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October 2022

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NGCP Updates

#GirlsLeadSTEM with two girls looking under a microscope

A New Collective Voice for STEM Equity: #GirlsLeadSTEM

NGCP is part of #GirlsLeadSTEM, a multi-sector effort to elevate the diverse voices of young women and girls in STEM, in partnership with the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media, Intel Corporation, Lyda Hill Philanthropies' IF/THEN® Initiative, STEM Next Opportunity Fund, Million Girls Moonshot, and Techbridge Girls. Throughout October, #GirsLeadSTEM will lead a social media campaign to shine a light on the diversity of organizations, approaches, and girls paving the way for a sustained pathway in STEM. Celebrate and take action:

  • Sign up for the #GirlsLeadSTEM newsletter.
  • Access the social media activation toolkit and resources and use the hashtag #GirlsLeadSTEM.
  • Save the Date for the Who Leads STEM? #GirlsLeadSTEM Panel on October 18, 2022, 3:30 PM Pacific / 6:30 PM Eastern, featuring the lived experiences of diverse girls engaged in STEM. 

2022 NGCP Annual Survey Summary 

The National Girls Collaborative Project is committed to using an informed approach when serving its vast network of educators and organizations committed to informing and encouraging girls to pursue STEM careers. One way we do this is surveying our network to investigate our reach and impact. We appreciate everyone who responded to the NGCP Annual Survey earlier this year and are pleased to share the results with our network.

The Connectory Is Changing

On November 15, 2022, The Connectory becomes Connected Girls, a free, curated directory of girl-serving STEAM opportunities, managed by NGCP in partnership with Science Near Me. Providers may start using the new and improved platform now with these guidelines:

  • Add to Connected Girls: Girl-Serving STEAM opportunities and events that are designed for K-12 girls or other groups that have been historically excluded.
  • Add to Science Near Me: General Out-of-School Time opportunities designed for a K-12 audience and adults. Learn more
Twitter Chat

Save the Date for a Twitter Space on Gender Equity in STEM: Perspectives from Women in Leadership on October 5, 2022 at 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern hosted by NGCP to hear from women leaders in STEM about their inspiration and activation to better serve girls in STEM.

NGCP National Webinar Series: Addressing STEM Stereotypes

We can break down stereotypes about STEM and help young children, youth, and young adults strengthen their interest and identification with STEM. Learn about strategies and resources to foster conversation with diverse learners and break down stereotypes.

        Addressing STEM Stereotypes with Youth and Young Adults

       October 13, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

         Addressing STEM Stereotypes with Young Children

        October 20, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

Women in Entomology

Women in Entomology: Meet the Superheroes of Insect Science

October 20, 2022, 4:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 PM Eastern

Women from the Cornell University Insect Collection are doing justice for six-legged creatures around the globe. Dr. Corrie Moreau leads a team of entomologists who study all facets of ant ecology and evolution. Join us as host Nancy Scales-Coddington inquires about their journeys to becoming entomologist. Participants will learn how bugs play a crucial role in ecosystems and are disappearing at an alarming rate. Register and submit questions for panelists.


NGCP National Webinar: STEM Stories: Women's Experiences Advocating for Equity

November 1, 2022, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

As part of NGCP’s 20th Anniversary celebrations, the Anniversary Fellowship Program was developed as a unique opportunity for professionals to immerse themselves in equity-focused work in support of NGCP’s national network. Fellows will share experiences working on NGCP's initiatives, and practical tips and resources focused on fostering cultural responsiveness, supporting STEM identity, and using role models effectively. 


NGCP National Webinar: The Genius of Play and STEAM

November 8, 2022, 9:00 AM Pacific / 12:00 PM Eastern

Play can be an effective tool to help kids build STEAM skills. In Collaboration with The Toy Association, learn about free resources available through The Genius of Play initiative, which provides parents, caregivers, and educators with research, expert advice, and ready-to-use ideas and activities to engage kids of all ages in fun and skill-building play. Participants will be empowered with hands-on information and tools ready for immediate application in your program.

Student research foundation logo

Do You See Your High School Students in Future STEM Careers?

NGCP is collaborating with the American Association of Physics Teachers, Destination Imagination, Hispanic Heritage Foundation, National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity, and the Student Research Foundation on a research project focused on high school students' perceptions of STEM careers. Including your students as part of this research project can help them: further consider their strengths, interests, and career options; receive information from colleges/universities, career and technical schools, and other post-secondary institutions seeking to recruit students with their specific interests, talents, skill sets, and career goals; and gain access to post-secondary scholarship opportunities. Watch your inbox during the back-to-school season for a package from the National College & Career Pathways Study. Please fill out this online form or email to ensure you are on the list.

Youth Adviosry Board Logo

Youth Advisory Board Application

The National Girls Collaborative is now accepting applications for our Youth Advisory Board on a rolling basis. 

New NGCP Staff Members:

NGCP is pleased to welcome Nancy Scales-Coddington to our team. Nancy is the new Director of Strategic Partnerships and will serves as a New York State Collaborative Leadership Team member. She has worked as a STEM advocate in museums, classrooms, and public media for over twenty-three years. In her new role, Nancy will lead efforts to recruit and provide support for local Collaboratives. 

Partner Spotlight

NGCP is hosting a Community Engagement Exchange (CEE) Fellow

As part of the CEE Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, NGCP is hosting Gulan Gawdan from the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. Gulan serves as Library Director at the American University of Kurdistan, and has a Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from University of Duhok. She is committed to supporting empowerment opportunities for young Kurds and Iraqis in STEM, and shared "I believe that by becoming a strong female leader empowered by a quality academic education, it can inspire young girls and contribute to positive changes in my country". NGCP's goal is to learn from Gulan's experiences and to support her by providing resources to design and implement equity-focused programming for girls upon her return home. Learn more.

Upcoming STEM Events

CSforALL Summit

Memphis, TN, October 19-21, 2022

The theme is “Game Changers in CS", exploring ways to shift the movement to ensure computer science is an equitable and sustainable part of the K-12 experience. With Memphis partner CodeCrew, the Summit will feature conversations with thought leaders highlighting strategies for equity, removing barriers to access, and building meaningful engagement for all students. Register

Lights On Afterschool Logo

Lights On Afterschool  

Nationwide, October 20, 2022

Organized by the Afterschool Alliance, Lights On Afterschool draws attention to the many ways afterschool programs support students by offering them opportunities to learn new things—such as science, community service, and robotics—and discover new skills. The events send a powerful message that millions more kids need quality afterschool programs. Visit Lights On Afterschool for student event ideas (remote or in-person), showcase your program, and find ways to participate without hosting an event.

National Career Pathways Network (NCPN) Connect Conference 

Atlanta, GA, October 20-22, 2022

The NCPN conference is a professional development opportunity offering informative keynote speakers, and timely information for professionals in Career Pathways, CTE, and workforce and economic development. Register.

Society of Women Engineers Conference (WE22)

Houston, TX, October 20-22, 2022

WE21 is a conference for Women Engineers. This year’s theme is "A World of Opportunity Awaits." Learn, network, and be inspired by diverse women in the fields of technology and engineering. A virtual conference option is available on the registration portal. Register.

Summer Changes Everything NSLA Conference

Washington, DC, October 24-26, 2022

The National Summer Learning Association (NSLA) conference is an opportunity for stakeholders in the summer learning movement to share resources, best practices, and solutions for summer learning and afterschool programs. Register.

InventED Convening 

Alexandria, VA, November 15-17, 2022

The 2022 theme "Reconnect, Reimagine, Reinvigorate", celebrates progress and what’s next to build awareness of Invention Education across K-12 learning. The in-person event is for those engaged in Invention Education and ready to collaborate in a design sprint workshop. Those new to Invention Education are invited to attend virtually for a curated set of programming designed to kickstart engagement in Invention Education. Register

Joint Mathematics Meetings

Boston, MA, January 4-7, 2023

For professionals interested in learning about innovative mathematical research, advancing mathematical achievement, providing the communication and tools to progress in the field, encouraging mathematical research, and connecting with the mathematical community. Registration discounts available until December 20, 2022. Register.

National Afterschool Association (NAA) Convention  

Orlando, FL March 19-22, 2023

NAA exists to inspire, connect, and equip those who work with and on behalf of children and youth during out-of-school time. This year's convention theme is "You. Us. All." Attendees will have the opportunity to engage in networking, workshops, daily keynotes, and an interactive Learning Expo for professionals and leaders in afterschool. Early bird registration ends November 4, 2022. Register.

STEM Resources

CAVU's Climate Innovation Challenge 

Climate Advocates Voces Unidas (CAVU) inspires locally-led climate solutions through visual storytelling and educational programming. The free climate challenge includes access to NGSS and ELA Common Core-aligned storytelling curriculum, resources, and classroom support to empower youth in designing creative solutions to climate change. The challenge is designed to meet standards for middle school youth and can be adapted for a diverse age range. Learn more.

Earth Science Week is October 9-15, 2022

The American Geosciences Institute has developed teaching and learning resources exploring this year’s theme, "Earth Science for a Sustainable World", professional development opportunities for educators, and online resources about geoscience careers. Celebrate with the IF/THEN® Collection by searching earth science to explore activities featuring diverse women role models engaged in ecology, environmental justice, and geology. 


NASA Funding Opportunity: Community Anchor Awards

NASA Teams Engaging Affiliated Museums and Informal Institutions (TEAM II) is accepting proposals for the Community Anchor Awards, designed to support and strengthen institutions as community resources for informal education related to space exploration, aeronautics, space science, earth science, or microgravity. U.S. nonprofit science museums, planetariums, youth-serving organizations, and libraries are eligible to apply. Proposals due October 18, 2022. Learn more.

National Chemistry Week (NCW) is October 16-22, 2022

This year's theme is "Fabulous Fibers: The Chemistry of Fabrics". NCW encourages chemists and chemistry enthusiasts to build awareness of chemistry at the local level. The National Informal STEM Education Network has resources for hosting your own chemistry event.

Cybersecurity Awareness Month Logo

National Cyber Security Awareness Month

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month. The theme for 2022 is “See Yourself in Cyber". The theme empowers individuals and organizations to own their role in protecting their part of cyberspace. Visit for tips and resources.

Award for Aspirations in Computing Logo

NCWIT Award for Aspirations in Computing

The National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Award for Aspirations in Computing (AiC) honors 9-12th grade self-identifying women, genderqueer, or non-binary students for their computing-related achievements and encourages them to pursue their passions. Recipients are selected based on aptitude and aspirations in technology and computing, demonstrated by computing experience, computing-related activities, leadership, tenacity in the face of barriers to access, and plans for post-secondary education. Application deadline is October 20, 2022. Learn more.

Global Resources
Day of the Girl 2018

International Day of the Girl

October 11, 2022

The 2022 theme is, "Our time is now—our rights, our future". In commemoration of the 10th anniversary, the theme is a reflection on the barriers to girls' rights to education, physical and mental wellness, and protections needed for a life without violence, as well as a call to action rooted in girls' resourcefulness, creativity, tenacity, and resilience. Share stories, blogs, and videos of inspiring girls who are changemakers. Learn more.

About Us

The National Girls Collaborative Project™ promotes equity and STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Our mission is to connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth.

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Support Our Work

Help create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM. Your support helps NGCP connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth. Your generosity allows us to support programs working to increase girls’ interest in STEM by providing collaboration support, professional development, curriculum, and helpful evaluation and assessment techniques. Consider making a recurring donation to maximize your impact!

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