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The IFA is thankful for having you beside us in 2022, hopeful that in 2023 we'll keep working together to face the challenges of trying to build a better future for older persons.

Front Page

Save the Date for the 16th Global Conference

IFA 16th Global Conference banner

World Neglected Tropical Diseases Day - 30 January

On 31 May 2021, the World Health Assembly (WHA) recognized 30 January as World Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) Day 

This decision formalized 30 January as a day to create better awareness on the devastating impact of NTDs on the poorest populations around the world. The day is also an opportunity to call on everyone to support the growing momentum for the control, elimination and eradication of these diseases.

January Headline


IFA & Board of Directors

The 2022 IFA Board of Directors meeting took place in Zagreb, Croatia, on December 12 and 13, during which attendees had the chance to discuss initiatives and goals for 2023 and present their contribution plans.

IFA Board of Directors meeting in Zagreb

Advocacy and Knowledge

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Long-Term Care Settings

Adult Pneumonia Vaccination

Pneumonia is a leading cause of hospitalization and death in Canada, with a high prevalence among populations most at-risk from serious complications from infection. This survey aims to gain insight on public health messages and campaigns on pneumonia to help generate knowledge and drive effective policies to increase uptake rates, including in long-term care settings.

Take the Survey
Adult Pertussis Vaccination banner

Boosting Knowledge

Adult Pertussis Vaccination

In April 2022, the IFA conducted research to gather data on the regulatory processes, the pathway for vaccine recommendations and the funding of adult pertussis vaccines across five countries (Brazil, India, Spain, Vietnam, and Mexico) with the aim of identifying the status of adult pertussis vaccination within associated national vaccine programs. 

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Read the Report

Monthly Calendar

NGO CoA NY 12 January Programme banner

Upcoming Webinar

Reimagining Brain Health

The NGO Committee on Ageing welcomes Dr. Harris Eyre to discuss brain capital and investigate the connections of brain health to global policy and economic strategy in their upcoming online event. Do not miss the Jan 12 Programme!

Register Now
IFA Global Café 6 January banner

Global Cafe is back

Aged Care in Australia

Please join us in discussing "The Future of Aged Care in Australia" with our upcoming key expert, Ms. Patricia Sparrow, who has declared as her priorities to improve equality in the delivery of services, and harness the power of the new generation of older Australians.

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16th Global Conference

Submit your abstract until March 17

IFA 16th Global Conference banner - submit an abstract

Make an oral presentation, be a part of a workshop or symposium by submitting an abstract related to one or more conference themes - age-friendly environments, digital technologies and practice, maintaining and improving function, immunization for all ages, and older women. All submissions should consider the UN Decade of Healthy Ageing action areas and its enablers.

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Older man looking through window from his home

Preventing Loneliness in People Tackling Dementia

"Living with dementia shouldn’t mean that you or a loved one has to stop doing the things you or they love. But often a diagnosis of one of the types of dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease, can leave you feeling unsure about what happens next. Fear of becoming confused while out and about, a loss of confidence, and sometimes depression can lead to a person with dementia shutting themselves away from the world."

Read the full article by guest writer Hannah Walters

Previously on IFA Global Café

IFA Global Café 2 December banner

"You need to look at integrated care from a distance - it’s not just about care per se (…) it starts from the ideology, the dream of everyone of us being able to live much longer, and we want to live in good health…” - Ms. Ninie Wang in conversation with Mr. Greg Shaw on developing and piloting the WHO Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) framework and tools.

Watch the recording

IFA Global Café 9 December banner

"(...) investing in disability inclusion in the health sector is really an essential investment in good health for everyone, including good health of older persons..." - Mr. Darryl Barrett on health equity, disability, and older adults as he discussed with Dr. Jane Barratt the recent release of the Global Report on Health Equity for Persons with Disabilities.

Watch the recording

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