January 26, 2025

3rd Sunday After the Epiphany

Worship at 10:30AM

Pastor Andy Martinez

"Love Feeds All"

(1 Corinthians 12:1-11 & Matthew 15:21-34)

Special Music by the MRC Handbell Choir

and Coril Prochnow & Kathleen Cuvelier!

Order of Worship 1/26/25

MRC Spring Directory

We are updating our directory! Please take a look at the draft version of the current directory located at the usher’s table to make sure your information is still accurate; corrections may be notated on the draft. If you would like to be added to the directory, please fill out a welcome card and notate “Directory” at the top.

February Men’s Breakfast

The men of Mountain Reformed Church will meet for their monthly breakfast and fellowship on Monday, February 3rd at 8am at Zeke’s Eatin’ Place in the Frontier Village Shopping Center. All men are welcomed and encouraged to attend!

Annual Meeting

Members are encouraged to make plans to attend our annual meeting following our worship service on Sunday Febuary 16th.

Pastor on Call

The Rev. Dr. Gene Grimm is the Pastor on Call. If you would like to get in touch, feel free to call/text 928-925-6057 or email him at

Worship Location:

Mountain Reformed Church

(formerly "The Event Spot")

6520 E. 1st St.

Prescott Valley, AZ 86314

Coffee Fellowship at 10AM

Worship Service at 10:30AM

Mountain Reformed Church is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. Your gifts are tax-deductible.

Mountain Reformed Church, PO BOX 12228, Prescott, Arizona 86304