Weekly Update
A Message from Principal Simpson
Dear Parents,
We are wrapping up another great week here at BFA! Our second graders explored a mine, eighth graders displayed their knowledge at the Social Studies Fair, and our kindergarteners and first graders put on a terrific performance for their parents.
The weather has not been great this week, and it has highlighted some recurring issues in carpool. Morning carpool always runs slower on days with snow or when the roads are slick. Here are some reminders for every day to help it run more smoothly:
- Do not pull out and pass cars in the morning carline. This is very unsafe.
- Have your students ready to get out of the car once on the property. It should not take more than a few seconds for your students to get out once you have stopped.
- Do not be on your cell phone! This applies to the afternoon carpool as well.
Here are a few important date reminders before we head out to Spring Break. Please plan on joining us either in person or on Zoom for the Board Candidate Q&A on Tuesday, March 22. Friday, April 1, has been approved as a comp day for staff. There will be no school for students on April 1.
As we all head into the break, please remember that this is a time for everyone to recharge, relax and get ready to finish the year strong. Teachers/staff are not expected to answer emails over the break. If there is something urgent, please email me.
I hope everyone has a fabulous week away!
Mrs. Simpson
BFA loves its volunteers, and we want to show our appreciation for all of your work. The PTO recognizes two volunteers each month. A volunteer will be chosen as the Volunteer of the Month, and will get exclusive use of the dedicated, reserved Volunteer of the Month spot in the parking lot for their respective month.
In addition, each month a volunteer will be randomly chosen through a drawing to win a fun, surprise gift. All you have to do to be eligible to win, is log at least ONE hour of volunteer service in the month prior to the drawing.
Thanks to all our volunteers for your continued support of BFA!
Congratulations Lara Chavez
For the month of March, Lara Chavez has been selected as the Ben Franklin Academy Volunteer of the Month. She is being recognized for all of the time she has spent volunteering in the science lab, art room, classrooms, and with the PTO. She has set herself apart and set an excellent example of outstanding volunteerism! Thank you Lara—we’re grateful for all your volunteer efforts and love seeing your smile whenever you’re helping out around the school!
Lara and her husband Brandon have two kids at BFA: Grace (fifth grade) and Matthew (second grade). When asked what she likes about BFA, Lara said: “We are a new family this year and have truly enjoyed getting involved at the school and meeting other families. I have always loved being in my kids' classrooms getting to know the other kids, and BFA is no different; whether it is in art, science lab, Thursday folders or the lunch room, the more time I spend at BFA, the more things I like about it. We were drawn to the school for the academics, arts, and community and we look forward to getting to know more of the community in the months and years to come.”
Congratulations again, Lara. We’re so happy you’re a part of the BFA family!
If you know someone who should be considered for volunteer of the month for outstanding volunteerism, please email Denise Battista, PTO president.
This month, Liz Johnson is the winner of our drawing for her volunteer time in February. She earned hours by volunteering as a Pre-K room parent and in the science lab. She has won a $10 gift card to Gelato & Co.
Congratulations, Liz--we appreciate you!
Calendar Reminders/Updates
Tomorrow, March 11, is a regular Dress of Choice Day, and March 31 is an EXTRA Dress of Choice day to celebrate your generosity to the PTO's direct giving campaign.
Next week is SPRING BREAK! There is no school from March 14-18. We hope you have a terrific week.
Also, please note that Friday, April 1, is a comp day for teachers and will be a day off for all students. This is a change to the original Academic Calendar, so please make sure you mark it down on your family calendar!
Final Days for Parent Satisfaction Survey
The School Accountability Committee (SAC) would like your feedback about this school year. Please complete the Parent Satisfaction Survey (one response per family) expressing your thoughts and opinions before end-of-day on Friday, March 11. We genuinely value your feedback and hope to hear from every BFA family.
The survey should take less than 15 minutes, so please make time to complete it today!
BFA Students Successful at Geo Bee
BFA students were excited to participate in the International Academic Competitions Geo Bee this past weekend at George Washington High School in Denver.
BFA had a number of students qualify, with 17 participants competing in the event against students from around the metro area. It was a very fun day for all the students and we’re proud to announce the following winners (pictured above):
Sixth Grade
Avani Saboo, Champion
Noah Kolbo, Runner Up
Emma Tenhundfeld, Third Place
Rajeev Nelson, Finalist
Seventh Grade
Blaise Jones, Champion
Reid Baugh, Runner Up
Aaron Stevenson, Finalist
Gnaan Desai, Finalist
The champion and runner up students have automatic bids to Nationals in Orlando and the International competition in Vermont; and the other students who placed have an automatic bid to Nationals. Congratulations to all the participants!
We are THRILLED to report that we earned $60,300 through the online auction and direct giving fundraiser! That’s right--our community contributed $60,300 that will be poured directly back into BFA. Thank you to all of the families who participated and helped the PTO surpass its goal!
Special thanks to the PTO members, volunteers and staff that helped us reach our goal, especially: Amanda Trenck, Denise Battista, Erin Crowe, Janelle Nichols, Alissa Motazedi, Shauna Kramer, Nicole Withee, Briauna Smythe, Ewelina Chrzanowski, Colleen Crawley, Jacqui Condon, Alan Emanuel, Carrie Keen, Michelle Bynum and Jennifer Jones.
In Case You Missed It...Candidate Q&A March 22
We were pleased to announce the 2022 candidates for the BFA Board of Directors last Friday, March 4. If you missed the email, you can find information about the candidates on the Board Election webpage.
As part of our Board Election/Nomination process, the BFA Board invites you to attend a Candidate Q&A from 5 – 6 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22, prior to the BFA Board meeting. The Candidate Q&A is an opportunity for the BFA Community to learn more about the candidates as they answer a series of one-on-one questions from the current Board Members.*
This year’s Candidate Q&A will take place in-person in the Middle School Commons. All candidates must appear in-person. The Candidate Q&A will be broadcast via Zoom to provide all members of the BFA Community the ability to observe remotely.
We encourage all BFA families to attend either in-person or via Zoom. Please note that the following guidelines will apply:
- The Candidate Q&A will be open to the public.
- The Candidate Q&A will not include questions or comments from members of the public. Open comments submitted by 12:00 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting will be permitted during the regularly-scheduled Board meeting at the time set aside on the agenda.
- We ask that all attendees be courteous and respectful during this process, so that those attending via Zoom are able to hear the questions and answers.
- Please be on time. This is the BFA’s Community’s opportunity to hear directly from the Board candidates and it is important that interruptions, if any, are limited.
If you have any questions, please contact Director Haley Maglieri.
*With the exception of candidate Sarah Nisbet.
Thank You Muffins with Moms Volunteers and Participants!
Thank you to all the moms and students who woke up early to attend Muffins with Moms last Friday. There were 680 people in attendance, which is the largest Community Events Committee (CEC) event of its kind in recent years!
A big shout out to the CEC and all of the amazing volunteers who made this event a success. And, thanks to all the dads who helped out so the moms could participate. Also, thank you to the event coordinator, Alyssa Gale Freund, for all her hard work; to Katie Murphy and the National Junior Honor Society for making signs for the recycling bins; and to Josh Pierce and the Ben’s Brigade for volunteering and spreading the word.
It may be hard to believe, but it’s time to start thinking about summer camp! Ben Franklin Academy will be offering another exciting Summer Camp program this year.
Do you need full-time day care for the summer? Or perhaps you are just looking to get a break a few days per week. Maybe your kids would like to connect with other Ben Franklin Academy kids and enjoy fun activities and social time. Whatever your situation, our Summer Camp program is sure to keep your kids safe and entertained. And, the best part is that our Summer Camp is staffed by people you know and trust!
Program Details
Dates: June 1 - Aug. 17; camp will be closed July 4-8
Hours: 7 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Days: Monday through Friday
Summer Camp is open to any currently enrolled BFA student age 5 and older. Your child must be 5 on or before Wednesday, June 1, to participate.
One-time Registration Fee: $25 per child; All registered campers will receive a camp t-shirt and daypack.
Tuition: $200/week/child
Registration Opens: March 21
In February, the BASE program was awarded a grant from the state of Colorado. With the funds we received, we lowered the registration fee to $25 per student. In addition, we've lowered the weekly fee to $200, and will not be charging more for the field trips and other special activities we are planning for this summer.
Watch for the summer camp activities/field trip calendar to be available in April. Please send any questions to: summercamp@bfacademy.org.
Get Your Yearbook before the Price Goes Up
Yearbooks are on sale now and cost $36 per book; but don’t wait to purchase them, as the price will go up to $40 after March 20. Order and pay for your 2021-22 yearbook today at: http://www.yearbookforever.com.
For additional details on pricing and how to order, check out the yearbook flier.
Volunteer Appreciation - Save the Date and Record your Hours!
Did you know that the PTO hosts a volunteer appreciation event at Pirate’s Cove to show our thanks to all families who complete their family’s volunteer quota (30 hours per family or 15 hours per single family household)? This year, the event will be held from 6 - 8 p.m. on Saturday, June 11. This is always a fun evening, so be sure to log those volunteer hours as you complete them!
Thank you to all the families who have volunteered this year. We sincerely appreciate all that you do for BFA!
Have your kids had a growth spurt? Do you need a few extra uniforms? Are you looking for some volunteer hours? If so, mark your calendar for the upcoming Uniform Consignment Sale from 10 a.m. - noon on Saturday, March 26, in the outside courtyard between the gyms. (If the weather isn’t cooperating, we’ll be in the small gym.) We’ll have uniforms in all sizes and styles, so come check it out!
If you’d like to consign items, drop off your clean, tagged garments at the office between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. Monday, March 21, through Thursday, March 24. Please follow the tagging instructions, and if you’d like guidance with pricing your items, see the Suggested Resale Pricing Guide. After the sale, any unsold items you’d like back need to be picked up between 1-2 p.m. on March 26. Unsold consignment items that are not picked up will be placed with the PTO donations.
Looking for some volunteer hours? If you would like to volunteer to help with the sale, please visit the SignUpGenius.
New College-style Sweatshirts; Store Remaining Open through March 25
The PTO just received a long-awaited shipment of new, college-style sweatshirts (pictured) so be sure to check them out before the shop closes for the year after Friday, March 25! Shop MySchoolBucks TODAY for new spirit wear and spirit items. Make sure your kids have sweatshirts for chilly classrooms and fleece jackets or vests for recess. We also have gaiters, water bottles, wireless phone chargers, car magnets and decals, and more!
Orders will be delivered and sent home through your child's classroom. Masks and gaiters are not returnable. Questions? Contact Jacqui Condon, PTO Spirit Wear Chair.
So Many Reasons to Join the PTO Team - Nominations Open Sunday
Thinking about volunteering with the PTO? There are so many reasons why you should! Here are just a few:
- Your volunteer work will make a difference.
- You can meet new people.
- We can match jobs to your interests and availability.
- You'll know what's going on at BFA.
- It's so much fun to be an active part of the community!
Nominations will be accepted March 13-26, and PTO elections will be held April 26-30. To nominate yourself, or someone you know who'd be a good fit in the PTO, please complete the 2022 BFA PTO Nominations form starting on Sunday, March 13.
For more information, including the top 10 reasons you should join the PTO and job descriptions (with time commitments) of the PTO's volunteer opportunities, visit the ‘Elections’ section of the PTO's webpage. The right position is waiting for you!
Make plans to stop by for dinner and some fun to support BFA at the Main Event spirit night from 4-7 p.m. on Wednesday, March 30. Main Event will give back 20 percent of all purchases (excluding alcohol) to BFA. Be sure to mention the Ben Franklin fundraiser so that the school gets credit for your purchase!
Our two February spirit nights raised almost $800 for BFA - $310 from Kneaders and $470.05 from Modern Plate. Thank you to everyone who supported our spirit nights. Let's see if we can make the Main Event spirit night even better! We appreciate your continued support.
Say Thanks - Staff Appreciation with SCRIP
BFA will use SCRIP for end of year staff gifting again this year. This convenient, online program replaces room parent collections and facilitates convenient group gifting. Each family makes one payment through MySchoolBucks for all of their teacher and staff gifts. At the end of collections, each staff member will receive an email with the total collected on their behalf and is able to select gift cards they would like to receive.
Participation in the SCRIP program is completely voluntary. You are welcome to participate with any amount, or alternatively gift the teachers and staff on your own. Families will be able to place SCRIP orders via MySchoolBucks and pay by credit card. You may designate how much you would like to give to each teacher/staff member in one-dollar increments. Collections will take place April 2-10 with gift cards being distributed during Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week (May 2-May 6).
Attention Library Volunteers
We kindly ask our library volunteers to notify Ms. Williams AND cancel their sign-up if they cannot show up for their scheduled volunteer time slot. Unfortunately, we’ve had a number of volunteers not show up recently; therefore, we’ve had to make the difficult choice to cancel future sign ups for parents who failed to show for two volunteer slots without notifying us in advance.
Landsharks Registration Open NOW
Landsharks is offering a spring track series! They offer a non-competitive youth program to introduce running to young athletes in a safe and fun environment. Their focus is on self-improvement, being an encouraging teammate, and making new friends. The Spring Track series is a fun-based program led by Alyson Henbest and is open to students in kindergarten through sixth grade. See the flier for more information and register today!
Our mission is to create young adults with character like America's founding Renaissance man, Benjamin Franklin: well-read, scientifically curious, and civically engaged.
Our students will excel academically through a challenging, sequenced curriculum that emphasizes math, science, the arts, and literacy. We will be a data-driven institution, focusing on individual students. Our students, teachers, parents, staff, and leaders will be held accountable for the success of our school. Finally, we recognize that an education is incomplete without fostering social emotional development, character, sports, and nature.
13 Virtues:
Temperance, Silence, Order, Resolution, Frugality, Industry, Sincerity, Justice, Moderation, Cleanliness, Tranquility, Purity and Humility.
Ben Franklin Academy
2270 Plaza Drive
Highlands Ranch, CO 80129
Main Office Phone: 720-383-4519
Email: info@bfacademy.org
Attendance Phone: 720-432-9239
Email: attendance@bfacademy.org