Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost!
It's Time To Fall Back: Daylight Saving Time Ends November 7!
Set your clocks back one hour before you got to bed Saturday night!
The Arkive: Ark and Dove's Newsletter
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost!

In-person Worship, 9:00 am & 10:30am, every Sunday!
Livestream Worship, 10:30 am, every Sunday!
Sunday School, 10:30 am, every Sunday! 

Virtual Fellowship, 11:45-12:15!
Please connect on YouTube HERE
  • Masks and reservations required at the indoor worship services, please.
  • Please email to receive an invitation to join the Virtual Fellowship call on Zoom. 
Registration is open for Sunday School, Godly Play and LOGOS.
Please register HERE for Sunday School and Godly Play.
Please register HERE for LOGOS.
Message from Pastor Tim
Dear Member and Friends of the Ark and Dove Community,

What a joy it was to see and hear 20 children sing the response Hallelujah on Sunday at 10:30 worship. As we have all learned, masks cover a lot of our faces but you could still see the excitement (and maybe some nervousness) in the eyes of our children. It was the first time since the pandemic arrived that we had a crowd of young children leading worship and it was a delight. My thanks to our music and education leaders and our parents for making their participation a priority.
Out 9:00am Worship is here to stay for a while. Pastor Jon, Worship Elder Ellen Makar and I are making some tweaks, with our goal, for now, to be done in 35 to 45 minutes. Our Music Directors Pat and Rebecca are working hard to bring beautiful music to both services.  Fully masked worship at both services is a gift to our fellow members and especially our children. Wearing masks mitigates risks and takes a lot of anxiety out of the experience.  Thank you for supporting safety.
It is the church season of generosity.  We are celebrating the many ways we can be generous with our lives as a part of our Christian witness as disciples. Please be sure to look for the church’s recent generosity mailing to your home. We ask that you would read the enclosed brochure and pray about the ways you can support the ministries of our church in 2022.

Some good news on the generosity front. As is often the case at Ark and Dove, the end of the year sees catch-up giving and the cumulative generosity of newer members in the community. As of October 31, 2021, we are on a solid footing to finish out the financial year with a balanced budget. Your support of Ark and Dove is deeply appreciated. See October Financial Statement below.

Peace of Christ,
Message from Pastor Jon
Dear Friends and Members of Ark and Dove,

This Sunday, at 10:30 am, we will receive several friends into membership of the congregation. This will be the second time during this pandemic that we will receive new members. That fact brings me great joy. Dispatches from congregations across the U.S. are often bad news. Many churches report decreased rolls, empty pews, and minimal participation. Nevertheless, the good news on this Sunday is that Ark and Dove is increasing membership rolls, filling sanctuary seats, and enjoying hybrid participation.

The reception of new members is not only a joy, but an encouragement. As we witness those being received make promises to be faithful disciples and members of the Church, we are encouraged to renew our commitments to discipleship and membership. Each of us hears again the call of Jesus to follow him in a world where he seems absent. Each of us listens to the call of the Church to be a people bound together for a better world. As we celebrate new members and promise to support them, maybe we can make a renewed effort to live lovingly, generously, and mercifully. Perhaps we will take a more active role in the congregation. How will we, new members and old, join together to advance the goodness of God in the world in which we live?

Verse and Prayer
A poor widow came and put in two copper coins, which are worth a penny.
-Mark 12:42
O God of grace, let us live in your image. May we not give because we have or have more. May we give what we have because there is no limit to your goodness. Amen.
This Sunday, Pat and I will collaborate on an offertory piece called "With You" for both the 9:00 and 10:30 services. The melody is perfectly simple and if you're anything like me, will be stuck in your head for weeks to come. The choir has prepared one of my favorite closing pieces for the 10:30 service- an upbeat hymn from our hymnal titled "We Will Go Out With Joy". If you are interested in singing with the choir for weekly services, or for Advent or Christmas Eve, there are both in person and virtual options for you to attend rehearsals on Thursday evenings. Please reach out either in person or via email ( so that I can get you added to the choir list.

Interim Director of Music
Church Office

During this period of having an Interim Church Administrator, the office will be open during the following days and hours:
Tuesdays: 9:00am - 12:30pm
Wednesdays: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Thursdays: 10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Fridays: 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
DONATE ONLINE! One-time and recurring!

TEXT your donations! 410-983-3481
Text give to get started. Text commands for more options.
Peace and Global Witness special offering: text an amount
followed by peace.

Each of you must give as you have made up your mind, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Bank Changes

Did your bank change names? There have been a number of bank mergers and changes recently. If you have an established EFT with Ark and Dove and your bank information has changed, please update your routing number and account number information by notifying  
October Financial Statement
YTD Expected Unpledged Income
Actual Unpledged Income 

YTD Expected Pledged & Electronic Giving
YTD Actual Pledged & Electronic Giving


Bulletin - Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pendecost!
Reserve Worship Service Space HERE for both the 9am & 10:30 Indoor Worship Services
In-Person Sanctuary Worship Every Sunday, 9:00 & 10:30 am, we welcome worshipers of all ages, with masks, into the sanctuary with limited attendance. To RSVP to attend either worship service in the sanctuary, please sign up HERE.  No child care for now. Singing with masks on is allowed. Only the 10:30 am service will be live streamed, and most seats will be on screen for a moment or more. A limited number of off-camera seats will be available; more details will be available in the sanctuary.
How Close Can You Get?
Children's Choir

Join us on Tuesdays, after LOGOS, from 7:00 - 7:30 pm for singing and preparation for our Christmas pageant on December 19th. Don’t throw out those Halloween costumes yet!- we might need them for the pageant. The final tryout for speaking parts is this Tuesday, November 9th, from 7 to 7:30 PM. Please reach out to Abbey Boudreau - or Christina Nelson - if you have any questions. See you on Tuesdays!
Outreach and Connections
Calling for Sunday Fellowship Snack Table Volunteers
We're excited to have our coffee and snacks back after Sunday 10:30 services, but we are in need of teams to make it happen. Please contact if you'd like to volunteer your time to set up or clean up the Sunday Fellowship snack table. Sign up for once a month, twice a month, quarterly, anytime! Any help would be much appreciated! Nicole Howe, Outreach and Connections Elder.
Antiracism and Social Equity
Anxious to Talk About It
How often do you talk with family about race? With friends? With friends of another race? Do you see a connection between the church, politics, and race? We are called to build community with all people who make up the body of Christ. "God doesn't love us because we always get it right. God loves us because God made us, and the gift of being in community with one another means being able to learn..." Please read "Anxious to Talk About It" by Carolyn B. Helsel and join us for a zoom discussion on November 21st at 12:30 pm. Contact Paula Sparks, for the zoom link.
Book Studies

This Sunday: Faith Seeking Understanding Book Series

The October book discussion has been moved to November 7 at 9:15am, outside at the church (weather permitting). We are discussing "How to Have an Enemy: Righteous Anger and the Work of Peace" by Melissa Florer-Bixler.
Ark and Dove Book Club

The Ark and Dove Book Club selection for November is “The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek” by Kim Michele Richardson. The discussion will be led by Kathy Emmert on November 12th at 7:30 on Zoom. Please email Kim Champagne ( if you have any questions about the group or would like the zoom details.
GLEAM Family, Friends & Allies Support Group
Julie Rodgers, Speaker/Author, “Outlove”

Now scheduled for FRIDAY, November 12, 7:00 PM at First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis. Join us to hear from Julie Rodgers, author of "Outlove," and featured in the powerful Netflix documentary, "Pray Away." It will be a night of storytelling and song from local LGBTQ leaders, and a chance for fellowship with a community of LGBTQ+ and allies. All are welcome!

First Presbyterian Church of Annapolis-
Gleam Family, Friends & Allies Support Group

We have a support group for family and friends of LGBTQIA persons. Our purpose is to provide a safe and welcoming space to explore concerns, answer questions, and share information and resources in order to best advocate for our families and loved ones. We will hold a virtual meeting on Monday, Nov. 8 7:00- 8:30 pm. To attend the group meeting contact Amy Tardiff at
Land Workshop
What is This Land we live on?

This land we live on has a complicated story - to explore that we will have a 3-part drop-in-friendly series about the Indigenous, Enslaved, and Environmental parts of the land we live on and how faith ties in. Each week we'll discuss what we can do as Christians on this land to acknowledge these stories and what we can do with this awareness.

Meets Tuesdays at 7:30pm via Zoom.

Tuesday, November 9 - This Environmental Land 
Tuesday, November 16 - This Enslaved Land 
Tuesday, November 23 - This Indigenous Land

Email Katie Nilsen Johnson ( for more information and the Zoom link
Equipping the Saints
Pastor Tim will offer a Zoom course on Wednesday December 1 at 7:00 pm called The Six Marks of Discipleship. This is about the promises we make to each other as members of Ark and Dove Church. We warmly invite and strongly encourage all members to take this course at least one time. This 75 minute course is especially helpful for people who have joined in the last four years. Please sign up by contacting  You will receive a Zoom invitation on November 30, 2021.
Christian Education
Children and Youth Activities - Moving Indoors
With the announcement of vaccines available to children ages 5-11 and the certainty of colder weather to come, we’ve decided to hold Sunday School, Godly Play, Youth Groups, and LOGOS indoors when being outside is not feasible. If the “feels like” temperature is below 45o F and/or there is precipitation, classes may be held inside. All attempts to increase fresh air circulation will be implemented. Masks will continue to be required regardless of vaccination status and there will be NO eating inside. Please continue to send your children in weather appropriate clothing for outside classes. Decisions whether to convene inside or outside may be made at the start time of classes. Any questions or concerns about this please contact Sara Fox at
Every Tuesday, 6-7 pm! LOGOS is Ark and Dove's mid-week intergenerational program for pre-K and elementary aged children. LOGOS is a great way to grow your relationship with God and others at Ark and Dove. Sign up to register at Questions? Jen Roman at or Julie Devers at

All families, even if you aren't signed up for Logos, are welcome to join us for Trunk or Treat. Please arrive and be parked by 6pm.
Sunday School and Godly Play
Every Sunday, 10:30 am! Please register HERE or in person, on Sunday morning, prior to service. Questions? Please contact Sara Fox at
Adult Christian Education
Advent Book Study
During this Advent season we will be reading A Surprising God: Advent Devotions for an Uncertain Time written by Thomas G. Long & Donyelle C. McCray. There are a variety of dates and times to choose from. Please indicate your interest in participating by completing this form. Books will be purchased for anyone who indicates interest in joining by November 24th. 
Leader Days/Times
Group A      Pastor Jon Nelson   Thursdays- Dec. 2nd and 16th at 8PM
Group B     Kim Champagne     Fridays - Dec. 3rd and 17th at 7:30 PM
Group C      Achsah Callahan     Sundays - before or after Worship,
                         tentatively Dec. 5 & 19th
Fall/Winter 2021 Adult Course Offerings
All of the adult course offerings are now on one webpage! Go to: to see everything that is scheduled for Fall and Winter 2021. Katie Nilsen-Johnson (
Grief Group
Grief and the Holidays

An Evening of Remembrance and Thankfulness

You are invited to our annual Grief and the Holidays session on Tuesday, November 16th at 7:30 pm, which will be on Zoom. Whether you are new to grief or grieving anew during the holidays this year, this is an opportunity to process and prepare, while being comforted by your church family and faith. Pastor Tim Stern and Deacons Cathy Debus and Linnie Girdner will be facilitating. As part of our Healing through Grief group offering, Grief and the Holidays is open to anyone attending Ark and Dove as well as their family members, friends, and neighbors, who have experienced the death of a loved one, whether it is recent or a long time ago.  

During our time together you can share your thoughts and feelings about your loss and the upcoming holidays as well as have an opportunity to express in writing what you are thankful for in having had that person in your life. PREPARATION: For that purpose, you may want to use a card (Thanksgiving, Christmas, or blank) or use some wrapping paper and string or ribbon to make a scroll. Please have these available during our zoom meeting. No other preparation is needed, but if you want to know more about writing as grieving, see here.
Please let me know if you have the slightest inclination to attend on November 16th, so that we can send you the link to the Zoom meeting. If you change your mind later, no problem. Any questions, contact Pastor Tim Stern at or 410-674-6400 or me, Linnie Girdner, at or 410-999-7892. 

"The presence of her absence is everywhere."~Edna St. Vincent Millay, from a letter she wrote after her mother's death.

"Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”  Joshua 1:9 
Prayer Requests
Please keep the following people in your prayers this week:

PRAYERS OF HEALING AND SUPPORT for Diane Makar; Tina Anthis’ father, Steve Bissel; Dennis; Lourde's Cordero's brother; Gabriele Mecca; Charlotte Davie; Hiley Green; Adell Gaurin; Dotty Kaufman; Jai’Quain, Nicole Chidlow’s baby; Carol Saylor; Ray Bussey's mother, Doris; Liz Olson; Margaret Floyd; Russ Hester; Vaughn Brown; Patty and Steve Plander; Arlyce Lohr; Krista Klohr; Michelle Schoonmaker; Dick Paronto; Richard and Edie Budd; Cindy Schafer; Cheryl Walcutt’s sister Judy and mother; Christy Hipchen’s Uncle Frank and grandmother, Ann Chubon; Amy Stavely’s aunt, Sharon Boyd; Ryan Stavely’s father, Brian; Amy Hagemann’s sister, Susan Pratt; Mary Benson’s sister; Amy Carskadon Lifsey’s father-in-law, Bill Lifsey Sr.; Karen Dodson’s cousin, Miles, and Miles’ family; Tricia Gray’s grandfather, Paul; Helen Wilkens' mother, Jane Reinert; Christina Nelson’s grandmother, Patricia Dole; Judy Cooper’s daughter, Jessica Quigley; Paul Doughty’s mother, Ruth Doughty; Camille Dubois’ parents and the Dubois family; Debbie Saylor’s sister, Christine; a member of the Tardiff family; Dionne Whitby's daughter, and niece, Jannah; Dotty Kaufman’s daughter-in-law, Carol, granddaughter, Sarah, and grandson Nathan; Kathy Miller’s sister, Beth Krauth, and brother-in-law, Jeff Miller; Lewis Shorter and Lewis Shorter’s niece, Jennifer Schwandt-Gayle; Bob Fuller’s brother, Joe Fuller; Dot Forloine’s granddaughter Melisa Tucker Saatthoff, and her great-grandson Luke; Debbie Arey’s sister, Denise; Debbie and Bruce Arey’s daughter, Allison; Linda Taylor’s mother, Izola; Kennon Bauman’s uncle, Dan Johnston; Amy Goldberg’s grandmother, Ruth Cooper; Christy Yeager’s mother, Linda Jordan; Linda Jordan’s niece, Bonnie; Diane Johnson's Uncle Ed, Aunt Janet, and cousin Richard; Shelley Franklin's father; Amanda Wehage’s sister and father, Dave; Laurie Barrow’s nephew, Gunther Kurtz; Sabonna Keeney’s mother; Bernabe and Griselda Solano, and Griselda's sister, Irma; Laura Doughty’s brother-in-law, Carl Hahn; Laura Willoughby's father, Norman; Ann Hirschy’s aunt, Cindy, and brother; Kelly Burnett’s nephew, Justin; Lou Kareha’s cousin, Thomas Kochis; Cheryl and Doug Walcutt’s grandchild, Gray Adacutt; Erika Sealing's grandmother, Margaret Schade; Lourdes Cordero's granddaughter and friends, Fred and Arelene Jones; Mike and Charlotte Davie’s friend, Dave Page; Linda Lewis’ friend, Carol Fudge; Rob Yeager’s friends, Greta Daughtrey and Peter Brown; and Maren McGillivray-Stubbs’ best friend’s father, Gentry Sims.

If you have prayer concerns or blessings that you would like to share, please contact Deacon Patriceo Green at and he will add your concern to the prayer partners email chain.
Ark and Dove Presbyterian Church | 410-674-6400 | | | 8424 Piney Orchard Pkwy. Odenton, MD 21113