Collective Training of the Mexican Church
with Dan Chapple & Phil English
Dan & Phil have been using a program called SEAN – Study by Extension for All Nations in Spanish. The pastor and some of the congregation work together through the material at their own pace. When Dan or Phil can visit, the group discusses the material together. For the communities further away, there may be a local facilitator available, allowing them to study at a quicker pace. The students have been excited about what they are learning, leading to a desire to share with others. That is the ideal! As one group matures, they are then able to disciple others in learning their Bible and growing in their relationship with God.
Phil writes: “Many leaders struggle with feelings of inadequacy for the task of leadership, and many struggle to balance their work life with the overwhelming amount of need in ministry. Many believers struggle to remain faithful to their spouses, families, and to their faith because of social/family pressures, economic desperation, and traditional expectations. Not only is it necessary to teach and train in formal settings, it is essential that we spend time with them in their homes, encouraging them, counselling them, praying with them, and helping them apply Biblical truths to their daily lives.”
Dan writes: “One of the highlights, for me, was hearing from pastors of two different churches who started studying Semillas [SEAN] with their lay leaders. Each of them told me of different ladies in their Semillas groups who realized that they had never understood the message of the gospel and wanted to surrender their lives to Christ. Both ladies had been attending church for many years and were even helping lead the children’s programs.”
Dan & Phil have spent many hours on the road traveling to these various villages and towns, usually with a couple other trained leaders. The roads are sometimes dangerous and some of the residents of these communities experience opposition.
“Pastor Luis* shared that they led five people to the Lord from a town about a 45-minute walk away. One of the members of his congregation, who is also studying with us, will be helping to lead a new Bible study with them. In another town [nearby], there are four new believers. But in both towns, they are the only known Christians, and they are experiencing significant levels of persecution.”
Please pray for these believers that are new to the faith and already facing opposition. Pray for the safety of the pastors who are going into other villages to share the gospel and disciple. Pray for multiplication of these learning communities, as trained leaders seek to see these learning communities grow and reach more places throughout the country.
*named changed for security purposes