Rachel Dewey, data analyst, and Jackson Rand, GIS planner, attended the hybrid meeting of the Governor’s Advisory Council on Intermodal Transportation (GACIT) on Friday, Jul. 16. The meeting allowed for the NH Department of Transportation to present the DRAFT Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan to the 5 councilors making up GACIT.
As explained on the NHDOT website, “The purpose of the Ten Year Plan is to develop and implement a plan allowing New Hampshire to fully participate in federally supported transportation improvement projects as well as to outline projects and programs funded with State transportation dollars.”
The meeting also allowed the state and its stakeholders to discuss items important to the development of the Draft 2023-2032 Ten Year Transportation Improvement Plan and discuss the next steps to be determined by GACIT and the Department.
This meeting was a kick-off of the GACIT process which will include public hearings in fall and winter of 2021, and adoption of the plan in June 2022.
Pieces of Interest