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Hello conservation community,

May is here, and in Napa County that means it's garden time! We're finishing up our Spring events rush with the return of the Garden Tour. On hiatus for the past couple years, the garden tour is back with a brand-new name: Climate-Friendly Garden Tour. Check out this month's Program Spotlight for more info!

We hope you've been enjoying this colorful, wet, and wonderful spring- summer is coming and these overcast days will be nothing but a memory soon enough!

Until next time,

Napa RCD

This Month's News

Program Spotlight

  • Climate-Friendly Garden Tour - May 13 - Get Ready to be Inspired!

News & Announcements

  • Volunteers Needed - Climate-Friendly Garden Tour
  • New Oak Planting Guide Released
  • Huichica Creek Vineyard Request for Ideas Due June 30
  • Napa Firewise Cost-Share Program for Defensible Space
  • Planning for Not-So-Rainy Days: Videos Due May 19 for the Water Conservation Video Contest
  • Rainfall Summary on Vacation

In Case You Missed It

  • Earth Day Report
  • Forest Health Field Day- May 6
  • Don't forget about the Spring Trails Challenge with NOSD

Upcoming Programs

  • See below for details

Climate-Friendly Garden Tour - Get Ready to be Inspired!

Purchase tickets today!

Before - The thirsty and low-diversity front yard of one of the 11 gardens on this year's Climate-Friendly Garden Tour before it went through a marvelous makeover.

After - See more of this garden's joyful and climate-friendly features for yourself on this year's tour!

Saturday, May 13 • 10am - 4pm

This year's Garden Tour's brand-new name, Climate-Friendly Garden Tour, reflects Napa RCD and the City of Napa's dedication to helping you create climate-appropriate and water-wise landscaping in gardens.

Working with our longtime partner, the UCCE Master Gardeners of Napa County, and new partner, the Napa County Seed Library, we are bringing you 11 fabulous gardens to kickstart your climate-friendly gardening goals!

What is Climate-Friendly Gardening? We're talking about gardening techniques that embrace our current and future climate. Gardening with native and other drought-tolerant plants, and a focus on soil health, wildlife habitat, stormwater collection, food security, waste reduction, and beauty are all techniques that help us make the most of every drop and space.

What's special about this event? 11 gardens in Napa and Yountville will have the owner available to answer questions and share their practices. We've got a compost giveaway at Las Flores Community Center and 5 mini-workshops: sheet mulching, firewise landscaping, seed saving, drip irrigation conversion, and integrated pest management.

How do I attend? This self-lead tour is on Saturday, May 13, from 10am-4pm. You can purchase your $5 brochure/ticket online or on the day of the tour at the Las Flores Community Center. Note: if you purchase your brochure by May 7, the brochure will be mailed to you. If you purchase online after Sunday night, your brochure will be available for pickup at Las Flores on May 13.

Questions? Contact Ashley!


News & Announcements

Volunteers Needed - Climate-Friendly Garden Tour - May 13

Would you like to help inspire Climate-Friendly gardening in Napa County? Then join us during the May 13 tour as a volunteer greeter!

What are the volunteer greeter's duties?

  • Greet visitors and make them feel welcome
  • Check that folks have a brochure / ticket
  • Fill out the Visitor Tally Sheet

There are two volunteer shifts: AM (10 am – 1 pm) and PM (1 pm – 4 pm).

If you would like to help, email and include a shift preference and cell phone number. 

Volunteers may enjoy the rest of the tour for free!

New Oak Planting Guide

GrizzlyCorps Fellow Gabe Seidman has been hard at work making one of Napa RCD's long-time dreams a reality! For the last few years, we've been wanting to provide you with a comprehensive oak planting guide that details the process we use to plant oaks from acorns here in Napa County.

Not only has Gabe created this guide, he also created a video of the process for those of us that are visual learners. The guide links directly to relevant parts of the video. Thanks to staff member Ruby, we are also providing the guide and video in Spanish!

The Oak Planting Guide is now available for all to view and use on the Napa RCD website.

View the Oak Planting Guide (English)
View the Oak Planting Guide (Spanish)
View the Oak Planting Guide Companion Video (English)
View the Oak Planting Guide Companion Video (Spanish)

Huichica Creek Vineyard Request for Ideas

The Napa County Resource Conservation District (Napa RCD) is excited to announce a Request for Ideas for using its Huichica Creek Vineyard (HCV) in Los Carneros AVA in Napa County. Historically, HCV has been used by Napa RCD to demonstrate and promote cutting-edge research on vineyard soil health and sustainable farming practices that demonstrate how to coexist and enhance the natural environment. We are now looking for partners to help shape the property’s future.

We invite individuals, for-profit businesses, and non-profit organizations to submit proposals that meet one or more of the following objectives:

  1. Increase appreciation and understanding within the winegrape industry of how to coexist with and enhance the natural environment.
  2. Demonstrate the feasibility and value of diversified agriculture in the Napa Valley in the face of increasing climate-related soil salinity and drought.
  3. Engage the community to increase understanding of ecological resilience, watershed function, sustainable agricultural practices, etc.

Proposals are due Friday, June 30, 2023, at 6 P.M.

More information about the Request for Ideas is available on our website.

Full Request for Ideas

Napa Firewise Cost Share for Defensible Space

Napa Communities Firewise Foundation (Napa Firewise), through a grant from CalFire, is offering a cost sharing reimbursement for defensible space work around homes in Napa County.

If you live in Napa County and your home is in or close to a High or Very High Fire Severity Zone, you should apply before funding runs out!

Learn More

Planning For Not-So-Rainy Days: Water Conservation Video Contest Entries Due May 19

Drought is part of California life. Despite wet years, worsening drought will continue to be a public concern in our state.

We're looking to Napa County's 9-12th grade students to help us think through planning for those not-so-rainy days by responding to this prompt in a video: How can we effectively use outdoor water most efficiently to plan for long-term water conservation?

Videos should be no longer than 30 seconds, and are due Friday, May 19. Cash prizes of $1,500, $1,000, and $500 are being offered for the top three videos. Teachers of participating students are also eligible for prizes!

Learn More

Rainfall Summary is on Vacation This Month

Stay tuned for the April Rainfall Summary, which will be shared on our Facebook or Instagram feeds in the coming weeks.

In Case You Missed It

Earth Day Napa was a Roaring Success- thanks to YOU!

Many thanks to all of you that participated in the Earth Day Napa Community Cleanup, and to those that attended the Earth Day Napa Festival last weekend!

We had a whopping 179 volunteers pick up a grant total of 1,464lbs of trash! That's amazing! Y'all kept 735lbs of landfill waste, 468lbs of recycling, and 261lbs of compost out of our creeks, streams, and river!

Give yourselves a round of applause!

Learn About Forest Health at Linda Falls - May 6

The second part of the two-part workshop about forest health and fire resiliency in Napa County is happening this Saturday! Learning about local forests, fire history and ecology, and how fire is an essential part of our ecology. Danielle and Gabe will be joined by the Napa Land Trust to talk through forest health treatments that have recently taken place at Linda Falls.

Registration is free and required.

Register Here

Don't Forget About the 2023 Spring Trails Challenge

Join the annual Spring Trails Challenge and get outside to explore new parks and trails while supporting the work of our friends and partners at the Napa Open Space District.

It’s the perfect time of year for exploration here in Napa County with wildflower blooms, green hillsides, and clear days for outstanding views.

Learn More

Upcoming Programs

Connecting to Resilient Forests Field Day at Linda Falls

May 6 | 9 - 11:30am

Learn More

Pollinators & Wildflowers

Hike at Newell Preserve

May 7 | 9:30am - 12pm

Learn More

Climate-Friendly Garden Tour

May 13 | 10am - 4pm

Learn More

3rd Saturday Hike @

Napa River EcoReserve

May 20 | 10am

Learn More

For more watershed-related events, visit

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Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |