October 2021
Hello friends,

The times we live in are extraordinary---the role of government, who determines what science is, the health of our dear Earth, what it means to be a human being---these are just a few of the existential questions no longer relegated to leisurely discussions over coffee. Already, unprecedented levels of government control beyond democratic mandates, the actions of unaccountable global elites and corporations and the toadying of the corporate media have immeasurably changed our lives---even if some of us are only just becoming aware of this fact. Add to this the clear warning signs of severe economic breakdown and we can see that the ‘new normal’ may not be as rosy as once hoped.
Each of us is challenged to understand and to be alert, and to each determine, as a free individual, where and when to stand up and be heard and when inner work and prayer are more appropriate—and effective. As an exercise in respecting the autonomy and freedom of each other, we must, I believe, practice a tolerance which encompasses and carries not just those who agree with us, but also embraces those whom we find the most difficult. To demonize is to be party to stripping what is human from another human being. To forgive and to give space for each individual to act from their own sense of moral individualism is to take a step toward the freedom of the entire human race.
You are bringing up children in these times. Human history has never been peaceful and human beings have indeed managed to exist and overcome hellish challenges. But what is new now is modern technology which, without the right moral impulses informing it, can exert heretofore impossible levels of control over human beings. Indeed, the very make-up of human physical being is being toyed with by those with phenomenal levels of arrogance. Their hubristic dismissal of the spiritual reality of life ushers in an entirely new challenge to humanity.
The positive side of all of this is that each of us is required to get really clear about what we think about life, destiny, being human. Your generation is not one which can simply coast through life. We are all challenged to strengthen and renew our connection to the spiritual worlds---for only a co-working with Spirit can help us find answers to our current crisis.
Our mission at Christopherus is to help each family find its own relationship to the healing basis of anthroposophical education as it was once more widely understood and practiced within Waldorf schools. The absolute foundation of this is the understanding that we are spiritual beings incarnated onto this Earth. The path of incarnation for each human being---across all races, nations, cultures, economic conditions and gender---is a long one. To help each individual find his or her destiny questions and to have the inner resources to enable each person not only to articulate those questions but to know how to seek answers, is supported by a form of education and parenting which honors the long and inviolate path of childhood.
Every time a child is pushed into premature awakeness, violence is done to that child. The birthright of every single child on Earth is to be a child---and only very slowly, over many years, does this mean awakening to the great questions of our times. Those who think that asking children questions ranging from whether they would like to save the Earth to what gender they are today are doing a great disservice to that emergent ‘I’. The absolute right of every child is to be a child---not to be a mini adult. We as adults can barely get our heads around such existential issues---why do some think that children are-- or should be—equipped to tackle such things?
We hope that Christopherus can be of service, helping you find the clarity and strength to rise to the challenges of parenting in the 21C. But ultimately, it is up to each of you. It is hard to know what the future may bring but for certain, each of us will need to find the strength to be independent, creative, proactive and to perhaps forge a path through life which looks rather different from what we had imagined it might be like.
On our locals group I have recorded six related talks on the theme of parenting in dark times.
1) The Myth of the Resilient Child
2) Developing One’s Feeling for Truth
3) Raising Children to be Free Adults
4) Coping in Crisis
5) Balancing on the Abyss
6) Support from the Spiritual Worlds
You can join for free and listen to the talks. If you wish to comment, however, you have to pay a small fee to become a supporter.
Christopherus Conference
The theme of ‘Parenting in Dark Times’ will be taken up in a very special Christopherus conference taking place in NY this December. Unlike previous Christopherus conferences, this will be less focused on the curriculum per se and much more on how to parent and homeschool in these challenging times. From where can I get the strength? What does my child need when fear is pressing in from every side?
For almost 20 years I have held non political non controversial conferences (inasmuch as one can be non controversial coming from a deeply Waldorf background). This conference will be neither and will therefore not appeal to everyone. Please have a listen to the talks mentioned above and look through the past year’s issues of our newsletter, The Homeschool Journey, to ensure that the content and approach in this conference will speak deeply to you.
Below are links to where you can find all the information about the conference. You can register there and pay. I have no idea how popular this conference will be---but so far, there has been quite a lot of enthusiasm and as space will be limited to 25 participants, it could be a good idea to register quickly! On the other hand, if not enough people sign up, the conference will be canceled. The deadline to register is 15 November.
Here are some further resources which can help you parent and homeschool in these difficult times:
  • Our Self Development Course is designed to help each parent not only explore and learn some of the artistic and craft skills called for by our curriculum, but, more importantly, to work deeply with the ‘stuff’ that each of us has which can get in the way of effective and compassionate parenting. You are homeschoolers: you need to get your ‘inner house’ in order so that your teaching can flow from the grace you can experience when you have learned to relax into your chosen role as a homeschooling parent.

  • If you follow this link, you will find a whole batch of free audio recordings on subjects ranging from ‘No Computers for Children’ to ‘Less is More’ to ‘Homeschooling with More Than One Child.’

  • Our Networking page is a good place to look for other likeminded Christopherus homeschoolers.
Feedback from fellow homeschoolers

Last month’s theme for this newsletter was tests and testing---and that elicited no response whatsoever from readers. However, the other main article was about the dangers of children wearing masks---and that got more of a response than anything else I have ever written or done! About 85% was favorable, with people expressing relief that they were not the ‘only ones who felt this way’. I was bowled over by the gratitude and support people shared as well. I thank you all.
A few folks were negative---a few nasty comments which was a shame. I would have thought Christopherus homeschoolers would be able to engage in discourse over issues they disagreed with. We are not twitter for goodness sake! A couple though did engage though in a limited way. By this I mean that while able to express their own points of view, they were unable to directly engage with what I had written or with my response to them. They could only reiterate what they had originally said. While a better response than abuse, it was still sad to see how people can be unable to think through and express their thoughts.
If you are a new subscriber and wish to read this article, here is a link to our Newsletter archive.
I am so pleased to share the beautifully expressed thoughts of a just a few of the many folks who wrote in expressing gratitude and solidarity:

In these times I am so grateful to have taken my children out of the local Waldorf school. We have been 100% non compliant with mask mandates, we don’t socially distance, I keep my children away from shops so they don’t see all the madness with signing in etc.

We are blessed to live out of the city on a 5 acre property where we can learn and play and live. My children know about the narratives and apart from that we are desperately trying to oppose the mandates that this government are trying to impose on our innocent children.

It’s time to get strong in community in the real sense of the word now, before it was just an idea.... now it’s real and it’s going to be part of survival.

Yes the Waldorf schools have all rolled over here to and I was disgusted when the teachers stopped shaking hands with the children, the parents were no longer allowed on the school grounds, even kindergartens..... then in Class 4 the teacher included words such as coronavirus, pandemic etc in their dictations!! That was the last straw for me. In the Waldorf kindergartens where we don’t even have the virus the children's hands were peeling from the hand sanitizers and parents were deemed “too risky” to go onto the school grounds!! There were so many traumatic separations at the school gates I couldn’t stand it..... so after 10 years at a school we walked.
I was hoping the Steiner Schools were going to make a stand..... but they didn’t and some teachers have had the jab. One in fact had myocarditis and had her heart restarted after her jab.... that didn’t make the news! So many first hand stories here.

There are lots of people rising with the push back.
Keep going xxx

Love your work, thank you. DW, Australia

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Dear Donna,
I have been receiving your Christopherus newsletters for years now;  even though my children are almost grown up. I just really enjoy reading them! I had homeschooled and used the Waldorf method and loved it completely. I still do. 
Reading your last newsletter about masking children was like a breath of fresh air. Thank you for sharing your clear, concise thoughts and the links for the articles. I really appreciate it, it gave me strength and peace to know there are others out there who have the same thoughts.  
I just wanted to share that your letter made my day a little brighter. The truth always illuminates.  
Blessings to you,
CW, Vermont
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Just wanted to personally thank you for the latest Newsletter especially regarding children and mask-wearing. I have shared those links with all of my family and many friends. It is so refreshing to have a confident and competent narrative about the pandemic instead of lies and fear-mongering. I appreciate you so much!

Sincerely, BT, Utah
Shipping updates

Like many small (and large, actually) businesses dependent upon postal services, we are experiencing a number of delays. Please allow more than the usual time for your order to arrive.
And if you are outside the US, we are afraid that the combination of unreliable delivery services plus what seems to be a surge in exorbitant customs fees in various countries means that customers may face charges which are beyond their means. Unfortunately, we cannot help---we of course have no say in how our goods are shipped and we certainly have no say (or knowledge of) how customs operate. In days of supply chain chaos it could be that shipping revenue in various parts of the world is down so much that customs officers are snagging more foreign packages than previously. It certainly seems that way to us. We have shipped internationally for almost 20 years and have never experienced so many customers having to pay customs.
At any rate, we are unable to accept returns or make refunds---everyone who orders from us knows that as they check a box agreeing to that before they are able to make their purchase. With this noticeable increase in packages being subject to customs fees we need to warn folks of what is, in effect, a gamble.
From now on, we will stop every international order that is placed with us and contact the customer asking for a clear agreement that they are willing to risk customs fees and that they truly understand that we cannot refund their purchase.
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Upcoming newsletters

Our Newsletter topic for November is ‘sleep.’ Please—if you have anything to share about your experiences with your children and sleep, especially how Waldorf and/or enabled you to find successful ways to help your children with sleep, please send your contribution to me donna@christopherushomeschool.org
I would like to do a special, large Newsletter in January about the therapeutic benefits of Christopherus---but only if folks get involved! I know many of you came to Waldorf and to Christopherus especially because of your child’s special needs. It could be enormously helpful to others on this journey to read what parents have to say about their Christopherus journey with their special needs child. Please get in touch if you have anything to share about this.
Until November,
blessings on your homeschool journey