Michael Thorpe recently joined us to expand our team of Drum Motor Assembly Technicians, bringing with him years of electromechanical assembly experience.
Devlin Foley has been helping us "take care of business" with stocking, shipping, receiving, and even Drum Motor sub-assembly since August 2021.
SS Model 320:
Are 12" diameter stainless steel Motorized Pulleys used in food processing? Definitely! Shown during final testing, this 10 HP unit will soon be handling processed food in corrosive brine.

Special O-ring Drum Motors:
These special O-ring drum motor conveyor drives will soon be helping to process mushrooms in the US. O-ring conveyors are gentle on fragile products and allow debris to fall through the belt.

Rulmeca Corporation
3200 Corporate Drive, Suite D
Wilmington, NC 28405, USA
T. 910-794-9294
F. 910-794-9296
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