October 2022
Upcoming Deadlines
HMIS@NCCEH End of Year Reporting Data Clean Up Plan
The end of the fiscal year is here. This means preparation for submission of two federal reports, Longitudinal Systems Analysis (LSA) and System Performance Measures (SPM) by each of the three Continua of Cares.

What is required?
For each of the individual projects listed above, the following steps are required:
  1. Agency Admin will pull each of the required BusinessObjects reports
  • D001 Street Outreach DOE  (street outreach projects only; correct this one first!)
  • D002 LSA Annual Review Audit (all projects)
  • D003 LSA Client Data Clean Up (all projects)
  1. Corrections of errors on each BusinessObjects reports
  2. Agency Admin or designated staff will submit corrected BusinessObjects reports via submission link by Thursday, October 20th.
  3. Timely responses by the agency to NCCEH Data Center communications

  1. Federal Reporting Data Preparation Guide
  2. D001 Street Outreach DOE Report (workflow on how to pull the report)
  3. D002 Annual Review Audit Report (workflow on how to pull the report)
  4. D003 Client Data Clean Up Report (workflow on how to pull the report)

If you need additional support with running the BusinessObjects reports or users need support with any data clean-up questions, please reach out to the Data Center Helpdesk as soon as possible (
ESG-CV Quarterly CAPER
Each quarter, the Data Center submits ESG-CAPER data to the State ESG and City of Durham on behalf of agencies with ESG-CV grants. Data will be pulled the week of October 10th. If you operate projects with ESG-CV funding, please make sure to:
  • Run and Review ESG-CAPER data for the entire contract date range (7/1/2020-9/30/2022 for example)
  • Make corrections for missing or inaccurate data
  • Confirm any projects that are no longer using ESG-CV funding with the Data Center directly
HMIS@NCCEH System Changes
2022-2023 HMIS Privacy & Security Training
All users are required by our HMIS implementation's Operating Policies and Procedures and HUD to complete Privacy and Security Training every year during September. Thank you to the 82% of users who completed this requirement.

Users without completed training by September 30th will be inactivated today, and their Agency Admins and CoC Leads notified. If inactivated users do not respond asap, they will have to take the entire new user training over to get access to HMIS. For more details on how to complete this, please refer to our ZenGuide Annual Privacy article.
Reason for Leaving Updated
The Advisory Board's Configuration Subcommittee has reviewed and updated the list of options for Reason for Leaving.

The complete list of options and the definitions for each are available in ZenGuide: Reason for Leaving options.

Remember that this question asks why a client is exiting to their destination. Currently, this question is required for Durham CoC projects only but can be very helpful for program evaluation.
Purge Script for Privacy
HUD requires that client data and files are purged after 7 years. The script will remove all client files that have not had entries/exits or service transactions since before 10/1/2014. Client files with a household member that has had entries/exits or service transactions since 10/1/2014 will be kept to help with reporting issues per WellSky’s normal operating procedure for this script type.

This was conducted on September 27th successfully. To comply with HUD Data Privacy and Security Standards, this script will take place annually.
NC Natural Disaster/Storm
We hope that you, your families, and your clients watched Hurricane Ian pass without loss or disruption. But we know that natural disasters like this week's storm can be a precipitating event for people's experience of homelessness.

To identify this experience and start a conversation about resources available to people impacted by natural disasters/storms, HMIS@NCCEH has a question for Project Start Assessment called NC Natural Disaster/Storm. Hurricane Ian is now an option in the named storm list. Please keep recording responses for clients to help you and them get support from FEMA and NCORR.
Training & Resource Round-Up
System Updates meeting
Computer screen with comment boxes
Join us Agency Admins for your monthly meeting to stay on top of all things HMIS. This is your Agency Administrator's monthly meeting to get updates, escalate problems, and give feedback.

Your System Update Meeting: October 11th!
For details and registration, go to NCCEH's calendar event.

Agency Administrators, Program Managers, and Supervisors are expected to attend. Agency representatives must share this important information internally with colleagues.

If you missed one, recordings and materials are posted on the News Archive under HMIS System Updates Meetings. And remember the System Updates meeting replaced HMIS User Meetings by CoC.
Save the Dates of future Data Clean Up trainings:
  • Tuesday, October 4th 1pm-2pm: Learn to pull and read Annual Review Audit report and Street Outreach DOE Report
  • Wednesday, October 5th 9:30am-10:30am: Learn to pull and read the LSA Client Clean Up Report
  • Monday, October 10th 2pm-3:30pm: Learn additional tips on correcting LSA Client Clean Up Report
  • Thursday, October 13th 9am-10am: Learn how to submit required reports & QA time
  • Wednesday, October 19th 10am-11am: Learn how to submit required reports & QA time
  • Thursday, October 20th 1pm-2pm: Reporting Season: what to expect next

New to HMIS or missed a meeting?
Make sure to check out our News Archive page for links to past email updates and user meetings slides or recordings.

We look forward to reporting back your community's progress at this month's HMIS Users Meeting. See you soon!
NCCEH Data Center | 919.410.6997 |