In August, 2021, the Michigan Department of Education-Office of Great Start (OGS) launched a curriculum review and approval process for Home-Based Family Child Care programs and Center-Based programs serving infants and toddlers. Curriculum Model Evaluation Rubrics for infant and toddler and family and group home programs were developed to assess a curriculum’s alignment with Michigan’s Early Childhood Standards of Quality - PreK (ECSQ-PK) for family and group home programs and Michigan’s Early Childhood Standards of quality for Infants and Toddlers (ECSQ-IT) for infant and toddler programs.
The rubrics measure a submission’s alignment with criteria organized in five major areas:
- Valid research
- Evaluation results
- Professional development
- Developmental appropriateness
- Alignment with state standards
Curricula were evaluated by the curriculum review committee (CRC), made up of early childhood experts including infant-toddler and home-based child care specialists. This committee includes members representing diverse perspectives and is responsible for ensuring a fair and thorough review of submissions. A total of five curricula were submitted for review and three were selected.
Newly approved curricula include:
- Experience Early Learning: Mother Goose Infant Toddler Curriculum (Home-Based Curriculum)
- HighScope: Home-Based Child Care (Infant-Toddler Curriculum)
- HighScope: Infant Toddler Curriculum