1085 E. Genesee Street
Office: 324 University Ave
Syracuse, NY 13210
315-475-7277 | Email:

Here is your weekly news from UUMC.

Grace and peace to you, brothers and sisters in Christ.

Pastor Alicia is on a well deserved vacation, so this month’s article is from her accomplice. For those who haven’t met me: I am Pastor Beth DuBois, a Presbyterian pastor who was on staff here at UUMC 13 years ago focusing on education and outreach. My congregation closed in June 2021 and I started volunteering with the food distribution program last fall. Pastor Alicia and I work together with the CNY Poor People’s Campaign. Galyn and I raised our kids together through the city schools (Ed Smith, Levy, Nottingham) and local sports programs (East Side Soccer, Sherman Park Baseball).

What fun to reconnect with some beloved friends and see youth group members grown and with children of their own! What a joy to be part of a welcoming and inclusive congregation! What a privilege to have the opportunity to serve 1200 folks in the community with food each week, work with amazing volunteers, assist with clothing and household supplies, and get into good trouble! I am happy to be an accomplice in these efforts and excited to dream about more good trouble for our future.

As we continue to live out our vision: feeding body, mind and spirit, we have a mix of new and continuing programs beginning this Fall.

Feeding Body
Our interfaith outreach program continues to distribute food on Fridays from 10AM to Noon, and breakfast on Sunday's from 9AM to 10AM. Volunteers are always welcome, as are donations (both food and financial). We also offer clothing on Thursday mornings, hot meals twice a month with our partners ACR Health and Vegan CNY, and household supplies through ReStart. We are loving our neighbors, whose needs have intensified following the end of many COVID relief supports and the reaction to enforced isolation and uncertainty during the pandemic. Good trouble indeed.

Feeding Mind
Virtual adult education will begin in late September focusing on the issues raised in our outreach experiences – food insecurity, mental health and addiction – and the Biblical foundation for our response. We will also offer a gathering for those who identify as queer to explore spirituality through their experiences, scripture, theology and fellowship. Connections gatherings and Spiritfilm will be starting up soon, as well as planning for Sunday School and Confirmation. Good trouble indeed.

Feeding Spirit
Our worship team went on retreat this summer and are building on our summer worship experiences with a variety of music, leaders and worship designs to inspire and encourage us as disciples. Folks will be traveling with Pastor Alicia to Scotland to learn about Celtic Christianity this Fall. Choir starts on 9/12, enriching our spirit through music. The Legacy Team will feed our spirit with a athering on 9/11, encouraging our spirit of stewardship and commitment.

Seeking Justice continues to offer us opportunities to join with ACTS and other organizations to lend our spirit to justice in our city. Good trouble indeed.

If you have any questions or would like to know more about any of our programs, please feel free to contact me:

Pastor Beth
150 Years & Counting!
“How Do We Function and Thrive?”
Join us for a Fellowship Luncheon
Sunday, September 11, 2022
(right after worship)
·      Hear about bold new initiatives for the future.
·      UUMC Committee updates and opportunities
·      Acknowledgement of Past Supporters
·      Legacy Circle Launch
Hosted by: UUMC Legacy Committee
Do You have Friends or Family Heading to the Dome?

Please let them know that UUMC will be renting out our parking lot (the fenced in lot and spaces near the building) for game days and events! The cost is $20 per space and the proceeds go directly to support our Outreach efforts.

If you are a member and you usually park at UUMC, please contact the office so we know to expect you. You are always welcome to make a donation, but payment for members is not expected.
Sunday Worship | 10:30 a.m.
In-Person and on Facebook Live

Click Below to Join Worship on Sunday
Please note: Every worship service remains "live" on our Facebook page. You are able to watch every one that has been done since we began online worship. They never go away. If you are unable to begin at 10:30, you can watch it at your leisure another time.
We are called into the world through our faith. Jesus does not call us into a suffocating relationship – there are already too many of those, Jesus empowers us to go out into the world, strengthened by our relationship, to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Worship Music

Prelude “In The Garden” By Robert W. Thygerson

Offertory “Restless Weaver” #81 

Postlude “Echo Fantasy” By Gilbert M. Martin
Kids Corner
Check out one way to connect with your children as you all connect with scripture. Click Here
Cups for a Cause

Cups for a Cause 2022 fundraiser will once again benefit Caden's Wish Break Box program, a program of the Food Bank of Central New York
Food, drink and live music!
Ongoing Requests

Hygiene Products Needed: Shampoo,
Soap, Deodorant, Tooth Brushes & Tooth Paste
Contact Galyn at the church office,
to arrange drop-off time.
Pastor Beth Blessing
The Animals

Pastor Beth has an extra special place in her heart for the innocent. This hold true especially for children and animals!

Here she is Blessing Michelle's dog Miley! These pictures show the love you find here at UUMC. Just another reminder that God Loves All!
Holy Land Trip in 2023, Info Session, September 8th
Pastor Alicia Wood invites you to join her on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, February 14 - February 24, 2023.
You are cordially invited to attend a Zoom information session of Thursday, September 8th at 6:30 pm.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 876 5687 7931
Passcode: 670972
UUMC Announcements
August 29-Sept 5: Pastor Alicia on Vacation.
For Pastoral Care please contact Pastor Beth at
September 4 at 10:30am: Our Annual Hymn Sing Sunday during Worship.
September 11 at 10:30am during Worship: Welcome back/New Member day!
Fellowship Luncheon hosted by the Legacy Committee following worship
and ending about 1:30pm. Light lunch provided. Learn more about what our Committees are planning this Fall.
September 14-28: Pastor Alicia will be continuing her education learning about "Celtic Christianity in Scotland.
September 18: Pastor Beth leading worship exploring Celtic Christianity connecting the congregation with Pastor Alicia’s experience.
September 25: Pastor Beth leading worship. When the cat’s away, the mice will play.
Men’s Group: We would like to start a men’s group in September.
Please email Mark Letham if you are interested in joining or would
like more information at
Weekly Prayer Requests
Please note: Prayer requests and comments submitted in the chat during our online service are public knowledge, as the church’s Facebook page is open to all.

As a caring church, we hold one another in prayer. The names in the next sentence are selected each week from the church directory, generally in alphabetical order. This week, please pray for:

Jeanne & Ted Finlayson-Schueler & Family

The requests list below come from the previous Sunday’s worship and those received during the week.
Ann O.: Praise for good medical results for my brother, Rob.

Elise C.: Prophet Jesus: Help me, Lord, to end financial difficulty in my household!

Faye: Moving into end of life.

Gail: Prayers for my mom and for Marten and Deanna and their family.

Jackie: Safe travel for my daughter & colleagues going to Denver on Wednesday.

Maime: Please keep me in Prayer. Family I know I’m in & out a lot. Please know that I love & respect you all. I’ll be home awhile, I’m having surgery done, Cataracts in both eyes. God Bless Everyone.

Peg.: Traveling mercies for myself, Jamie, his family & Alicia.

Peg.: Brian who has a brain tumor & his caregivers.
Sharon: Please pray for healing for Sandy.

Sherri C.: Prayers for Patti her mom passed away Friday, Sarah, Jayne. Sue who is having surgery Wednesday.

Sherri C.: Prayers safe travel for my grandson Frank. A great 1st year for my grandson Isaiah at Brockport.

Stephanie H: Prayers for my friends here in Syracuse and around the world.

Stephanie H.: Prayers as we transition from summer to fall.

Steven H.: For my children with the death of their mother on Tuesday.

Steven H.: For my father-in-law with his heart issues.

Steven H.: For my father with his cancer treatments.

Sofia & Donna: For all students starting the school year.
If you would like to join our prayer circle, please contact Carol Boll at
Annual Church/Charge Conference

November 9th at 6:30 at St. Paul's UMC.
100 Black Men of Syracuse
Each year, 100 Black Men of Syracuse sponsors the Winston Gaskin Community Walk for Wellness & Stroke Prevention, which honors Winston Gaskin, an African-American Syracuse resident, pharmacist, Army veteran and community leader who passed away in 2009. The Gaskin Walk has been sponsored by the 100 since 2009 when it was part of Syracuse’s Juneteenth Festival. It is also dedicated to raising awareness about the signs and symptoms of stroke.
Proceeds from the annual event benefit the 100 Black Men of Syracuse, Inc. health and wellness initiatives. Donations are always welcomed if you are unable to participate in the walk.
The next Gaskin Walk is scheduled 9am-2pm Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 at Onondaga Creekwalk & Kirk Park. Consider sponsorship or become a volunteer. Call us at (315) 443-8749 or email us at 

“Living on Purpose in the Pursuit of Racial Justice” is the subtitle of “Better, Not Bitter.”
Yusef Salaam has a message to be heard by all concerned with the travesties of our criminal justice system…in the context of the larger schemes of personal commitments.  
The ACTS Race Matters Book Club will gather Monday October 3 @ 7 PM on zoom to discuss Salaam’s work.
Syracuse residents will also have an opportunity to hear him on Tuesday October 11 in the Civic Center.  He will be the 2nd speaker in the annual Authors Lecture Series sponsored by the Friends of the Central Library.  Go to  
Tickets are still available to hear Brit Bennett, author of best-13 selling “The Vanishing Half” on Tuesday September 13. Book Club members felt that her novel on racial identity is one of the best books they have ever read.
Lay Servant Courses on Zoom

To register or for information, Adirondack Lay Servant Ministries Registrar:

Advanced Course: Called to Preach
Thurs.: Sept. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 6-9 p.m.
Zoom: Fee $15
Advanced Course: For the Common Good (Spiritual Gifts)
Tues.: Oct. 4, 11; Thurs.: Oct. 20, 27; and Mon., Oct 24, 6-9pm
Zoom: Fee $15

Advanced Course: Opening Ourselves to Grace
Thurs.: Nov. 11 and 17, 6-9 p.m., Tues., Nov. 29, Dec. 6 and 13, 6-9 p.m.
Zoom: Fee $15
Daily Anti-Racism Prayers

Discipleship Ministries of the United Methodist Church offers anti-racism prayers emailed to you Monday through Friday. To sign up to receive them, click the link below.
UM News Digest
Please click the link below to read United Methodist news from around the country and world on UM News Digest.

Contact Us
Alicia Wood, Pastor
Beth DuBuois, Pastoral Accomplice
1085 E. Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY
Email |
Facebook | uumcsyracuse
Twitter | @uumcsyr
Instagram | uumcsyr