Connecting the UCSF cancer community with education, mentoring, and career development across all trainee levels.

Featured Career Development Opportunity

How to Prepare for A Faculty Job Search

July 11, 3pm - 4:30pm

This seminar will cover how to self-assess your candidacy for faculty positions at different types of institutions, how to set up your search process, how to develop your application materials and get feedback, and how to use your network throughout the process. Geared toward PhD postdocs and graduate students but all are welcome. Info/Register

Upcoming Career Development Opportunities

Mock Interviews for Nurse Practitioner, Physician Assistant, and Medical School Candidates

August 2023

Participants will be interviewed by a UCSF faculty member, clinical fellow, nurse practitioner or physician assistant. Interviews are 1 hour, approximately 40-45 minutes of interview and 15-20 minutes of feedback.  Open to all HDFCCC staff. Apply here.

If you are interested in being an interviewer, email Jennifer Seuferer

HDFCCC Clinical Research Staff Project Support RFA

The UCSF Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center (HDFCCC) is requesting applications from clinical research staff to support research conference travel or publication fees. Submit your application and all corresponding documentation as a single PDF to Meredith Donnelly. For specific instructions, please view the full RFA. Open to HDFCCC clinical research staff.

UCSF Library's Data Science Initiative (DSI)

DSI serves as a campus hub for education and support in data science including bioinformatics, statistics, programming, and reproducible data management. They offer classes and resources to learn fundamental research skills, connect with others, and empower you to engage in cutting-edge biomedical research. Open to all.

HDFCCC K12 Physician Scientist Program in Clinical Oncology Seminar Series

Thursdays, 2pm - 4pm

The goal of this program is to foster the development of the next generation of clinical scientists. Two seminar series are offered and open to HDFCCC faculty and trainees - Concept to Completion, Strategies for Successful Clinical Trials (C2C) and Career Development and Leadership (CD/L) Seminars. Upcoming seminars below. Open to clinical fellows and faculty. Register here.

  • Aug. 25 - C2C: Protocol Structure and Review
  • Aug. 31 - C2C: Fostering Diversity in Clinical Research
  • Oct. 12 - CD/L: Organizational Structure of an NCI Designated Cancer Center
  • Nov. 9 - C2C: Informed Consent and Clinical Trial Ethics
  • Nov. 16 - C2C: Types of Trials and Sponsors and General Activation Process

Postdoc Postions

Click here for more career development resources and training
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