Savion Adams was a student in my CHM 111-112 classes on the Christanna Campus. What stood out to me was Savion's passion for learning about science and his drive to want more than we could give him outside the classroom. Even though our labs were on campus, Savion still took a lab kit home so he could better his skills. Savion also participated in the Chemists Celebrate Earth Week event that I ran at the Science Museum of Virginia. I saw that dedication, his continued understanding of science, and his sharing knowledge about thermodynamics and heat we learned in class with children who came to the table.
When I heard about Old Dominion University's Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU), funded by the National Science Foundation, I immediately talked to Savion about applying for this summer research internship program. This internship would undoubtedly be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for a 2-year community college student. Most REU programs focus on students finishing two years of chemistry, both General and Organic, before allowing them to apply to the program. It is not very easy for a community college student to have the opportunity unless they meet all the requirements. This opportunity allowed Savion to work with university faculty performing research in an area, biochemistry, that he was drawn to. Savion excelled for sure. He he was able to get more hands-on experience with lab equipment and learn how research works.
I am thrilled that Savion has had this opportunity to open up doors at the next level. I will continue to follow his academic adventures after he leaves SVCC with his associate degree.