Weekly eNews
February 21, 2025
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This Weekend at St. Michael's | |
Sunday Forum
"Faith During Times of Uncertainty"
This Sunday, 9:15 AM
Join us for week three as we continue to explore ways to use our faith to guide us during times of uncertainty this Sunday, February 23. Did you know The Book of Common Prayer can help nurture your soul in unexpected ways? This multi-week series will provide practical and helpful ways for you to feed your soul and explore all The Book of Common Prayer has to offer. Join us in-person in the Sanctuary or online.
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Sages & Sprouts
“Juice Box Bash”
This Sunday, February 23
Bring your prayer partner (sage or sprout) for an afternoon of fun, refreshment, fellowship and shared memories this Sunday from 12:00 - 1:30 PM in the Parish Hall. Prayer is a transformative way for people of all ages to be in a relationship with one another, and our Sages & Sprouts Program aims to better connect adults (Sages) and children aged Pre-K - 5th grade (Sprouts). Sign up below.
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Also happening this Weekend ...
40s and 50s Bowling - Friday, February 21 at 6:00 PM. Those in their 40s and 50s are invited to join us at Main Event for bowling, arcade games, food, drinks and fun. Click event title to RSVP.
Creating Space - Saturday, February 22, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM in the Parish Hall. Bring your unused craft materials to exchange or we'll take them to Who Gives a Scrap. All are welcome.
Music in the Augustan Age - Saturday, February 22, 7:00 PM or Sunday, February 23, 3:00 PM at The Peel House at First Lutheran Church. Click on the event title to purchase tickets - both feature Amalia Dobbins.
Family Sunday School - Sunday, February 23, 9:15 - 10:15 AM in the Multi-purpose room downstairs.
Widow's Group Brunch - Sunday, February 23, 12:00 PM at the Margarita at Pine Creek restaurant. Email MaryDee Weigel to RSVP.
LEV Lunch Meeting - Sunday, February 23, 12:00 PM in the Chapel. Lay Eucharistic Visitors (LEV) are invited to join us - RSVP not required.
Youth Council Meeting - Sunday, February 23, 6:00 - 8:00 PM in the Parish Hall.
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On the Calendar
This Sunday, February 23
Seventh Sunday after Epiphany
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Worship Volunteers Needed
Can you be a greeter, lay reader, nursery helper, or assist with coffee hour? Want to join an Usher Team?
Click above to sign up today - thank you in advance!
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Worship with Us
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist
10:30 AM Eucharist with Choir
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
- Worship Bulletin
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Education & More!
9:15 AM Education for All
Sunday Forum - Faith in Action
- Watch on YouTube
- Watch on Facebook
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Nursery Care is available for Children 5 and under 7:45 AM - 12:00 PM.
Join us for Coffee Hour and Fellowship after the service.
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Lent at St. Michael's - Begins March 5 | |
We have numerous opportunities for you to explore, grow, and deepen your faith during the season of Lent. Click on the purple event titles to view the event sign up page.
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
March 4, 5:00 - 7:00 PM.
Join us for pancakes in the Parish Hall as we kick off the Lenten season. Men of the parish are invited to help cook, serve, and clean up. Click event title to volunteer, or just bring your appetite to the supper! All are welcome. No RSVP for dinner.
Ash Wednesday, March 5
7:00 - 9:00 AM: Ashes to Go in the Parking Lot
12:00 PM: Imposition of Ashes & Eucharist
7:00 PM: Imposition of Ashes & Choral Eucharist
- Watch on YouTube or Facebook
6:00 - 8:30 PM: Ash Wednesday Youth Group
- Middle & High Schoolers are invited for dinner and Lent intention setting from 6:00 - 7:00 PM, followed by attending the 7:00 PM service as a group.
Lenten Soup Suppers
Wednesdays, Beginning March 12, 5:30 - 7:00 PM.
Join us for food, fellowship, and formation on Wednesday evenings during Lent. Enjoy dinner and fellowship from 5:30 - 6:00 PM and then formation from 6:00 - 7:00 focused on "To Gather Together; Living into our Baptismal Covenant." Click event title to RSVP to bring Soup or your appetite.
40 Days of Giving
During Lent you will be invited to participate in 40 Days of Giving to support our Outreach Partners. Bags & Lists will be available next Sunday, March 2. Every donation will make a difference. Drop off during Holy Week (April 13-20).
Lenten Retreat
Saturday, March 15, 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.
This Lenten season, join The Well to explore Christ’s invitation to share his cup. Step away from the busy week and ponder what living out your Baptismal Covenant looks like. Suggested $10 donation covers lunch and materials. Click event title to RSVP.
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Upcoming Events & Parish Life | |
RISE Strategic Initiatives
Committees are forming ...
Are you interested in helping shape ministry initiatives at St. Michael's? During the Annual Meeting several weeks ago we shared the exciting RISE strategic initiatives. To get involved all you need to do is click on the button below and let us know which area of ministry you want to help shape. Sign up soon! Committees will start forming in the coming weeks.
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Adult Pilgrimage
Camino 2025 / Egypt 2026
Egypt Update: Registration is currently closed for the Egypt Pilgrimage because we have reached our trip capacity of 35. To be added to the waitlist, please email matt@stmikeschurch.com.
Camino Update: Registration is currently open. To learn more, click on the button below. Cost, itinerary, and registration information is now available.
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Watch, Listen and Share St. Mike's Sermons
Exciting News! St. Michael's sermons now have their own dedicated page on our website. Easily access each message with a single click—each link takes you straight to the start of the sermon. Experience powerful preaching from the comfort of home, anytime, anywhere. Don't forget to share with friends and loved ones so they can be uplifted too!
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IHN Dinners
Volunteers Needed
IHN (Interfaith Hospitality Network) is requesting dinners to support families who are beta-testing a new "static housing" solution. Families will reside for several months in one location with support from partners. To sign up to make a meal and drop off, click on the link below, and then please email Kelly Belvis. A week before you serve, dietary restrictions and size/portions of meals will be emailed by Family Promise (IHN).
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Gather for Young Adults Tuesday, February 25, 7:00 - 8:30 PM
Pikes Peak Gather will meet on Tuesday, February 25 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM at the Peel House (1515 N Cascade Ave). Gather meets twice a month to spend time asking challenging questions of ourselves, our faith, and our world. All young adults (18-35) from across race, faith background, gender, sexuality, and perspective are welcome.
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People Who Read
Wednesday, February 26, 6:00 PM
The People Who Read will discuss February's book: Facing the Mountain by Daniel James Brown, on Wednesday, February 26 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. The People Who Read meet every fourth Wednesday - no RSVP is required. Contact Jennie for more information.
Faithful Gardening 101 – Garden Planning and Preparation
Thursday, February 27
Did you know February is the perfect time to start planning your summer vegetable garden? Join us at the next Creation Care (Sweet) Conversation on Thursday, February 27 from 6:30 - 8:00 PM to learn more. Food to Power will demonstrate how to successfully plan a vegetable garden in Colorado Springs. We will all learn together how to faithfully cultivate and care for God’s Creation… and have some great desserts to enjoy together. Please sign-up below. Contact Jon Numair with any questions. Bonus tip: Check out Rev. Matt's Feb. 15 Facebook post on hydroponic growing, a soil-less method of gardening that uses 90-95% less water!
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Soli Deo Gloria
Free Choir Performance
March 1, 7:00 PM at St. Michael's
Join us at St. Michael's for this special, FREE performance by the Soli Deo Gloria Chamber Singers - "The American Spiritual," on Saturday, March 1 at 7:00 PM. Visit the Soli Deo Gloria website for more information.
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Trailblazer New Youth Group
Sunday, March 2, 12:00 - 1:30 PM
Are you ready to blaze a trail of excitement, adventure, and faith? The Trailblazers are 4th and 5th graders on a mission to explore new paths, discover their purpose, and grow in God's love together. Whether you’re tackling challenges, learning about faith, or just having fun, we’re all about supporting each other and making an impact in the world around us. Blaze your own trail on the first Sunday of each month.
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St. Andrews Final Service Thursday, March 6, 5:00 PM
Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Manitou Springs is closing soon. A Celebration of Ministry & Final Eucharist will take place on Thursday, March 6 at 5:00 PM with Bishop Kym Lucas, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado. All are invited to attend.
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Children and Youth Sunday
Sunday, March 9 8:00 and 10:30 AM Services
Don't miss our Children & Youth Sunday on March 9 during both services. Aviana, a member of our Youth Council and Youth Vestry Representative, will be preaching. Children and other youth will take on worship roles and show us their vocal and musical talents. If you have (or are) a youth looking to participate as a reader, acolyte, usher, or greeter, please email Bailey to volunteer.
SMASH Curiosity Unlimited Friday, March 14, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Seniors are invited to the Curiosity Unlimited Lecture at UCCS, "What's Happening to Religion?" by Jeffrey Scholes, Professor of Religious Studies in the Department of Philosophy and the Director for Religious Diversity and Public Life at UCCS. The lecture is on Friday, March 14 from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM at the Ent Center for the Arts. A SMASH lunch will follow the lecture - details to come. Sign up below.
St. Patrick's Fish Fry
March 14, 6:00 - 8:00 PM
St. Mike's BBQ Ministry is hosting their Annual St. Patrick's Fish Fry on Friday, March 14 from 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Join us for fellowship and frivolity as we celebrate the patron Saint of Ireland. Come enjoy an Irish Beer, wine or non-alcoholic beverage along with a delicious meal, prepared by the men of St. Mike's BBQ Ministry. Suggested donation of $10 per person. RSVP below.
Funeral Planning Seminar
March 19, 2:00 - 3:30 PM
Join Rev. Matt and Rev. Vicki to learn how planning your funeral, or that of a loved one, can be a time of prayerful, joyful reflection instead of a dreaded task. Click below to sign up for the seminar or view the online resources.
Monthly Creation Care Tip
Loving the Earth
In this season of Valentines, show your love for the earth by building your awareness! Winter is an excellent time to get more educated about the ways our earth hurts and how we can help heal it. Children’s books like The Lorax and the environmental classic, Silent Spring, by Rachel Carson help “ground” our understanding. Check out this list of Must-Reads or visit this article provided by GreenDreamer: 35 Environmental Organizations and Nonprofits For a Sustainable Future (List and Ways You Can Get Involved).
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Birthdays This Week:
February 24 - Loretta Vail
February 24 - Andrew Wettemann
February 25 - Jack Braley
February 25 - Tom Neill
February 25 - Sam Valko
February 26 - Josh Fenton
February 26 - Alicia Holcombe
February 26 - Lilace Stoller
February 27 - Jan Hill
February 27 - Caroline Marshall
February 27 - Sarah Sampas
February 28 - Debra Deverell
February 28 - Sally Wessely
Anniversaries This Week:
February 24 - Cindy & Paul Thomas
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St. Michael's Episcopal Church
7400 Tudor Road
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
Office Telephone: 719-598-3244
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
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