It's Time to Vote
View as Webpage October 21 2022

There are two more days to register online to vote for the November 8th Mid-term election, at this link: Register To Vote Online.

October 24, 2022, is the first day to vote early at permanent polling places.

Together, let us take these steps towards increasing our political strength:
  • Make sure that every person in your immediate family, 18 years of age and older, are registered to vote;
  • Vote early, starting October 24th;
  • If not early, mark your calendar to vote on election day, November 8th;
  • Take along family and friends, to vote, to ensure that we all do our part, to maximize our community's turnout.


COAL Board of Directors

"The time to work seriously and collectively, to improve the state of our Community, is upon us..."
Let Us be intentional in all aspects of the Work that must be Done
This year, there are 61 judges running for retention in Cook County, meaning they are asking voters to give them another term. Voters will have a chance to say “yes” or “no” to keeping them on the bench and each judge has to get at least 60% yes votes to continue their service.
Our Responsibility - Register to vote, then vote.

Not only is it in our best interests to work to understand the issues and commit to taking action towards solving our most intransigent problems…

We must, each of us...

Step up, gather the family, and talk. Talk about our responsibility to and for each other, to make things better for the family. Talk about our responsibility to and for our community and to and for our next generations, to make things better.

Step up, and with our family, act. Take action to make things better. The simple act of registering to vote, and then to vote, is about our responsibility to family, to community, to our next generations, to make things better...

To force those we put in office, to do their jobs, to be the public servants we pay them to be, to follow through on the promises they made to make things better.

The powers that be want us to believe that the system cannot be made to work for us; they want us to give up, want us to get tired, want us to get distracted, want us to lose faith.

We refuse to, we won’t.

These programs are about each of us, with the sacrifice of our forefathers and foremothers standing behind us, the strength of our family and community beside us, and the wellbeing of our next generations ahead of us, taking a simple action to make things better.

Register to vote, then vote.

Barriers to opportunity, we’re coming to knock you down.
Issues and problems, we’re coming to address and resolve every one of you.
Equity and parity, we’re coming to make you the law of the land.

Register to vote, then vote.

Bums in office, ineffective officeholders, self-serving politicians, bought and sold officials, those that don’t have the courage to deliver for the Black community, we’re coming for you.

Register to vote, then vote.

Those willing and able to work to address our most intransigent problems, those willing to meet their commitments, those with the courage and real plans to improve the lives of Black folk, we are coming to elect and re-elect you.

Register to vote, then vote.

This is about good education, good housing, good jobs, good health, good business, good community services, real safety and real justice.

Register to vote, then vote.

This is about stepping up and taking ownership of our family, our community, our future.

Register to vote, then vote.
Coalition Voter Project 

Voter Registration Programs

There will be another launch of these programs for the 2023 Municipal Elections.
October 23, 2022: Last day to register online.
October 24, 2022: First day to vote early at permanent polling places. (you can register to vote in person at polling sites until polls close on Election Day).
November 3, 2022: Last day to apply for a vote by mail ballot.
November 8, 2022: Election Day! polls open from 6 am to 7 pm (you can register to vote in-person). Also, Last day for postmark on the Mail-in Ballot Return Envelope if returning by mail. If a voter decides not to return the Vote By Mail ballot, the voter may submit the Vote By Mail ballot to the judges at the precinct and polling place for that voter's home address, and then cast a ballot in person.
Note: If you are voting by mail, please do not forget to drop your ballot off. Every vote counts.

(thru Oct. 23rd)
From:  Lanyaird Smith
Voter's Engagement Rally 10.29.22

Good Morning Everyone,

That time has come we must do the right thing and vote our choice to make the changes we want see. Let’s all come together for the upcoming Evangelism of Grace Voter’s Engagement Rally.

The rally will be a high-energy, call to action. And an informative community event to increase new voter registration, offer voter education, and ignite mobilization of voters to the polls. We are specifically targeting our Community – with our boots on ground for our door-to-door canvasing, digital communications of text messages to the residents of the community. And we are establishing a phone bank to inform and engage voter participation.

All with the goal of improving Election Day turnout. 

Please help us get the word out.
About COAL
COAL is an umbrella organization founded by 13 of Chicago's historic African American mens clubs. COAL's overarching mission is to identify, examine, illuminate and find resolution to issues impacting the greater community. We strive to use our collective experience, expertise and resources to improve the quality of opportunity, quality of preparedness and the quality of outcomes (expressed as 'quality of life') for our Community.
Founding Member Organizations
100 Black Men Of Chicago ■ Chicago Assembly ■ Chicago Connection ■ Druids Club ■ Frogs Club ■ Lunch Bunch ■ New Committee ■ Original 40 Club Of Chicago ■ Rat Pack ■ Royal Coterie Of Snakes ■ Saints ■ Sigma Pi Phi Beta-Boule ■ UIC Male Forum (now Chicago Good Health Group)
What We Believe
The Coalition of African American Leaders believes that it is important to examine the critical issues confronting the African American community where injustice, inequality and the absence of access and opportunity continue to prevail, thereby negatively impacting us as a people.

COAL is an assemblage that advocates and organizes for appropriate and responsible public policy change, system behavior change and equality of opportunity. We aim to achieve for all of our people the fullness of the life experience without any form of racism or exclusion as a deterrent.

We believe we must prepare ourselves for the opportunity of this full participation, thereby achieving the necessary education and training to participate.
Contact: Clarence Wood, Chairman 312.404.8269 - Craig K. Wimberly, President 773.350.9315
COAL is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization incorporated in Illinois, USA.
Donations are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by U.S. law.