‘Love God; And Love Each Other.’ – Jesus
From Your Cathedral
Friday, 08.06.21

A Message from Bishop Loya

Beloved in Christ,
As COVID-19 cases begin to climb again in many parts of the country, and we learn more about the delta variant driving the latest surge, we are reminded that while we are in the late stages of the pandemic, it is still very much with us. The CDC earlier this week renewed its recommendation that people wear masks when indoors in areas with high rates of infection. What is known is that even vaccinated individuals can both contract and transmit the delta variant, even as the symptoms and severity of the disease can be lessened by vaccinations.
In ECMN, the decisions about whether and how best to worship in person remain with the canonical leadership of local congregations. However, I encourage you to resume masking indoors, especially in congregations where there are many children who are not yet eligible to be vaccinated, where immunocompromised individuals are present, or wherever the vaccination status of attendees is unknown. 
Masks are an easy way to contain the spread of COVID. However, masks will not move us fully out of the pandemic. What will help do that, as has been known for some time, is increasing the number of vaccinated people. If you are eligible and able to get vaccinated, please do so. If you are a congregational leader, please ask the members of your community to get vaccinated. The rates of vaccinations among eligible people in Minnesota and around the country have stalled in recent months, and the spread of misinformation about the safety, efficacy, and need for vaccination is a significant factor in people refusing it. I believe part of how we love and serve one another and the world around us is using our voice to help increase the number of vaccinations. 
As you and your faith community continue to discern how to move forward in this strange time, I commend to you this Hybrid Gathering Guide, created by your missioners Rachel Babbitt and Emilia Seay Allen to support you and answer your hybrid questions and concerns.
I will continue to meet as needed with our building use task force, and communicate any updated guidance in as timely a manner as possible. As ever, I am deeply grateful for the extraordinary ways our faith communities have navigated this uniquely challenging season.
Grace and peace,

The Right Revered Craig Loya
X Bishop
Episcopal Church in Minnesota

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry shares a quick message about why he got the COVID-19 vaccine, and he encourages you to do the same! Watch here, then join him by sharing your own “I Got Mine” story. Post your photo or video with the #Igotmine hashtag, tag and invite your friends, and tell the world what getting the COVID-19 vaccine means to you.  
COVID-19 Vaccination Information
Getting vaccinated prevents severe illness, hospitalizations, and death. Unvaccinated people should get vaccinated and continue masking until they are fully vaccinated. With the Delta variant, this is more urgent than ever. The CDC has updated guidance for fully vaccinated people based on new evidence on the Delta variant. You can find that information here.
This is your chance to get $100 to keep yourself, your friends and family, and your community safe from COVID-19! Minnesotans 12 years of age and older who receive their first dose between Friday, July 30 and Sunday, August 15 will be eligible for a $100 Visa gift card to spend however they choose. All you have to do is roll up your sleeves! Learn more here.
One way to live out our call to love our neighbor is by getting the COVID-19 vaccine and telling others to do the same. The vaccine is the most effective way to protect ourselves, our neighbors, and the many industries and small businesses that have suffered due to the rampant spread of this deadly disease.
If you are interested in getting vaccinated and aren't sure how to find one, start with the Minnesota Vaccine Connector. This confidential tool will alert you when and where there are vaccine appointments in your area. The vaccine is available to all regardless of employment, health insurance, or citizenship status. If you have limited access to the internet, you can also sign up by phone by calling the Minnesota Department of Health COVID-19 Public Hotline at 1-833-431-2053.
There are several mass vaccination sites in the metro area and across the state. To get more information on these sites, call 1-800-800-5698 or visit the MDH Vaccination Site page.
Vaccines can also be scheduled through Walgreens, Walmart, CVS, Thrifty White, and other local pharmacies in your community. Call these sites to get more information and schedule your vaccine or visit MN Vaccine Spotter for available appointments, updated every minute.
If you are hesitant about getting a vaccine, you can read about the vaccines and process through the CDC vaccine information.  
519 Oak Grove Street
Minneapolis, MN 55403
Phone Number:
(612) 870-7800