Northwood School Laker

October 29, 2021

Masking Update

We will continue with optional masking next week. The Covid Response Team will review the data on November 4.

Please note: Masks continue to be required on school buses.

From the Technology Director

In order to keep Pick Up Patrol up to date, it is important for families to go in and periodically update or confirm your default plans for your children.  This will help ensure that at the end of the day your child is ready at the appropriate location for dismissal.  Also, please keep in mind when you make a change to your child’s plan for a day in the future, that if those plans should change that you update Pick Up Patrol to indicate that change is no longer taking place. Thank you for helping us to facilitate a smooth and efficient dismissal process!

Greetings from Title 1 Math!

For many of you the weekend will be full of costumes, candy, family, and friends. What a great time to throw some math into the mix. Sorting, counting, comparing, and patterning are all simple math activities you can sneak in when your children are drooling over their collections. To this day I still play "Candy Trade" where values determine the worth of a candy based on a scale of favorites. Even if you're not a candy collector you can add in the math terminology whenever you're out and about. Look at the leaves in a pile, groceries in a cart, dogs in a park. Do you see more or less red leaves? Which dog is bigger? Can you make an addition or multiplication sentence with objects? I'll be anxious to hear the stories on Monday. Math is AWESOME!


News from the Art Room

Kindergarten students created little birds in the order of the rainbow.

1st Grade created sunflowers showing the primary and secondary colors.

7th Grade Finished their Gems, Geodes, and Crystals Project.

8th Grade Finished up their Self Portrait Projects.

School & Community News


From Friday October 29, to Friday November 12, there will be a Donation Drive for Mary’s Dog’s. They are looking for items to use at the shelter. Items include: Hannaford gift cards, Lee Friendly Pets gift cards, bottles of bleach, rolls of paper towels, paper bowls, tide pods, dryer sheets, dog toys, and dish detergent. There will be collection bins located at the main office. Please email with any questions. I appreciate your help.

Important Dates

November 2 - Picture retake day

November 10 - School Board meeting, 6:30

November 11 - Veterans Day, no school

November 12 - Parent/teacher conferences, no school

November 24 - Early Release, 12:30

November 25 & 26 - Thanksgiving break, no school

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