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Weekly Announcements

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'24-'25 LC Calendar


Adult Education: Jan 28

Four Chaplains Commemoration: Feb 1

Bowling Night: Feb 8 RSVP REQUIRED!

PJC Book Group: Feb 24

Family Friday: Feb 28 REGISTER

Adult Pot-Luck Get Together: Mar 1 RSVP!

Purim: Mar 9 REGISTER

Synagogue News


Next PJC Board Meeting: Feb 13

Next Women's Group: Feb 22

This coming spring the World Zionist Congress is holding elections, which are of profound significance to Jews everywhere. Like many Conservative shuls around the world, at the PJC we are coordinating our campaign with Mercaz, which is the the movement affiliated party at the WZO. A vote for Mercaz ensures that the Jewish values that animate our lives at the PJC and beyond will be represented at the Congress.

For more details, please click here. Rabbi Resnick's discussion during Shabbat services on Jan 11 can be reviewed here.

Volunteers are needed to help with food collection, distribution and other jobs for HOPE Community Services. Please contact Matthew Marcus, Social Action Coordinator, for details. 

Shabbat: Parshat Bo

Erev Shabbat, January 31

Light Candles 4:53 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm

Shabbat, February 1

Morning Service 9:30 am

Havdalah 5:56 pm

Kiddush this week is sponsored by

the Gerber Family

in honor of Jennifer's birthday.

Yom Huledet Sameach!

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Following Shabbat services on February 1st, American Legion Pelham Post 50 will conduct a brief ceremony commemorating the heroic acts of Rabbi Lt. Alexander D. Goode and 3 other chaplains, known collectively as The Four Chaplains.

On Feb. 3, 1943, a German submarine U-223 spotted their ship, the Dorchester and its convoy. They fired a torpedo that would sink the boat in under 30 minutes. As the ship sank, the chaplains opened a storage locker and began distributing life jackets. When there were no more lifejackets, the chaplains removed theirs and gave them to four frightened young men.

As the ship went down, survivors in nearby rafts could see the four chaplains – arms linked and braced against the slanting deck. Their voices could be heard offering prayers. Today, 82 years after the Dorchester sunk beneath the ocean surface, the story of these four men continues to inspire. More information is available here as well.

Adult Education

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Rabbi Resnick will be holding this winter's adult education program: Exploring the Talmud. The next class is Tuesday, January 28th at 7:30pm.

Bowling Night

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We hope that you will join an evening out for bowling, food and fun at Bowlero White Plains on Saturday, Feb 8 at 7:30 pm. This is intended to be a non-competitive, social event for PJC members ages 25 and up.

Please RSVP with payment! The cost is $47 per adult, and all proceeds are used to cover the costs of this event. We will need at least 20 people to lock in this price and we need to collect up front in order to cover the deposit to hold the reservation. Hopefully our group will be even more than 20, as it will be lots of fun.

You can RSVP the following ways; ensure the names of all attendees are in the memo of the payment:

  • Sending a Venmo payment to Tracie Cohn (@tracieandjason)
  • Deliver a check made out to the PJC to the PJC office, with Bowling and the attendee names in the memo.

PJC Book Group

The PJC Book Group will discuss Long Island Compromise by Taffy Brodesser-Anker on Monday, February 24th at 8:00pm on Zoom. A link will be sent out separately.

Future Events:

Mar 24: The Heaven & Earth Grocery by James McBride

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Family Friday Dinner

This next Family Friday Dinner will be on February 28, 2025. It is the next to last of the Hebrew Year 5785.

Rabbi Resnick and PJC President Lisa Neubardt are cooking dinner!

Food for children will be available beginning at 5:30pm sharp. Shabbat services begin at 6:00pm and dinner will be served immediately following services at approximately 7:00pm.

Reach out to Emily Pauley at with any questions or concerns and if interested in sponsoring the Family Friday dinner to offset the cost.

Please RSVP by Monday, February 24th for discounted pricing.

Discount dinner tickets are as follows:

  • Adult: $15 ($18 after Feb 24)
  • Children 3-12: $7 ($9 after Feb 24th)
  • Toddler: Always Free

Register by clicking here.  

If this cost is a hardship, please reach out to Mitchell Cepler at No one should feel they can not attend due to cost. 

Adult Pot-Luck Get Together


We hope that you will join for a pot luck get together, for adults only, on Saturday, March 1st from 7:30pm at Tracie and Jason Cohen’s home (507 Esplanade). Share your dish and chat with new and long time PJC friends. 

Please RSVP by Feb 24th to with “POTLUCK” as the subject or with Kathy in the PJC office.

Purim Carnival

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The PJC is celebrating Purim 5785 with games, a costume parade, prizes, books and a Megillah reading. Come fulfill the many mitzvahs of Purim with the PJC.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

10:30 am to Noon

Please register for this free event here. Anyone in a costume receives a raffle ticket!

What to expect?

  • Costume Parade with prizes
  • Purim Spiel
  • Purim Escape Room with a cash prize for the winners 
  • Mask Making for Mishloach Manot
  • Ping Pong Walk - don't drop the ball off the spoon
  • Knock Down Haman
  • Purim Books
  • Frog Fling
  • Penny Toss
  • Hamantaschens
  • Fruit
  • Wine
  • Lollipop Pull
  • PRIZES!!!


Monday, January 27

Elsie Goldiner, Mother-in-law of Mary Goldiner

Tuesday, January 28

Elaine Goldenberg, Mother of Barry Goldenberg

Wednesday, January 29

Jacob Cooper, Father of Leonard Cooper

Marie Fong, Grandmother of Jennifer Gerber

Thursday, January 30

Sadie Samuels, Grandmother of Melanie Samuels

Friday, January 31

Frederick M. Ehrlich, Father of Amy Ehrlich

Saturday, February 1

Ruth Katz, Mother of Arthur Katz

Sunday, February 2

Sadie Druckerman, Mother-in-law of Meryl Glass-Druckerman

Erica Knobler, Grandmother of Noam Gretz

Edith Morgan, Mother of Dr. Glyn Morgan

Monday, February 3

Emanuel Cabin, Grandfather of Daniel Cabin

Tuesday, February 4

David Kasten, Father of Iris Kasten

Yahrzeit candles should be lit the evening before the date specified.

PJC Library News

The Library is open.

New books can be found on the mantle. To check out a book, write your name and the date on the card in the back of the book and leave the card in the office upstairs.

Return all borrowed books to the blue bin on the window ledge in the library. Please don't shelve returned books!

Treasurer's Message

Billing statements are emailed monthly. 

Credit card instructions are on your billing statement and on ShulCloud. Checks made out to the Pelham Jewish Center can be mailed to P.O. Box 418, Montvale, NJ 07645. 

It is the policy of the Pelham Jewish Center to make every effort to assist members experiencing financial challenges. Financial challenges should never be a barrier to being an active member of the PJC community. You can reach out to President Lisa Neubardt, Treasurer Mitchell Cepler or Rabbi Benjamin Resnick to speak confidentially concerning your ability to pay.

Odds and Ends

Please consider being a Kiddush sponsor, there are dates available. Please contact the office for more information.

Do you have an upcoming simcha you would like acknowledged in our PJC community? Please reach out to Barbara Saunders-Adams so she can share via the HaKol.

Have you attended or participated in a virtual PJC event you would like to write about for HaKol? Please let Barbara know!

For any other related communications matters, please contact Adam Ilkowitz.

Community - Inspiration - Tradition - Respect - Hope

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