June 2023

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The IRB Review

A compilation of information, announcements, & updates for UK Institutional Review Board (IRB) members, research investigators, & others involved with human subject research.

Meet Data!

Balancing confidentiality with data reproducibility requires researchers and IRB members to protect both research data and the participants from which it came. 

This brief animated video introduces how secure data retention can contribute to the reproduction and validation of research findings.  

Don't Destroy Data Video


November 2-3, 12-4 pm ET

 Virtual Human Research Protections Regional Conference

Test Your IRB Knowledge:

The IRB HIPPA Waiver of Authorization indicates

that data collected during the study should be

destroyed at the earliest opportunity.

True or False

***Keep Reading for the Answer***

Upcoming ORI Office Hours

Tuesday, July 11,1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


Click Here for All Office Hours Dates/Times

The Office of Research Integrity offers consultations by phone, Zoom, or in-person. Consultations are offered for studies in development (with or without an E-IRB submission) as well as approved research projects.

Click Here to Request a Consult

Answer to the Trivia Question:


The HIPAA Waiver of Authorization Form only refers to destruction of Protected Health Information (PHI), not data. PHI is defined as any of the 18 HIPAA recognized identifiers in combination with health information. Removing identifiers using the safe harbor method results in the information no longer being considered PHI. The Waiver Form also permits an investigator to justify retaining PHI. If the data/specimens will be destroyed, verify that this will not violate retention policies and will adhere to applicable facility and regulatory requirements.

In addition to complying with UK's Data Retention and Ownership Policy, research data is needed to validate findings, provide proof in the event of a misconduct allegation, and permit sharing or study replication. For additional information on data retention see the Data Video Article in this newsletter.