October 2022 Newsletter
Hello All,

Over Here

Had a relatively quiet month here at home in September. Got the Dog Book to the publisher Trafalgar Square Books, so was able to catch up on boring stuff in the office and projects at home. There will be some back and forth with Trafalgar during the editing process, but the heavy work is done. It’s slated to be “on the shelves” in April, barring any major global disruptions, and of course we all know nothing like that is likely to happen : )

This is what it will (probably) look like:
While at home was able to get away and do a little wilderness
camping in my camp wagon:
Sometimes I have to hike to the wilderness and sometimes I drive, but as you can see, it’s really not that far…
Left home on Sunday and am now in Arroyo Grande in central California getting ready for the Mark and Jim Show (Mark Rashid and Jim Whatsisname) coming up this weekend, where Mark and I sit around and BS…
sometimes get up and point at something and look important…
and occasionally work with the horses, riders, and maybe auditors…
These events are actually very informative and educational. I know this because I come away having learned something new every time. This event will be even better as our own MMCP and human bodyworker Dianne Adel will be working with us on the riders in the clinic. 
There are limited spots for riders at these clinics but I’ve always thought that the auditors get the best deal as they get to see and gather information on all six horse-rider combinations at these clinics. This clinic will be done by the time you read this but keep an eye on this newsletter and on our website for upcoming Mark and Jim Shows… also known as Considering the Horse: Mind and Body
Coming up soon this fall is the Best Horse Practices Summit in Lexington, KY on October 21-23. I’ll be presenting and demonstrating there in the company of some very distinguished horse people. Registration is limited to 200 participants. You can see if there are any spots still available at their website here:  

Also coming up November 4-6 is Warwick Schiller’s Journey On Podcast Summit, with even more (over 20, I think) distinguished horse people that I’ve somehow managed to get in with who’ve been interviewed on Warwick’s popular Journey On Podcast the last couple of years. Live attendance at this event is full, however live streaming of the event is available on Warwick’s site. Register at the MM Affiliate Link.

AND, if you’re looking for a Masterson Method Demonstration from one of our MMCPs or Instructors who might happen to be in your neighborhood, we currently have demos coming up in:

Upper Marlboro and Ownings, MD with Alice Long 

Davenport, IL with Lori Curry Whitcomb 

Chattanooga, TN and Vinemont, AL with Stephanie Wilkins

This last one with Stephanie will be a special Collaborative Clinic with barefoot trimmer Leitha Lee. As what goes on in the body is closely related to what’s going on with the feet, this one should be interesting. So, if you’re down in that area – or near any of these other demos - you can get more information on our Expos and Demos page.

If you’re not near one and would like to be it’s not necessary to move. Contact us to see if there’s someone who would be able to come and demo at your facility. If you’re interested in finding out about hosting a full-on Masterson Method Weekend Seminar you can look into that too at
Over There

We have quite a few Weekend Seminars coming up this fall in the EU: Netherlands, Greece, France, Poland, Belgium, Austria, Germany, England and Scotland… whew! 

And also in Israel; Capetown and Johannesburg, SA; Melbourne and Perth, Australia and finally our first ever Weekend Seminar to be taught in Japan! September, October, and November are always busy seminar months, but this is ridiculous (in a good way)!
The Australia and Japan courses are being taught by Overseas Manager and whirlwind Vicky Devlin, with the help of MMCPs Tomoko Sembongi and Asako Miyajima. Go Japan!

And, I just got word that Netherlands Instructor Masja Fick just finished teaching her first Advanced Course in Holland. Check out the photos on Masja's Facebook page and at Masterson Method Nederland en Belgie. Well done, Masja!

That’s about it for now. Hope to have more traveling news for you next month.

Until then, like me,

Enjoy your horses!

Journey On with Warwick and Jim
Warwick Schiller's Journey On Podcast Live Summit - Nov. 4-6
Warwick is going to be hosting a Live Summit with many of his podcast guests, including Jim. Tickets for the live event have sold out, but this will also be a Online Streamed event.

Want to attend online? The cost is $99 and if you use this link, MES will get a contribution as an affiliate webpage.

BTW - Online membership gives you lifetime access to panel discussions and TIC talks for this event!

Jim Masterson on Instagram!

This clip of Jim demonstrating Search-Response-Stay-Release went viral on Instagram! Over 878k views! Check it out - Jim answers the age-old question, “When do you STAY as they’re releasing, and when do you STEP BACK?” Follow us on Instagram and add to our growing list of over 22.7k followers! 
Thanks to everyone who took a look!
Photos from Mark & Jim Show Summer 2022
MMCP Crissi McDonald took some great photos of Jim at work during the Summer 2022 Combo Clinic (AKA the Mark & Jim Show). Thought our readers might like to take a look:
These photos are really wonderful - it helps when you have a good model.

And Jim looks pretty good too!
Happy Story from a Student
One of our Advanced 5-Day Students contacted the office, telling us she might have to skip the upcoming class due to her horse...showing signs of colic! She was immediately rushed to Virginia Tech! She had a displaced colon with impaction. I was told she had a 60% chance of fixing everything herself...and she did! I also want to thank Lisa King for acting quick and the lady who drove her up there, I appreciate you both!

Faith has an amazingly strong spirit and I will be forever grateful that our journey together can continue...
We wish continued good health for Jamie and Faith! And we hope Jamie had a great time at her Advanced 5-Day Course!
Testimonial from Weekend Seminar student Lynette... and Dorito
Aloha - Thank you again for this clinic. Of all the things I’ve tried for my arthritic 21 year-old, lol shy of a pyramid over his head 😜, this method is truly validated! He is seriously, a different horse. I’m pretty blown away. 

I’ve only been doing the beginning level stuff, but almost daily and he really seems more free in his movement. His yawns are so big, I switched to a looser rope halter. Now as soon as I put that halter on, he starts yawning. 

I thank you, and so does Dorito❤️
Sincerely, Lynette 

(Weekend Seminar in Lahaina, Hawaii)
Masterson Method Equine Specialist (MMES) Program News
Two Dually-Certified Practitioners (MMCP) and Equine Specialists (MMES) Offer Local Demos

Stephanie Wilkins (MMCP and MMES) at Mending Arrow Ranch

I volunteer and support a local equine-assisted service program called Mending Arrow Ranch in Cleveland, TN. I enjoy working with Kayla Davis, CEO/Founder, and her incredible herd. In April, we set up a Masterson Method interactive demo for Mending Arrow Ranch to kick off their Spring session and to celebrate the near completion of their large covered arena.

The participants and auditors that came were able to learn a few basic Masterson Method techniques to benefit these hard-working horses.
What a wonderful afternoon it was! We had 9 participants and an auditor and all of the horses and everyone did such a wonderful job not only helping the horses to release tension in their bodies but also seeing how this form of bodywork helps to build connection and trust with horses - a true partnership. I love seeing how The Masterson Method® really changes the culture of these programs!.
Karen Evans (MMCP and MMES) at Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding Center
I had a great time presenting a hands-on MMES demonstration to core staff members at the Loving Thunder Therapeutic Riding Center in Corrales, NM. Loving Thunder is a PATH Premier Accredited Center. My group included the Founder/Executive Director, the Volunteer Coordinator, staff PATH Instructor, and others. The demo opened with a short overview of the Masterson Method, its history and development. I presented an interactive explanation and demonstration of the Bladder Meridian using a Loving Thunder therapy equine.
The participants then did the Bladder Meridian technique on the second side of our demo equine, who had many real time, positive responses with some BIG releases! Participants were amazed at the immediate positive responses of this equine that they all know so well!
Upcoming Presentation

October 30 St. Louis, Missouri Masterson Method® Presentation With Lise Lunde (as part of the International PATH Conference)
About the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Program
The Masterson Method Equine Specialist specializes in sharing specific light touch Masterson Method techniques with persons served in equine-assisted learning and therapy programs. By doing this bodywork on horses, participants deepen their connection with horses while also gaining self-awareness and self-regulation skills; meanwhile, therapy horses are tended to through simple bodywork and learn a new way of relating to people. It's a win/win!
Questions?  Visit the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Page or contact the Program Coordinator at
Equine Books at BeeHorse
Looking for Equine books in Polish? There is a new website that looks pretty cool called BeeHorse. If you understand Polish and want some reading material, here is a link. You'll find a blog, newsletter and books by Sally Swift, Cherry Hill and - wait for it - Jim Masterson!
Instagram Photo Contest Honorable Mentions!
There were so many great photos submitted for the Instagram photo contest that we decided to share the other three considered for first place.

Congratulations to everyone who participated - and thanks to every horse for their photo-bombing talents!
submitted by Lucie
submitted by Khrystynna
submitted by Kim
Horse Deals Article #4

Mystery Hind End Lameness Article, Part 2, in October 2022 Edition
Jim enjoyed writing four articles for Horse Deals Magazine in Australia over the last 4 months.

If you read the magazine and enjoyed Jim's article on Mystery Hind End Lameness, Part 1 in the September issue, you'll appreciate this wrap-up, focusing on specific MM techniques to help the horse release tension in the hind end.

Horse Deals, for everything equine

On sale in Australia now!
Newly Certified Practitioners
Need help for your horse? Find a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) near you. Our Certified Practitioners are dedicated equine professionals who have acquired highly attuned skills in partnering with the horse to release tension and increase range of motion, thereby restoring healthy posture and performance. Add an MMCP to your horse’s wellness team by visiting the Find a Practitioner page on our website for the closest practitioner to you.
Rebecca Cousins, MMCP
Langley, BC, Canada

While Rebecca had always dreamed of spending time with horses from a young age, it wasn’t until she had settled down in the central interior of BC that one came her way. Her horse journey had her seeking help to connect with horses from Josh Nichol who emphasized the relationship as the base of training.

Rebecca shifted careers from working in the forest to massage therapy for humans. While she was in the program to become a Registered Massage Therapist, she wondered if there was some similar mindful approaches to horse massage as by this point she had two horses. After some searching on you tube, she discovered The Masterson Method, and found that the approach had a similar feeling to the horse training style, both which have listening as the foundation of the interactions.

Her joy for people and horses comes with empowerment and the blending of massage and general day to day interactions. Her knowledge that the owner can be a powerful tool for release of the horse, has inspired her to combine The Masterson Method® along with simple, but powerful releases through the halter, bridle and leg aids.
Phone: 250-316-2169
Attila Moricz, MMCP
Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Attila’s philosophy in dealing with horses is based on understanding and commitment. He follows natural horsemanship training methods, mindfulness and combines them with the fascinating communication method of ‘Horse Speak’. Attila is a certified barefoot trimmer helping horses retain more of the benefits of the bodywork as they can use their joints and muscles after a proper trim.
His practice is based on Vancouver Island, the Gulf Islands and the Lower Mainland in British Columbia.
He believes that practicing The Masterson Method® allows him to be the best possible advocate for the horse.
Phone: 250-896-5120

**Note: Rebecca and Atilla were almost ready for certification in Canada - and then Covid stopped all traveling. They did part of their certification by video with Jim and finished their certification course with Lori Hoppe in the last several weeks.

Congratulations to Rebecca and Attila - and thank you for sticking with it!
Course Testimonials
Interested in taking a course? Here are a few testimonials that might convince you!

Take it. NOW. Increased my resources in my toolbox to help horses.
(Weekend Seminar)

If you have horses or work around horses and would like to learn how to communicate with them to build an incredible connection, MM is the ticket.
(Advanced 5-Day Course)

The Masterson Method® is the first program I have found that is for the horse; it is so very real and truly teachable to people. The Equine Specialist piece has been a tangible tool nobody can dispute that is effective for the client while not compromising the integrity of the horse.
(Equine Specialist Course)

Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule
* If the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email to be added to the waiting list. 

If you'd like to host your own weekend (and earn a free spot) please email

Reminder: there will likely be a course price increase on certain courses this year.
More information will be provided soon.

Worried about COVID19? Read our COVID precautions and info here:
USA Courses

October 22-23 Bristol, TN

October 22-23 Freeville, NY

October 22-23 Salado, TX 

October 22-23 Callaway, MD

October 29-30 Sharon, VT 

October 29-30 Villa Ridge, MO 

October 29-30 Kiowa, CO 

November 12-13 Concord, NC

November 12-13 Sioux Falls, SD
November 12-13

November 19-20 Adams, TN  

December 3-4 Las Vegas, NV 

December 3-4 Cottonwood, CA

December 3-4 Cleveland, GA

USA 2023 Courses

January 21-22 Tucson, AZ

January 28-29 Ceres, CA

February 25-26 Cave Creek, AZ 

March 5-6 Koloa, HI 

April 15-16 Watsonville, CA 

April 22-23 Coatesville, IN 

June 17-18 Larsen, WI

Canada Courses

October 22-23 Richmond, QC 
(taught in French)

Canada 2023 Courses

March 25-26 Calgary, AB

April 29-30 Granby, QC
(taught in French)

May 6-7 Arnprior, ON

May 27-28 Mono, ON

June 10-11 Ascot Corner, QC (taught in French)

September 30-October 1
European Courses

November 2-3 Tzur Hadassah, Israel  (taught in Hebrew & English)

November 19-20 Graz, AT

November 19-20 Vorden, NL
(taught in Dutch)

November 19-20 Argalasti, Greece

December 3-4 Nižbor,

European 2023 Courses

April 1-2 Cheshire, UK 

April 15-16 Horley, UK 

July 15-16 Hertfordshire, UK 

Australia & New Zealand

October 18-19 Byford, AU

October 22-23 Victoria, AU 


November 5-6 Chiba, Japan
(taught in English with Japanese translation)

South Africa

November 12-13 Johannesburg, ZA
Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule

USA Advanced Courses

October 24-28 Cedarburg, WI with Becky Tenges

October 24-28 Apex, NC with Sandy Vreeburg

October 31-November 4 Tucson, AZ  with Vanessa Helvey

November 7-11 Driftwood, TX with Becky Tenges

USA 2023 Courses

February 20-24 Tucson, AZ with Vanessa Helvey

March 6-10 Phoenix, AZ with Coralie Hughes

March 20-24 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

May 1-5 Wake Forest, NC with Sandy Vreeburg

June 12-16 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

European Advanced Courses

October 24-28 Egestorf, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe

European 2023 Courses

April 3-7 Cheshire, UK with Vicky Devlin

April 17-21 Cheshire, UK with Vicky Devlin

Canada 2023 Advanced Courses

May 8-12 Cobourg, ON with Lori Hoppe

August 21-25 Calgary, AB with Lori Hoppe

Australia & New Zealand

October 24-28 Victoria, AU with Vicky Devlin

South Africa

(Check back for upcoming Advanced 5-day Courses)
Certification Completion Course Schedule
USA Courses 2022-2023

October 29-30, 2022 West Bend, WI with Becky Tenges

January 14-16, 2023 Watsonville, CA with Sandy Vreeburg

February 13-14, 2023 Phoenix, AZ with Coralie Hughes 

Canada Courses 2023

May 14-15, 2023 Cobourg, ON 
with Lori Hoppe
European Courses

(check back for upcoming courses)

Australia & New Zealand 2022

October 29-30, 2022 Victoria, AU
with Vicky Devlin
Masterson Method Light to the Core Schedule
USA Courses 2022-2023

December 3-4, 2022

January 28-29, 2023 Kenwood, CA

April 22-23, 2023 Georgetown, CA 

July 22-23, 2023 Seneca, SC

European Courses

(Check back for upcoming courses)
Canada Courses 2023

April 15-16, 2023 Calgary, AB

June 3-4, 2023 Abbotsford, BC

September 16-17, 2023
Masterson Method Equine Specialist Schedule

USA 2022 Courses

November 4-6 Zelienople, PA

November 10-12 Dewey, OK
Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics

USA 2023 Collaborative Clinics

January 27-29, 2023 Phoenix Arizona Considering The Horse: Mind And Body Phoenix AZ
Masterson Method Expos and Demos

USA and European Expos & Demos for 2022

October 22-23 Lexington, Kentucky Masterson Method® With Jim Masterson
at Best Horse Practices Summit

October 30 St. Louis, Missouri Masterson Method® Presentation With Lise Lunde (as part of the International PATH Conference)

November 4-6 San Antonio, Texas Jim Masterson On Warwick Schiller’s Journey On Podcast Summit (online streaming tickets still available)

November 5 Chattanooga, Tennessee Masterson Method® Demo With Stephanie Wilkins

November 12 Owings, Maryland Masterson Method® Demo With Alice Long

November 13 Upper Marlboro, Maryland Masterson Method® Demo With Alice Long
Absorbine Proud Partners
"Absorbine’s relationship with The Masterson Method® is a natural fit. Jim’s breakthrough but simple concepts are all focused on helping the horse to relieve tension, feel more comfortable and improve their relationships with owners and handlers.” 

~ Amy Cairy, Director of Marketing,
W. F. Young, manufacturers of Absorbine products
