Sonoma County 5th District Newsletter

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January 22, 2025

I know when some people look at government, they see a faceless bureaucracy: an institution that feels unapproachable and unyielding, indifferent, sometimes even uncaring. But from where I sit, I see something entirely different. I see more than 4,000 dedicated individuals here in Sonoma County who chose to work in public service for a reason: to protect our environment, support our neighbors, and make this community a better place. Employees who do everything from patching potholes to managing mudslide damage to overseeing the budget to issuing housing vouchers to providing access to food and mental health care benefits. (And so much more.)


That’s why my biggest goal as Chair of the Board of Supervisors is to prove that government works. I’ve seen us move mountains during disasters, cut through red tape to deliver results, and care for the most vulnerable among us. We need to do more of that—not just in emergencies, but every single day.


In 2025, we will take the opportunity to double down on community engagement, customer service, and delivering real solutions for the people of Sonoma County. From addressing our housing crisis to preparing for the next wildfire season, we’ll keep showing that government is here to work with you and for you. Here’s what’s ahead this year:


Building Resilience and Supporting Our Future


Climate change has fundamentally reshaped how we think about disasters. With fire seasons starting earlier and storms becoming less predictable, disaster preparedness is more critical than ever. This year, I’m pushing for earlier fire-preparedness updates and better coordination of emergency alerts so no community is caught off guard. We need resilient infrastructure and proactive planning to keep everyone safe, especially our most vulnerable populations.

Investing in our future also means creating resilient infrastructure. Tools like Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts (EIFDs) allow us to fund critical community improvements—like parks, affordable housing, and transit—without increasing taxes. This year, we’ll continue working to bring these innovative solutions to life, ensuring that every resident has access to a safe, thriving community.


Addressing the Housing Crisis


Housing stability is one of the most pressing issues in Sonoma County. From skyrocketing rents to a lack of affordable housing options, too many of our neighbors are struggling to keep a roof over their heads. Last year, we strengthened tenant protections, but there’s still so much more to do.

This year, I’m focused on ensuring that our housing policies prioritize both stability and growth. That means creating pathways to build affordable homes, exploring new strategies to protect renters, and working with developers and community partners to address the shortage of housing at all income levels. Already this year, we have waived development impact fees to support the creation of new housing units. Meanwhile, we’re continuing to work on creative wastewater solutions for West County to support affordability for our existing housing stock, as well as wastewater solutions and streamlined permitting processes for folks who might want to add an ADU (granny unit) to their home. 

I’m also committed to supporting vulnerable populations like homeless students and their families. It’s heartbreaking to think about young people trying to get an education while living without stable housing. By collaborating with schools, nonprofits, and community organizations we can provide stronger safety nets to ensure every child has the security they need to thrive. 


Standing Up for Vulnerable Populations


On the topic of our most vulnerable, this year more than ever it is critical to stand up for the people in our community who are often overlooked. This includes ensuring immigrant and undocumented residents can safely access services without fear and deepening our support for the organizations working tirelessly on their behalf.

We remain steadfast in our commitment to protecting marginalized communities. This includes our BIPOC communities, our LGBTQIA+ friends and neighbors, as well as marginalized religious groups. In Sonoma County, we have struggled with an uptick in anti-Semitism over the past few years; we can’t allow it to take root. In light of potential federal actions that could erode hard-won rights — as well as toxic, harmful political targeting of trans youth and adults — we’ll continue to advocate for equality and inclusivity, ensuring that Sonoma County remains a place where everyone feels safe and supported.


Protecting Agriculture and Community Values


As a former vegetable farmer and current goatherd and orchardist, I know how vital agriculture is to Sonoma County’s identity and economy. That’s why I’m committed to revisiting the County’s Right to Farm ordinance this year. It’s essential to ensure farmers have the tools and protections they need to succeed while preserving agricultural land for future generations. We must strengthen and support our local food system. Local agriculture is at the heart of our community, and we will do everything we can to take care of the people who work the land and feed our families.


Moving Forward Together


Sonoma County’s greatest strength is its people—your resilience, creativity, and commitment inspire everything I do. In 2025, we’ll continue working hand-in-hand to build a brighter future for our county.


Thank you for your trust and your engagement. Together, we can make 2025 a year of progress, connection, and real results.


Soco Chat Podcast with Supervisor Hopkins: 1/16/2025

Community Public Art Projects Grants

We are very excited to announce the launch of Community Public Art Project Grants for unincorporated District 5. We've heard from many community members that they'd love to see more art in local downtown areas. In response to this, our office allocated infrastructure funds and worked closely with Creative Sonoma to roll out a grant program aimed at enhancing public spaces.

Eligible applicants—including nonprofit organizations, schools, chambers of commerce, faith organizations, neighborhood or business groups, and governmental agencies—are invited to propose public art initiatives that foster social cohesion and beautify neighborhoods.

Approximately 10 grants, each up to $10,000, are available, with most awards around $5,000. The application period opens on January 8, 2025, with a deadline of February 10, 2025. Projects should be designed for completion between April and September 2025. For more details and to apply, visit Creative Sonoma's website.

Questions? TOMORROW - Thursday January 23rd, Creative Sonoma is hosting an application workshop to assist prospective applicants. Register for the workshop here or at the button below.

Register for applicant workshop
Learn more about the grant

Well & Septic Division Update: Upcoming Well Permitting Workshop

As Sonoma County continues to navigate the current litigation affecting well permitting, we are committed to keeping residents informed about important updates and resources.

Permit Sonoma is hosting a Well Permitting Workshop on Friday, January 24, 2025, from 1:30 PM to 3:00 PM, featuring a live question-and-answer session to help clarify the updated well ordinance and permitting process.

Prepare by Watching the Online Webinar

Residents are encouraged to watch Permit Sonoma’s Well Permit Online Webinar prior to attending the workshop. The webinar offers a comprehensive overview of the permitting process and covers topics including:

  1. Navigating the online application process
  2. Reviewing well construction permit applications
  3. Inspections and construction requirements for well projects
  4. Well deconstruction (destruction) procedures
  5. Dry Weather Well Yields

Register for the Workshop

This workshop is a valuable opportunity for residents to engage directly with Permit Sonoma staff and have their questions answered. Register for the January 24 workshop here and submit your questions in advance when you sign up.

We encourage residents to take advantage of these resources and participate in this important discussion about well permitting in Sonoma County. More information on the well ordinance update can be found here. If you have questions, contact


Tenant RightsTown Hall: January 30

Sonoma County invites tenants and landlords to an in-person Tenant Rights Town Hall to learn about important tenant protection rights and responsibilities, including new regulations adopted by the County Board of Supervisors. This is a valuable opportunity to hear from representatives of Legal Aid of Sonoma County and the Sonoma County Counsel’s Office, ask questions, and gain clarity on the updated rules.

Event Details:

  • What: Tenant Rights Town Hall
  • When: Tuesday, January 30, 5:30–7:30 p.m.
  • Where: Monte Rio Community Center, 20488 Highway 116, Monte Rio

The new County ordinance enhances tenant protections under California’s Tenant Protection Act (2019) and includes important requirements for landlords, such as reporting evictions through a new web portal and distributing tenant rights information in English and Spanish. Spanish interpretation will be available at the event.

Whether you’re a tenant or a landlord, don’t miss this chance to stay informed and understand how these rules affect you.

Learn more about the Residential Tenancy Protections Ordinance

Help Shape Sonoma County's Future!

General Plan Update is Underway

The General Plan is a vital document that shapes County decisions on housing, transportation, jobs, services, and more. It’s time for an update to reflect our county’s evolving needs and align with State law.

This first phase focuses on creating a community vision for the future and setting the stage for the second phase, which will center on policy development.

Why is the General Plan important? It guides how we:

  • Make Sonoma County a place where future generations will thrive.
  • Provide a safe, reliable transportation system.
  • Preserve parks, open spaces, and the natural environment.
  • Support farmers, agriculture, and the local economy.
  • Celebrate our county’s rich history and cultural heritage.
  • Balance growth, tourism, and community needs.

We Need Your Input!

Your voice is crucial in shaping the future of Sonoma County. Attend a community workshop to share your vision and priorities. Workshops will be held in English and Spanish, and all sessions cover the same topics—just pick the date and location that works best for you! Let’s create a vibrant future for Sonoma County together!

In-person workshop: Thursday January 30, 6-8 PM at the Forestville Community Library, 7050 Covey Road

Virtual workshops: Thursday January 23, 6-8 PM and Wednesday February 19, 12-2 PM

register here for Zoom link

Visit the General Plan Website

Your Voice Matters: Help Shape a Better Future for Our Youngest Community Members with Project 100

In early 2023, Supervisor Hopkins convened a group of health-minded community leaders from Russian River Area Resources and Advocates (RRARA) at a "Design Jam" hosted by our office and West County Health Centers. With funding from our office, West County Health Centers, Guerneville School District, and River to Coast Children’s Services have continued to run with the ideas ignited at the Design Jam, exploring how to better support children ages 0–5 in the Lower Russian River area. They began this journey to understand and address the stressors that impact young children and their families, with the goal of ensuring the roughly 100 babies born in the Lower Russian River area each year receive the support and care they need to thrive.

Guided by science and with input from the community, this group has been working to find meaningful solutions—whether through new programs, fresh approaches to supporting families, or policy changes that make life easier for parents and caregivers.

Project 100 is now inviting parents and caregivers to share your thoughts, ideas, and experiences. By participating in occasional surveys, events, and feedback sessions, you can help shape the future for local kids.

Sign up below to join the conversation and make a difference!

Sign Up for the Project 100 Parents & Caregivers List

West County Services Center

Have you visited the West County Services Center? Appointments and some walk-in services are available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons for assistance with CalFresh, MediCal, and WIC. Learn more and find contact information here.

Help Build a Safer Sonoma County!

Sonoma County is updating its Hazard Mitigation Plan to better protect our communities from disasters like wildfires and floods. This plan identifies key projects to reduce risks to homes, infrastructure and critical facilities—and your input matters! Take the survey to help identify hazards and improve disaster planning.

Take the survey

Upcoming Meetings & Events

Graphic of Creative Sonoma logo with wording and colorful circles around it

Creative Sonoma Workshop for prospective District 5 Public Art Grant Applicants

Thursday January 23, 12-1

Register for Zoom Webinar

Well Permitting Workshop

January 24, 1:30 - 3 PM

Register for Zoom webinar

See above for details

Logo of Permit Sonoma

Tenant Rights Town Hall

Thursday January 30, 5:30-7:30

Monte Rio Community Center

20488 Highway 116, Monte Rio

see above for details

General Plan Community Workshops

In person workshop:

Thursday January 30, 6 - 8 PM

Forestville Community Library

7050 Covey Road, Forestville

Virtual workshops: Register here Thursday January 23, 6-8 PM and Wednesday February 19, 12-2 PM

see above for details

Child Parent Institute logo

Parents and Babies Support Group

Thursdays | January 9 - March 13, 10 - 11:30 AM

West County Services Center 16390 Main Street

In this FREE 10 week series for pregnant folks, new and new again moms, and new and new again dads, meet other parents who are going through it too. Get support from experienced therapists and learn about parenting and bonding with your infant, and get help with the emotional upheaval that is new parenthood. Babes in arms are welcome. There are still a few spots left and a late start is OK. Sign up today!

This group will be held in English and a Spanish support group will begin in March. Registration required. For questions, call 707-565-6108 x1100

Register for Parent & Babies Support Group
River MAC Logo, 3 trees and flowing water

Lower Russian River Muncipal Advisory Council

February 13, 5:30 PM

Guerneville School Community Room, 14630 Armstrong Woods Road, Guerneville

Cafecito Comunitario

Tuesday February 18, 8 - 9 AM

West County Services Center, 16390 Main Street

District 5 invites you to drop; in to our "Cafecito Comunitario" usually on the third Monday each month, but will be held on the third Tuesday in February. You don't have to stay; you can just stop by for a delicious coffee and pastry and go about your day. Everyone is welcome; we look forward to seeing you!

Sonoma County District 5 logo with a river and trees and a rainbow
Coast MAC Logo

Sonoma County Coast Municipal Advisory Council

Thursday March 20, 2025

Lower Russian River MAC: Vacancies

Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon Alternate and Guerneville Alternate

We are now accepting applications for two alternate positions on the Lower Russian River Municipal Advisory Council (MAC), representing the Guerneville South / Pocket Canyon area and the Guerneville area. (see map)

The MAC plays a vital role in community engagement, providing input to the Sonoma County Board of Supervisors on a range of important topics. These include health and human safety-net services, land use, transportation and transit priorities, and general plan amendments. The MAC also reviews significant topics that will be heard by the Board of Supervisors, helping ensure local voices are heard on decisions that impact our community.

By serving on the MAC, you can act as a bridge between the county and your community—ensuring that local concerns and insights help shape policies and services.

Interested in applying? Visit for more information or to submit an application.

Check Address

Fifth District Supervisor Lynda Hopkins | County of Sonoma | 707-565-2241

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