We hope you'll join us for worship services this Sunday, August 8:

8:00 a.m. | Morning Prayer, Rite I
10:00 a.m. | Morning Prayer with Music, Rite II

Preacher for this Sunday: Mr. Kyle Bomar, Youth Minister

You can tune in to our live-streamed 10:00 a.m. service via YouTube!

Be sure to download your bulletin before every live service;
bulletins are posted by Friday before services on Sunday at ghtc.org/bulletin

Sunday Aug. 8: Youth & Parent Gathering
If you have a family member that’s in middle or high school, be sure to join our new Youth and Formation Minister Kyle Bomar after he preaches on Sunday, August 8. Grab a cup of coffee and join Kyle in Monroe Park after the 10:00 a.m. service. It’s your chance to chat with Kyle in a small setting, so be sure to contact Kyle today to let him know you will join him. Note: due to rising COVID numbers no food will be served.
Parents: The Nursery is Back on Aug. 22!
We’re thrilled that our GHTC nursery will be open on Sunday mornings from 7:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m. for children ages 6 weeks-3 years. Pre-registration will be available to secure your child’s spot each week since capacity will be capped at 12 children. Our new Children and Families Minister, Kate Given, has been busy getting the space (and staff) ready. Remember, CDC guidance requires masks for children age two and over. Parents are also asked to wear masks when dropping children off or picking them up; please contact Kate if you are planning to utilize childcare during worship.
Repairs need to our 2nd floor
On September 12, our fall Christian education programs will kick off, but first we need to make $150,000 in repairs to the second floor. Next time in you are in the building, visit the second floor to see the state of the space. Vestry has hired contractors to replace stained ceiling tiles, update the lighting, improve signage, and paint. The work will be completed by Labor Day. If you’d like to help support this essential work, you can donate at www.ghtc.org/give. Choose "Other" from the drop down menu and add a note "2nd floor renovation." You can also mail a check to the church office with "2nd floor renovation" in the memo line.
A new drop ceiling is being installed on the 2nd floor
Most of the 2nd floor ceiling tiles are water damaged and 40  years old
Upcoming Events
8/8 | 8 a.m In-person service, Rite I
8/8 | 10 a.m. In-person service and live-streamed service, Rite I with music
8/8 | Youth & Parent lunch after the 10:00 a.m. service
8/9| Spirited Sisters @ Burger Bach in Carytown; contact Cathy Saunders
8/13 | Healing Service @ 12:00 p.m. on Facebook
8/22 | Nursery open @ 7:45 a.m.; Blessing of the Backpacks @ 10:00 a.m.
8/29 | Godly Play Hands-On DIY Day from 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Pastoral Announcements
Masks Required for Everyone: COVID Updates
With the coronavirus situation changing, the CDC recently changed its recommendations in response to growing concerns about the Delta variant of COVID-19. As of July 27, the CDC recommends that vaccinated persons wear masks indoors in public areas with high or substantial COVID-19 transmission rates. As of August 4, The City of Richmond, Henrico County, and Chesterfield County have a substantial COVID-19 transmission rate. The CDC also recommends universal indoor masking for all teachers, students, staff and visitors in schools, regardless of vaccination status. Guidance for unvaccinated people remains the same—wear a mask until fully vaccinated. 

To care for the most vulnerable, beginning July 29 while in the building, the Vestry reminds you that our COVID guidelines are in accordance with the CDC. Vaccinated people can contract and spread the Delta variant, whether they have symptoms or not—so please, wear a mask so that everyone can be included.

When eating and drinking, masks may be removed.

During worship, we will continue to maintain social distancing (skipping
every other pew) in the nave. 

Please remember to be respectful of everyone's personal health status as we try to maintain a safe and welcoming environment for all. Your Vestry and Rector will continue to monitor local COVID numbers and adjust accordingly
Worship & Music

Bring Backpacks for Blessing on Aug. 22
On Sunday, Aug. 22 during the 10:00 a.m. worship service, we’ll have a special blessing for the coming school year. If you’re a parent, grandparent, or have a school aged child in your life, bring their backpack to church. Don’t forget this weekend is Virginia’s tax-free holiday (Aug. 6-8) so you can save on school supplies, too!

Great Music at GHTC
This week’s “Samples from Sunday” is the beautiful spiritual “In Bright Mansions Above” arranged by K. Lee Scott. It was performed by Abigail Stinnett, Soloist, and Dr. Elizabeth Melcher Davis, Pianist, at the worship service on August 1. Thanks to Abigail for sharing her musical gifts with us! Be sure to check out the GHTC Music YouTube channel online...you can subscribe to be automatically notified of new posts.

Christian Formation
Sunday Aug. 8: Youth & Parent Gathering
If you have a family member that’s in middle or high school, be sure to join our new Youth and Formation Minister Kyle Bomar after he preaches on Sunday, August 8. Grab a cup of coffee and join Kyle in Monroe Park after the 10:00 a.m. service. It’s your chance to chat with Kyle in a small setting, so be sure to contact Kyle today to let him know you will join him. Note: due to rising COVID numbers no food will be served.
Hands-On Help: Godly Play DIY Day
Following the 10:00 a.m. worship service on August 29, all and sundry are invited to help ready our Godly Play classroom for the opening of our program year in September. The only skills you need to bring are enthusiasm and a willingness to jump in: our DIY tasks will range from detailed painting to cutting out pre-drawn shapes, so there’s something for everyone. Crafting will run from 11:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m., but feel free to come for as much or as little time as you are able. We will share a form to RSVP soon. Contact Kate Given Children and Young Families Minister, with any questions.
Welcome Episcopal Campus Ministers
As college students return to campus, ECM is happy to welcome Chase Helein and Ad Lester to part-time roles via Episcopal Campus Ministry. Chase will serve as Gathering and Arts Ministry Coordinator; Ad will serve as Social Media Ministry Coordinator. Welcome to Chase and Ad in their new roles working the Rev. Kimberly Rowles Reinholz!
Parish Life
Welcome to our newest!
Pem and Coke Hall welcome twin grandbabies Finn and Hallsie born to their daughter Kate Booker and her husband Ned. The family is in Kentucky and doing well.

Emily and Berkley Horne welcome Hendry Archibald Jefferson Horne to their family.
Red Door Roadside Continues
Every week we continue to feed people at the Red Door. Although we are unable to gather safely indoors for a community meal, we continue to hand out sandwiches, fruit, snacks and water each week to hungry people. Additionally, some guests are able to access prescription assistance because of your generous donations of this ministry dating back to the ‘80s. At this time, the clothing closet is not accepting any donations. Thank you for supporting the Red Door at Grace and Holy Trinity Church!