Becoming Beloved Community | Sunday, February 2

hosted by Auburn United Methodist Church

Our friends across the street at AUMC have invited us to join them for a special event featuring Auburn native and children's book author Rev. Dr. Terrence Vickerstaff! We'll learn more about his new children's book, Betsey Scott Harper: The Story of an Auburn First Family, and how history and storytelling relate to our faith today. 

Children and their parents are invited to join Dr. Vickerstaff from 4:30-4:50pm in the Hospitality Room (between the Sanctuary and Chapel). 

The community is invited to join us at 5pm in the Sanctuary. 

Rev. Dr. Joan Harrell of Becoming the Beloved Community will host the program and interview Dr. Vickerstaff. A time of fellowship & connection will be held immediately following the program.

For more information on Dr. Vickerstaff’s work: 

If you have questions, please contact Kathy Reed at

Presbyterian Response to California Wildfires

As we have all watched the devastation unfolding throughout multiple counties in California, many of you have asked what might be done to help.

Thanks to your generous giving, our church is fortunate to have financial resources available through our Legacy Fund and regular operating budget that can be designated to help local organizations in California address both immediate and long-term needs. Our Mission Committee will be discerning how to best allocate those funds in the near future.

If you are looking for a way to help NOW, our Presbyterian friends colleagues at the Presbytery of the Pacific have shared that all relief efforts are being coordinated through LA Works.

Visit LA Works at this link: for more information on reputable organizations in the LA area accepting monetary donations as well as supplies.

Below you will also find "A Prayer for Los Angeles," recently shared in the Presbyterian Outlook:

O God, be merciful. Hold us as we grieve and pray. Be tender toward those who suffer and bring hope to the broken.

We lament the devastating losses: whole neighborhoods, generations of memories, evidence of love and lives well-lived, all reduced to ash and rubble. Lord have mercy.

We weep with those who weep: nursing mothers, medically fragile children, folks evacuating from assisted living facilities, people who will never go home again. Christ have mercy.

We cry out at the injustice: insurance companies that canceled fire insurance policies just last week, and grifters circling like vultures around the vulnerable. Lord have mercy.

We pray for relief: rain, torrents of rain, water to quench the fire and still air to stop its spread. Christ have mercy.

We ask for an outpouring of love, compassion, and support: robust responses from dedicated and trustworthy leaders, neighbors who share what they have, strangers who become family, beauty among the ashes. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy, Lord have mercy.


Lay Readers Needed in the New Year!

FPC Members and Friends of all ages are welcome to help lead worship. Use this link to sign up for a Sunday 11am service. The pastor preaching will contact you the week of and will send the Scripture and prayers for that Sunday.

Help Feed Our College Students!

Sign up here to provide a meal for our college students during the 2025 spring semester. You may join together with friends to cook something for the students, drop off a meal you've prepared ahead of time, or simply donate money to cover the costs of a Sunday evening meal. 

Our students are always grateful for the hospitality they receive at the table from their FPC family. Thank you for supporting campus ministry!

This Week at FPC

Jan. 19-25, 2025


9:00 AM - Worship Service with Weekly Communion (Chapel)

9:30 AM - Coffee and Fellowship (Baird)

9:45 AM - Sunday School for all ages

11:00 AM - Worship Service (Sanctuary)

Bulletin for January 26 worship

Sunday Parking Map

4:30 PM - Stated Session Meeting

5:00 PM - Sr & Jr High Youth Dinner & Fellowship

7:00 PM - UKirk Dinner & Bible Study

Children and Youth News

Children Pre-K through 5th grade

  • Parents of 3rd through 5th graders! Click below to sign your child up to be an acolyte.
  • Worship bags are available for all children during worship.
  • Godly Play: After the Word to Grow By (at 11 a.m. worship), children ages 4 to 2nd grade will go to the Godly Play room to worship together for the remainder of the worship service. 

Jr. and Sr. High Youth

  • Jr. and Sr. High Youth Group will meet this Sunday for dinner at 5pm in Baird Hall and Youth Group from 5:30 - 6:30.
  • Jr./Sr. High parents, please click this link to sign up for a Sunday to provide youth dinner.
  • Jr./Sr. High Youth Living River Retreat, Feb. 21-23: Registration is now open for the Living River Presbytery Spring Retreat!

Cost: $65 (to be paid to the church)

Click here to register.

Make sure to click "Bill the Church" at the bottom of the registration form

Children & Youth Spring Calendar

Mark Your Summer Calendars!

Charleston Youth Mission trip - June 1-6, 2025

Montreat Youth Conference - July 6-12, 2025

Middle School Montreat Conference - July 16-20, 2025


Jan. 27 - Doug Cooper

Jan. 28 - Carolyn Jolly

Jan. 30 - Eunice Bonsi

Feb. 1 - Paul Dimick


Jan. 27 - Conrad and Eunice Bonsi

Prayer Concerns & Celebrations

• Prayers of comfort for the family and friends of John Wild as they grieve his death, especially for Barbara, Kristin, and Matt.

• Prayers of healing for Dan Henry as he recovers from successful foot surgery. Prayers for Donna Yeager as she cares for him.

• Please continue to pray for many members of our church who are recovering from successful surgery, dealing with significant health issues, surrounded by grief and difficult circumstances but at this time do not wish to be mentioned by name. Prayers of healing, wholeness, and comfort for many in our congregation.

• Prayers of healing for Kay Recknor as recovers at home after successful surgery.

• Prayers of healing for Donna Yeager as she recovers from successful back surgery. 

• Prayers of wholeness, comfort, and rest for Nancy Gamble as she receives hospice care to keep her comfortable in the weeks/months ahead. She requests NO visitors or phone calls but welcomes prayers and cards.

• Prayers of healing for Margaret Craig-Schmidt’s brother Bill as he receives treatment for bile duct cancer at M.D. Anderson. Prayers for Margaret and Steve as they care for Bill from afar. 

• Prayers for Anne Leader’s aunt Connie as she recovers from procedure to diagnose a mass found on her lung. Prayers for Connie, her family. Vladimir, Sasha, Sophie, and all who love her as she awaits the results of the tests. 

• Prayers of healing for Todd White’s mother, Joan White, as she recovers from hip replacement surgery. Prayers for Todd and all his family as they care for his mother.

• Prayers of healing for Leslie Chamber’s grandmother, Imogene Hill, has she recovers from hip replacement surgery. Prayers for Leslie and all her family as they care for Imogene.

• Prayers of healing for Addy Steele’s mother, Emily McDaniel, as she recovers from significant surgery. Prayers for Addy and her family as they care for her mother.

• Prayers of healing for Joyce Bravaldo as she navigates health issues at home. 

• Prayers of healing for Amanda Covington Anderson as she continues to heal. Prayers for Frank and Carole and all of Amanda’s family as they care for her. 

• Prayers for Catherine Wolfe Riley’s father, Ned. Prayers for Catherine as she cares for her father.

• Prayers of healing for Debbie Duin’s brother Warren and sister-in-law Janet as they both recover from significant falls. They are both home after a brief stay in the hospital. Prayers for Debbie as she cares for her brother and sister-in-law from a far. Continued prayers of healing for Debbie as she recovers from successful knee surgery. 

• Continued prayers of healing, rest, and comfort for Donna Yeager’s mother, Patsy Yeager, as she navigates health issues at home. Prayers for Donna and her siblings as they care for her mother in Texas.

• Prayers of healing for Olyne Fischer’s daughter-in-law Chell Fischer. Chell has recently been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and will have surgery in a few weeks. Prayers for Olyne as she cares for Chell and her son Gary from afar. 

• Prayers healing and comfort for Sarah Wolak’s brother Chris French. Chris has been diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome and is receiving treatment for his symptoms. Continued prayers of healing and comfort for Sarah’s mother, Susan French, as she also navigates health issues.  

• Prayers of healing for Karen and Bob Cochran’s friend Randy Tucker as he undergoes a stem cell study for his cancer treatment.

• Prayers of healing for Don Ball’s son, Kelly, who is undergoing chemotherapy treatment for recurrence of cancer.

• Prayers of healing for Daniel and Amanda Johnson’s nephew James Ivey as he receives critical care. Prayers for the doctors and caregivers who are caring for him, especially his parents and family..

• Prayers for former Ukirk student Shannon Smith as she recovers at home after having a stroke.

• Prayers for Amy Kilner (daughter-in-law of Dorothy Moran) as she recovers from a kidney transplant.

• Continued prayers of healing for Chris Greer. We especially pray for good healing and rest as Chris recovers from successful treatments. We continue to rejoice with Chris because the latest scans show no sign of cancer. We are so grateful the chemotherapy treatments have been successful. Chris will continue a plan of treatment for the upcoming months. 

• Prayers for Brooke Myers as she cares for her father, Charlie Myers. Charlie is recovering from a fall and has moved to Morningside.

First Presbyterian Church | | (334)887-5571 |
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