March 2025 Sunday School

Cherub Sings in Worship March 2

Cherubs at both the Minneapolis and West Campuses will sing in worship on Sunday, March 2nd. Please arrive a few minutes early to Sunday School to get a robe and rehearse.

I Will Give My Heart to the Lord -

Minneapolis and West Song Link

Hosanna and Chapel Sing in worship on March 16

Hosanna and Chapel Sunday School classes at both the Minneapolis and West campuses sing in worship on Sunday, March 16. Please arrive a few minutes early to Sunday School to get a robe and rehearse.

Minneapolis Song Link - Hosanna and Chapel

West Song Link - Hosanna and Chapel

2024-2025 CALENDAR


March 2

March 9

March 16

March 23

March 30


Luke 10:25-37

Luke 10:25-37

Luke 15:11-32

Luke 15:11-32

Spring Break!

Big Idea

Love God and love other people

The Good Samaritan

God loves us even when we feel unlovable or undeserving.

God celebrates when what was lost is found

There is no Sunday School offered today.

Question of the Day

Who is your neighbor?

What if the person you liked the least helped you the most? What are ways that we care for each other at home, at school, or in our community?

Have you ever lost anything? What does it feel like to find something you have lost? What if you never find it?

How does it feel to see someone again after a long time? What would you tell them?

Please worship as a family! The nursery is open for extended ages (up to age 6) at both campuses.


Adult & Child Companion Painting

Tuesday, March 25

A fun time for you and a favorite child/grandchild to paint together. The project can stand alone or be hung side-by-side for a combined work of art.

Register Here!

Sunday School Service Day

Sunday, April 27, Mpls & West Campuses

The Sunday School classes will spend their class time volunteering for VEAP! It's our annual toilet paper drive to support our Mount Olivet ministry partner.

All are welcome to bring toilet paper donations of any quantity or brand to Sunday School. Feel free to drop off at either campus in Sunday School between now and Sunday, April 27.

Learn more about VEAP here.