March 9, 2022
News for Windfall Wildcat Families
Know the Symptoms
Spring is just around the corner! With the frequent fluctuation of temperatures, it’s hard to know the difference between a cold, the flu, allergies or Covid-19. Symptoms can be similar, so it is best practice to always follow up with your primary care physician when symptoms appear. Find out about some of the important differences between these illnesses by following the button below.
What's Happening
in Windfall Classrooms?
Students in Room 110 are spending the month of March learning about upcoming Spring events. We started the month learning all about Dr. Seuss and reading some of our favorite Dr. Seuss books. Next week, we will be learning about St. Patrick’s Day and reading There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed A Clover. We will finish up the week with a scavenger hunt looking for that mischievous leprechaun and his elusive pot of gold!
Agency Closed This Friday
As a reminder, the MCBDD and Windfall School will be closed on Friday, March 11 for a mandatory Staff In-Service Day. We hope you have a great weekend!

The Crazy Hair Day Chronicles
Students in Windfall School had a wild and fun time celebrating Dr. Seuss Week last week!