January 7, 2022


I wear a necklace that I never take off. It was my mom’s and it was a necklace that she never took off for it was one that she had made of her mom’s wedding ring. My grand mom’s ring was a simple one, consisting of one small diamond surrounded by many tiny ones. It would be of no significant value to most, unless you had a dear and loving relationship with the one who had passed it down.But as significant as it was to mom, it is now that for me. That one piece of jewelry is a constant daily reminder of not only my mom, and my memories of her, but of the generations that have gone before me.

We hold many things in our lives to be treasures. Some that would seem insignificant to others for they are heartfelt treasures, while others are merely replaceable objects or gifts that we have or have been given that we enjoy and behold. But truth is: these things we have on this Earth are merely things…often times they are misplaced, or given away, or no longer useful, or have been stolen or forgotten but none of them are not forever holdings. 

I do cherish this necklace, and many of you too, have items you hold tight that are sentimental and reminders of people, places or adventures that you hold dear to your heart. What a blessing that we have those times and those objects and have grown to love and be loved by the people that they represent.   But as I was thinking through this, I was reminded of a verse that I have held onto for years.  

Treasures in Heaven
In Matthew 6:19-21, Jesus says "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

The question is: What is it that we truly do treasure?  It is not necessarily just the tangible things on this earth that we gravitate to, but how often do we get trapped into earthly quests of approval, power, significance and even basic self worth based on our successes and defeats. Those treasures even when acquired are never enough to fill that Godly void that God has formed within us.  The irony of earthly treasures is that each of us are the treasure;  the treasure of Christ himself.  And with that relationship that we have with Christ, come the heavenly treasures of love, acceptance, grace, mercy and forgiveness.  And the list goes on…power, strength, comfort, direction. etc.   

For as I sit hear taking hold of this tiny remembrance of my mom I again am aware of the very fact that though this is a treasured inheritance, my heavenly inheritance began the moment I accepted Christ to be my savior and my focus in my life.  

We think of our treasures on Earth …but how often do we consider ourselves, as the very heavenly treasures that Christ beholds.  Each one of us who believes in Christ were gifted to him by his heavenly Father.  We are his eternal treasures. Nothing can take us away, he will keep us forever tucked into his glorious realm, and he will cherish us always. Consider that!  We are the ones who Christ holds dear in his hands and in his sight. We ourselves are a treasure, not to be measured by others but only to be unconditionally loved by Christ.  And through that love we are gifted in return with Heavenly blessings, mentioned above, that are stored up in heaven . 

Sometimes, I don’t know about you, but I don’t think high enough, I get bogged down in my little earthly valley instead of looking up towards the heaven and trusting the eternal treasures that can only be gathered and gifted from above. Though I sentimentally am attached to many earthy possessions, I know with all my heart that nothing outweighs the assured treasures that are sent from Christ because I know how much he treasures you and me. 

The earthly distractions of this world will keep on coming, and yes we will still be sentimentally attached to many of the things we hold dear. 
I must hold them loosely as they will not always be here, oh but Christ will continue to hold tight to US who are HIS treasures.  And in his grace and mercy may Christ help us to hold tight to God’s truth; For he is the one who remains constant and unchanged for eternity. When we store up our treasures in Heaven, we will find an everlasting peace, joy and security that cannot be found in our earthly clutches.  

 For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.
Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things
Dear Lord, Help me to strive to reach for the heavens in my thoughts and not settle in the comforts of earthly ways. Remind me often that earthly possessions and treasures are temporal, and that you are the storehouse for treasures that are eternal. Amen  

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!

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