an event which brought free food, music and games for the children (and adults) to an economically disadvantaged trailer park. Many of the mobile homes didn't even have electricity or running water. The Brothers hope that the Holy Spirit used their presence to move at least one person one step closer to becoming a Christian. A special thanks to Rudge & Bob for cooking, Fr Daniel for bringing toys for the boys, and Isaac for being a pied piper! And to end the event the Lord saw fit to wash the tables, chairs, tents, equipment, and the Brothers so they wouldn’t have to wash them themselves! Well done guys!
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St. Timothy's Centennial, CO
From Br. Mickey Jackson
At St. Tim’s different people provide goodies for coffee hour. Our hospitality coordinator is always trying to find people to support this and would like to encourage different groups in the church to support coffee hour as a group. We as the Brotherhood decided to provide for Father’s Day, so we took up a collection and I made a shopping trip on the Saturday before. We had many goodies and there was enough left over to help supplement for a couple following weeks.
We lost one of our faithful members recently to cancer. Dennis Haugh was a great addition to our studies with his PHD in the bible and having written his thesis on Paul. Dennis came to the Episcopal Church from the Catholic Church while working on his PHD. Dennis had been in Home Hospice since last November and originally was not expected to make Christmas. About 3 weeks before his passing, four of us went for a visit. We spent about 45 minutes talking and remembering and Dennis sharing his journey with cancer. Just before we left, we gathered around his bed, laid hands on him and prayed. The Rev. Deacon Wes Agar also joined us via phone. Dennis fell a couple weeks later and broke his pelvis. He then went into Porter hospice and died peacefully in his sleep a few days later. We will miss him.
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Membership Updates
(Through 7/11/23)
1289 Sr. Members paid
177 New Members!
411 Life Members
11 Junior Members
33 Associate Members
That's 1744!
Coming August 26th ....New Member Orientation!
Recognizing our
Sustaining Members
Sustaining Members refers Brothers who have made a commitment to offer a monthly (or other frequency) donation to the Brotherhood over and above their regular Sr. Membership dues or a Life membership.
Many of us do make additional donations throughout the year (Ex: special appeals, purchase of the Sweepstakes tickets, etc.), but this a pledged commitment of recurring donations in a regular, consistent recurring donation throughout the year by month or quarter. It can be done via PayPal or bank draft or credit card. It represents a commitment to financially support our ministry on an ongoing basis.
At this time, the national office is aware of only 27 Brothers (less than 1% of our membership) who have made this commitment to ongoing support for our ministry. I'm asking you to pray about how you might also commit to this "sustained donor giving" if you are not already doing so. Please email me indicating your intention to support this effort. No need to inform me of the amount, just that you want to be a part of this and at what frequency.
Thanks be to these Brothers for their commitment to financially supporting our ministry throughout the year.
Br. James Miller Br. John Streeter Br. David Adams
Br. Evans Clements Br. Ellis Clifton Br. Nick Cox
Br. Cecil Buxo Br. Walt Joyce Br. Leland Metheney
Br. Louis Surles Br. John Blossom Br. Eric Fisher
Br. John Thompson-Quartey Br. Arthur Simpson
Br. Oliver Evans Br. Peter Gilmour Br. Ken Holloway
Br. Roy Benavides Br. Conrad Jones Br. Ed Milbrada
Br. Ray Talbird Br. George Shumard Br. Jeff Butcher
Br. Tom Simpson Br. Dick Hooper Br. Eric Haralson
Br. Evens Clements
Can you commit to a $10/month (or more) donation to this ministry and community of men that you belong to? I pray you will consider this commitment as well. It is important, if not critical, to the ongoing vitality of our ministry to men and youth. I'm sure I can count on you. If you'd like to discuss more, email me by clicking here: conrad.jones@brothersandrew.net
Please reply back to me if you are already making a recurring monthly or quarterly recurring donation and don't see your name on this list so that I can double check with our national office to confirm and update your NEON profile and have your appreciation gift sent to you!
Members At Large
MAL News!
Bro. Lyn Reavis hosts a monthly zoom "breakfast" meeting for Members At Large (MAL). Using the Brothers Andrew Devotional Hand Book, the meeting ritual begins with our Chapter Devotional. His Life Line format focus on Study, Prayer, and a Commitment to Service in each members local parish or community. The Study usually considers a Saint from the church's liturgical calendar. Members At Large or anyone interested in the Brotherhood is invited. Check our Members Newsletter "Lead Like Andrew" for more information about the zoom link and schedule. Otherwise, the session usually falls on the third Saturday of each month at 9:30 Central Time. Bro. Lyn can be reached at lyn.reavis@brothersandrew.net.
Mark Your Calendars For
These Upcoming Events!
Tune in to our
next webinar
Wednesday, August 2 at 8 p.m. (EDT)
Former NASA Administrator, Secretary of the Navy, and senior executive at the Airbus Group, is currently a member of the faculty at the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. Previous to his Airbus appointment, he was a company officer and Vice President at General Electric following his service as Chancellor of Louisiana State University. He was appointed 69th Secretary of the Navy by President George H.W. Bush, and previously served as Comptroller and Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Defense.
He states his faith has been what has helped him through many tragedies, including the Columbia space
shuttle disaster in 2001 when he was head of NASA, and Hurricane Katrina that flooded LSU 2005. In
2010, O’Keefe and his son were aboard an aircraft that crashed in the Alaska wilderness which killed
former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens and four other passengers including the pilot. O’Keefe and his son
The monthly webinar is always the first Wednesday of the month at 8 p.m. (ET).
Click here to join the webinar on July 5!
Do you know when your diocese is having their next diocesan convention? If so, please let us know so we can post it here! AND if you or your chapter can man a table or booth at the convention, The Brotherhood has the materials and banners for a booth and we can pay the booth registration fee!
Show the rest of your diocese what The Brotherhood is all about and see if there are parishes that may be interested!
**229th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Virginia will be held in Fredericksburg, VA Nov. 2-4 at the Fredericksburg Convention Center
** Diocese of East Carolina's Revival and Ministry Fair at Newton Grove on October 21st
** Diocese of North Carolina will be held November 17-18 at the Benton Convention Center in High Point, NC
**Diocese of Rio Grande November 9-11 at St. Alban's, El Paso,TX
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Bob Dennis
National Day of Service
July 29
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In 2013, the Brotherhood introduced National Day of Service. Since then more than 180 new service projects have been undertaken by individual chapters. “Perhaps the most satisfying thing about National Service Day is the way Brotherhood chapters organize service projects that involve the entire parish,” said the late Brotherhood National President Bob Dennis.
Our National Day of Service will be July 29! Please begin planning your service project work with your chapters now and remember to send us pictures and stories of all the great service work you are delivering in your community!
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Sharing Our Treasures
Brotherhood's Virtual Silent Auction Is Coming!!!
New Dates!
August 19- September 5
Vintage baseball cards
Collectible Artwork or Antiques
Airline miles,
Sporting trips
Kentucky Bourbon
Hotel member points
Think of items you have valued at $100 or more that you'd be willing to donate to The Brotherhood that will be used in a virtual silent auction? Plans are in the works to hold an online silent auction in August.
Br. Lyn Reavis will be coordinating the fundraiser even through an ONLINE Silent Auction site. Drop him an email at lyn.reavis@brothersandrew.net if you have something to donate!
Or you can go directly to this site and you can register, put in your description, estimated value and a picture of your donation
donate your item here
We'll be sending out another emails next week with more details as well!
August 26th, 11am-1pm EDT.
In a joint effort between our Membership Committee, Field Operations VP and the Stewardship and Generosity Commission we will hold a
NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION! Stay tuned for details...the zoom call will be open to all members but focused on New Members who've joined us in 2023!
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Pray Day
Join us...
What better way to level set during the middle of the week? We will hold a weekly Wednesday noon (CDT) prayer time over ZOOM open to all Brothers and guests. Let's pray for the Brotherhood, for our Brothers, and even share some stories of how Prayer has impacted you or someone you know!
We can all spare 20 minutes in prayer. It's like stopping at the faith service station to fill up your prayer tank!
Please join us every week when you can to recharge your prayer batteries!
The Zoom link can be accessed by clicking here.
Copy and paste this Zoom link into your calendar so you can join us for 20 minutes
every Wednesday at 1 pm EST/noon CST/11 am MST/10 am PST!
If you'd like to help lead, pick an empty date and contact conrad.jones@brothersandrew.net or roy.benavides@brothersandrew.net
it's simple...we already have the script made out (in our devotional handbook or the Book of Common Prayer)!
Prayer Leaders Schedule
July 19 - Chris Matthews
July 26 - Peter Gilmour
August 2 - Roy Benavides
August 9 Jerry Johnson
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Our National Council Meeting will be held on October 7. If you are considering any amendments to our ByLaws, they must be seen by the Executive Board no later than July so that the proposal can be posted in our Cross publication for at least 60 days prior to the meeting.
To view our ByLaws, click here
Elections for national office will be held during our National Council meeting in February 2024. Please begin to think of Brothers you might nominate for any one of multiple offices! Use the form below to make those nominations BEFORE September 29, 2023
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Ministry News!
Scouting and Youth
Racial Reconciliation
Social Justice
Restorative Justice
Discipleship and Mentoring
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Last week Br. Keith Purser, Program Development VP, hosted a call with the ministry VP's for them to share what their committees are working on and a look at their individual ministry web pages on our website. It was encouraging to hear of all the resources available to our members and chapters when they want to get involved in their local parishes and communities, especially with the National Day of Service coming up!
Does a particular ministry speak to your passion and desire to serve others? Check out the webpages and reach out to the Ministry VP. They would welcome an opportunity to speak to your parish or chapter or lead a workshop!
(click the blue link to go to the webpage)
Br. Ed Milbrada - Scouting
Br. Darren Kendrick - Discipleship/Mentoring
Br Lee Wright - Recovery
Br. Everett Price - Veterans
Br. Rory Smith - Racial Reconciliation
Br. John Thompson-Quartey -Social Justice
Keith Purser - Restorative Justice
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Scouting Jamboree Prayer Beads
From Br. Lyn Reavis
My thoughts and prayers go out to Mel Chapman and any others that are preparing for the trip to the National Jamboree in a couple of weeks. As ministers of the Faith you will have that unique chance to Spread God’s Kingdom among the youth at the Jamboree. I know Fr. Erb will be preparing a booklet on the Beads, but I found a simple joy as I said aloud the Creed while holding the beads and the same can be said for the Lord’s Prayer.
I have carried these daily now for a couple of weeks, enjoining the thought of “walking the talk”. If anyone would like a set, please let me know, I can build a few more test.
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Episcopal Scouting Needs You!!
Forward in Faith!
The Scouting ministry of the Brotherhood of St Andrew will be operating an exhibit booth at the 2023 National Jamboree of the Boy Scouts of America, held this July at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia.
The Episcopal Scouting booth will profile each day the life of a different Saint, and how they moved their communities “Forward in Faith”. We will also be creating an awareness of The Episcopal Church, and the various Scouting religious awards available to Episcopal youth. Scouts who complete a majority of our program days will receive an Anglican Prayer Bead kit.
We are expecting to hold an Episcopal Mass on Sunday, July 23rd celebrated by the Bishop of West Virginia. We are in desperate need of booth staff. Volunteers are welcome to join as day staff for 1-2 days at a time. Day staffers visiting for more than 2 consecutive days will be charged a small fee for visiting Jamboree, but for 1-2 days, there is no charge. Volunteers are also welcome to join the exhibit full time staff for either 5 day session or for the full event, July 19-28. Volunteers who are not currently registered with the Boy Scouts of America will need to take a short online youth protection training, and be background checked or submit evidence of a background check by another youth focused organization.
Those who are not able to volunteer but wish to support the Scouting Ministry financially may send a donation to the Brotherhood of St Andrew specified for the Scouting Ministry-Jamboree Fund. Our expenses for printed materials, the cost of the exhibit space, and the prayer beads, were much higher than expected this year, so any support is greatly appreciated.
For more information, please contact:
Mel Chapman
Jamboree Lead -Scouting Committee
Brotherhood of St Andrew
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Racial Reconciliation Committee
Greetings Brothers and Friends,
We extend to you an invitation you to join us on our journey toward Becoming the Beloved Community. https://www.episcopalchurch.org/beloved-community/ Becoming the Beloved Community is a faith walk built on Telling the Truth, Proclaiming the Dream, Practicing the Way and Repairing the Breach.
Over the past two years we have modeled our Brotherhood commitment to Prayer, Study and Service to live into our church’s long-term commitment to racial justice, healing and reconciliation. We meet every third Monday evening and our attendees stretch all across the country. Our conversations start and end in prayer. Our discussions lively and our discernments are based on scripture. We also invite you to join or host a Sacred Ground Circle, which is an important part of our Prayer, Study and Service. https://www.episcopalchurch.org/sacred-ground/
If you are interested in finding an achievable path to racial reconciliation, please join us.
Contact me at: racial.rec@brothersandrew.net
Your Brother in Christ
Rory Smith
Chair, Racial Reconciliation Committee
Vice President for Racial Reconciliation
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We have initiated a new Direct Line or "Hot Line" for Province Presidents, Diocesan Coordinators, and Chapter Officers who have an urgent need to contact our national leadership at any time. Our Executive Director will have this cell phone at all times. In addition, the executive leadership of the Brotherhood will also be available for return calls by simply leaving a voice mail message on this phone. We have committed to responding ASAP.
The Hot Line Number will be sent to the field leaders under a direct message.
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We need stories from Chapters and Ministries
Our editor Kathy Copas really would like to include news of chapter events and ministry meetings or events. If you have something to share, please send to
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Prayer Requests
If you have a personal prayer request, please contact (502) 450-5809 to access the list and/or submit your requests. Accessing the list to join in "the power of praying" for those in need.
Many chapters have used various methods of keeping track of their prayer request. One such form has been used that organizes the requests and corporate prayers.
Click Here to submit your request.
Learn to Pray the Anglican Rosary
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Some Recommended
Books to Read
Inwardly Digest: The Prayer Book as Guide to A Spiritual Life
Derek Olsen
Post Traumatic Jesus:
Reading the Gospel with the Wounded
Rev. David Peters (our July Webinar Speaker)
Do you have any book recommendations? Write to us and give us the title and author so we can share it with your Brothers!
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Financial Dollars and Cents
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Cash Flow Statement for YTD June 2023
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From the Director’s Chair
By Executive Director Tom Welch
Greetings from Baltimore where some of our brothers were attending the "It's All About Love" conference spearheaded by the Evangelism Office of the Episcopal Church. We were honored to be one of the workshops offered at this gathering of nearly 1,000 attendees. I was pleased to have Field Operations VP Tom Martin join me in leading a workshop.
One thing is clear from the attendees to our workshop, visitors at the booth and the attendees in general: ALL were hungry for in-person connection. There was an even mix of laypeople, lay employees and clergy gathered. More women than men.....and every female priest that stopped by our booth was eager to get men more involved in the life of their parish. Phenomenal workshops were offered across the board in the areas of creation care, evangelism and racial reconciliation. Your ministry pledges helped to make this opportunity to talk about our ministry to others. THANKS SO MUCH.
Below is a sample of some of the people attending our workshop; men and women, young and....not so young. Left to right is a young man from the Virgin Islands, and another other from Arkansas, ladies from Province IV, a gentleman from Colorado and to the right Tom Martin, Field OPS VP and Jerry Sykes, Chapter Diretor to historic St. James Church in the host city of Baltimore.
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