Economic Development

On Friday, July. 16, the Strafford Economic Development District (EDD) board (which is synonymous with the SRPC Commission) held a special meeting to adopt the 2021-2025 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS). The CEDS is the guiding document for regional economic development and highlights trends, happenings with businesses and industries, and priority projects and updates submitted by regional communities and stakeholders. 
The document was adopted and the final version will be uploaded to the SRPC website next week. The draft presented to the Commission can be viewed online. It is recommended to view the document in two-page spread. 
In addition to adopting the CEDS, Commissioners engaged in an interactive activity setup by EDD staffers to prioritize action items laid out in the document. This will help staff understand how to best begin implementing the plan. 
For more information on the CEDS or the EDD contact James Burdin, senior regional planner. 

Pieces of Interest