October 23-31, 2021
National Red Ribbon Week
Each year communities nationwide join together to raise awareness about the dangers of drug abuse by wearing a red ribbon from October 23rd to 31st, which is the National Red Ribbon Week. Various activities have been scheduled throughout the month of October to celebrate the Red Ribbon Campaign.
The campaign provides communities with a forum to bring together parents, schools and business to find new and innovative ways to keep kid’s drug free.
The 2021 National Red Ribbon Week Theme, Drug Free Looks Like Me™ created by Marin Wurst, a 7th grader at Solon Middle School in Solon, Ohio, the Theme is a reminder that everyday Americans across the country make significant daily contributions to their communities by being the best they can be because they live Drug-Free!
The first Red Ribbon Celebration was organized in 1986 by a grassroots organization of parents concerned about the destruction caused by alcohol and drug abuse. The red ribbon was adopted as a symbol of the movement in honor of Enrique “KiKi” Camarena an agent with the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration who was kidnapped and killed while investigating drug traffickers. The campaign has reach millions of children and has been recognized by the U.S Congress.