
Fast Facts

an e-update on life at

First Presbyterian Church

October 21, 2021

The Session has called a congregational meeting at the close of 11:00 am worship Sunday, November 7, for the purpose of electing a slate of nominees for the 2022 Officer Nominating Committee. 


Worship - Sunday, October 24, 2021

22nd Sunday after Pentecost

"Opened Eyes & Opened Hearts"

Jeremiah 31:7-9

Mark 10:46-52

This week's lectionary texts:

Job 42:1-6, 10-17

Psalm 34:1-8 (19-22)

Jeremiah 31:7-9

Psalm 126

Hebrews 7:23-28

Mark 10:46-52

Join us for worship this Sunday, October 24 at 10:55 am on Facebook Live. You do not have to have an account to join us. The video will go live on the church's public Facebook group. If you do not have a Facebook account, a message will pop up asking if you wish to join. Simply click, "not now" at the bottom of that message and it will go away. You may then enjoy the video as it plays live.  


Sanctuary flower dates are available November 14. Seasonal greenery and berries dates are available December 5, 12, 19, and 26 and January 2. To provide flowers or seasonal greenery and berries in honor or in memory of a loved one, contact Margaret Fancher at [email protected] or call 234-1359. Contributions to the Flower Fund are greatly appreciated.

The Stewardship Campaign for 2022 is currently underway! As this year's campaign theme declares, we are "Rooted in Faith. Flourishing in Gratitude. Poised for Rebirth."  By now, we certainly hope that you have all received your stewardship materials and that you have joyfully embraced God's call to prayerfully discern how you will participate in this year's campaign. We hope to have most pledges returned to the church office by Sunday, October 31st, as we will offer thanks to God and dedicate our promised gifts as we worship as a family of faith. 

To those who've already returned pledges and your "Time and Talent" surveys, we offer our heartfelt thanks! Indeed, it is your generous giving that ensures our church family may continue to celebrate the abundant blessings of our past, to answer God's call in the here-and-now, and to look to our future with hopeful anticipation, shared vision, and renewed excitement.  

In this season, may we continue to reflect upon and give thanks to God for the many blessings we enjoy. May we also give thanks for the promise of God's ever-present Spirit—forever loving, nurturing, inspiring, and calling our church family forward. And may we all embrace God's invitation to be good stewards of the many blessings we have received by God's grace and to recommit ourselves to sharing those gifts with God's world with glad and joyful hearts!   

All are invited to pledge your commitment to by

  • returning the pledge card and Time and Talent survey that you received in the mail
  • going to FPC, Oxford's website HERE and confidentially and securely submitting your commitment there, or
  • contacting Frances Saralvarez, Financial Secretary, at the church office with your pledge information.  

We thank you for your abundant generosity!

Anyone interested in an FPC member directory can call the church office at 234-1757. One will be printed for you.


Attention VIP's! Our November outing will be attendance at "The Light in the Piazza" starring Mary Haskell. We will go to the matinee on Sunday, November 21. Mary will get the tickets for us but she needs a count ASAP. Please call the church at your earliest convenience to put your name on the list. I will let you know the price and when to pay as soon as I know. Thanks.

Sally Hines

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UKirk Ole Miss is grateful to those of you who have served as Tuesday night meal providers! And they still need a few more to round out their Fall schedule. For more information and to see a list of available dates, visit ukirkolemiss.org/tuesday-meals or email Allison at [email protected]

Church Picnic at Camp Hopewell

Sunday, October 24th

4:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Hamburgers, hotdogs and drinks will be provided

This is an outdoor event! There will be a hay ride and

activities for the kids and adults alike.

Do you think your dessert/side dish is the best?? There will be a contest for the top 2 desserts and top 2 side dishes. Bring your best and enjoy this friendly competition and fellowship with your church family!

Members with last name beginning A - L bring desserts

Members with last name beginning M - Z bring side dishes


Membership & Hospitality needs 3 volunteers to be the grill masters to flip burgers (about a one hour job). Contact Kevin Christian at [email protected] if you can volunteer.


COVID Considerations: Members will be asked to wear a mask in the serving line. People can spread out to the many picnic tables. All activities will be outside.

Hallowed Halloween at Hopewell


Your help is needed! We are planning for 800 people (which was last year’s attendance). During the entire month of October, we need candy donations or cash donations from church members for this event. We estimate that we will need 20,000 pieces of candy! You can drop off bagged candy at the church office, or place in the box in the narthex on Sundays. Please avoid candy with nuts...like Reeses, or Snickers, etc. This is a nice way to play a small part in this HUGE community outreach, family oriented Halloween event.


COVID Considerations: Much like last year. Food, condiments, and drinks will be served by dedicated people. Everyone is encouraged to come in their costume!

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Mission Opportunities!

Oxford First United Methodist Church holds its next food distribution Wednesday, October 27 at their church, 102 Dylan Avenue next to the Mary Cathey Head Start off Old Sardis Road. 250-300 needy Lafayette County families are served through this monthly outreach program. FPC volunteers are needed to assist in unloading the supply truck from the Memphis Food Bank and distributing it to clients in the drive through at OFUMC. Even an hour of your time would be greatly appreciated.  

One goal of the FPC Mission Ministry is to identify opportunities that would allow members of our church family to engage in local missions within the Oxford community. Supporting the Leap Frog Program, a non-profit after-school literacy and tutoring program for at-risk students in Oxford and Lafayette County, is one such opportunity. In service to our community, the FPC Mission Team is committed to providing snacks each Tuesday for the sixty students enrolled in the program. The 'healthy' snack will consist of juice and a finger food such as fruit, peanut butter crackers, etc. The time commitment is limited to the provision, preparation, and serving of the snacks from 2:50-3:20 pm at the former Oxford Elementary School located at 1637 Hwy 30 East. The mission team is seeking two volunteers to provide snacks each Tuesday from September 14 through November 30. For more information or to sign up for a Tuesday of your choice please email Patty Abbott, [email protected]. This could be your mission!

The combined adult Sunday school exploring the topic of Congregational Vitality concludes this Sunday with a study of Servant Leadership. Ann Devoe and Allyson Ashmore will lead the discussion. Please join us as we learn and grow together. Coffee and refreshments start at 9:45 . A nursery is provided. 

Curious about the various FPC mission activities? A new email account has been created specifically for keeping FPC members abreast of mission plans, outreach programs, committee minutes, etc. If you would like to be kept in the mission loop, contact the Mission Team at [email protected]. Your name will be placed on Mission Ministry's contact list. We look forward to keeping everyone informed of FPC's outreach opportunities.

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Haven House, our resident recovery facility for people with substance abuse, appreciates the donations of Bibles, study materials, and daily devotional booklets. If you have some religious books to share, please bring them to the church office.

Remember in Prayer


FPC Members: Margaret Fancher; Family of Betty Mullen White; Family of Mary Helen "Babe" Field Carr; Joe Murphey


Family and Friends: Family of Elise & William Winter; Parchman Prison inmates; Haven House residents; Our Haiti partners; Oxford & Lafayette County First Responders; Community leaders


U. S. Military: SSgt Jason Freeland, USAF 4th Air Support Operation


Please pray, too, for those with unspecified needs.


If you wish to have a name removed or added to this list, please contact the church office.


The FPC prayer chain is ready if you or someone you know is in need. This is a confidential list that is independent from the names listed above. Please contact Carlisle Wood at [email protected] or 662-832-8606. All requests are held in strict confidence.  

Upcoming Birthdays and Anniversaries

October Birthdays

21 Bo Elliott, Catie Hester, Glo Mauldin, Elliott Mayo, Cole Milner, Haley Spragins

22 Francis Boateng, Ferriday McClatchy, Catherine Mize

23 Marshal Williams

24 Charly McClatchy, Anne Wilkinson

25 Jack Abraham, Charles Byars, David Flautt, Anastasia Jenkins

27 Scottye Boone, Dennis Feller, Slade Lewis, Emily Newcomb

October Anniversaries

27 LeAnne & Chase Neal

If we've overlooked your birthday or anniversary and you wish to have it included in Fast Facts, please contact Jessica McPhail in the church office.

These announcements are sent weekly from the church. If you don't want to receive them, or if your email address has changed, please send a message to Jessica McPhail in the church office at [email protected].
