Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

Weekly Update

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Time For Children

Pastor Trish is including a coloring sheet to be used as a part of online worship.

Upcoming Events

On Sunday, February 9, we will collect our annual Souper Bowl of Caring offering! This year, our recipient will again be Pastor Trish's Emergency Fund, so our offering helps Tackle Hunger right in our community. Cash or checks made to the church and designated for Souper Bowl Offering may be placed in the soup pot for your favorite team that Sunday. --Your Mission and Outreach Committee

Pastor Trish really loves this jacket from the Lost and Found! Please come and claim it before she does!

Live Broadcast Notice

Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church records and live broadcasts all worship services. Attendance in the worship space gives permission for your image to be included in that service broadcast and recording.

Care will be taken to protect children, youth and vulnerable adults,

as well as individuals during personal moments.

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Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church

739 N. Main Street

Mauldin, SC 29662

(864) 288-3951