Apalachicola, Florida
January 17, 2025
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Repurposed and Refashioned | |
This past Saturday the church grounds were awash with two hundred pink roses, purchased by the Waddell family and used for Toonie Waddell’s funeral on January 11. The people of Trinity saw it fit to honor Toonie’s service to God with many bouquets and arrangements in the church and Benedict Hall. On behalf of the Waddells, thank you to our talented parishioners for providing a beautiful remembrance of Toonie’s life.
Traditionally, flowers from a funeral at Trinity adorn the altar on the following Sunday and are offered to the glory of God by the family. By Sunday afternoon, there were a LOT of flowers left! Leave it to Penny Marler and Martha Harris to repurpose them. In short order they had arranged two buckets of roses for the ECCC, boxes of single blooms for senior meals delivered by community members, ten arrangements for our pastoral care ministry as well as Holy Family Senior Center, and one special bouquet for a hospice patient.
These roses brought comfort as we bid goodbye to someone who lived and breathed all things Trinity. And I love knowing that, along the way, they will continue to impact people across Franklin and Gulf County. For they were delivered on a cold and rainy day, throwing a splash of vibrant color into every room in which they were placed. If this isn’t an example of how God’s love brings light and life to everyone, I don’t know what is. It reminds me of the beginning of the Gospel of John: “the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it” (John 1:5)
God needs us to be a form of Christ’s light, now more than ever. We are not the light, but we carry it into all areas by virtue of our baptism.
Because even after we think we have nothing left to offer or do, God
still isn’t done with us. God will refashion who we are and our
gifts into ripple effects magnifying God’s love for all of us.
Love Big and Be Well,
Stephen +
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Becoming Episcopalian. Father Stephen will be starting an Inquirer’s class later this month for those who are interested in learning more about The Episcopal Church or joining our denomination. If you are ready to join Trinity as a full-fledged member, this class is for you! If you want a refresher, this class is for you! Classes will be held on Sunday evenings in order to accommodate those who work. We will finish sometime in May, just prior to the bishop’s visit on Pentecost (June 8). Trinity will provide all the necessary study materials (donations to offset cost are appreciated). If you are interested, please contact the Parish Office or reach out to Stephen.
Did You Know? The Pastoral Care Committee has been hard at work planning out 2025. In addition to starting support groups for those navigating bereavement, cancer, and caregiving we are expanding how we provide support to those needing short-term, temporary assistance. There is much more to come about these subjects, so stay tuned.
Our Beloved Prayer List and More. Every Sunday you can write in your prayer requests in the small notebook on the table as you enter the church. These are read during the 10:30 service and included in the parish prayers that week. In addition, you can email prayer requests to: prayers@trinityapalachicola.org; please include their name(s) and the need. These will stay on the prayer list for 30 days unless directed otherwise.
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Wednesday Compline. If you love the Order for Compline from our Book of Common Prayer and want to participate from the comfort of your home, you are in luck! On Wednesdays at 8 pm Eastern, Trinity is pleased to host an online Compline via Facebook Live. And don’t forget that we have Morning Prayer on Wednesdays at 8:15 am. | |
Third Thursday Bingo Continues in the New Year. Set your calendars for a fun evening of Bingo and fellowship every third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm in Benedict Hall. As always, the first board is free with additional cards $2 each (or three for $5). All proceeds go to Parish Life. Bring a snack to share; tea and lemonade will be provided. | |
Help ECCC With New Years Baskets | |
Elder Care Community Council (ECCC) is collecting items to be placed in laundry baskets and distributed to 135 elders in our county: dish soap, laundry soap, bleach, toilet paper, paper towels, kitchen towels and dishcloths, toilet bowl cleaner and brushes, Kleenex, bar soap, all purpose cleaner.
You can drop off items for the baskets at Holy Family 8 am - 1 pm, Monday through Friday before January 24. Please volunteer to help load and deliver the baskets on January 31.
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Call Val Webb at 850-370-0116 for more details and to contribute. | |
Join the Trinity Cookie Ministry
Gingerbread people in Florida! Martha Harris and Penny Marler delivered 130 of these gingerbread boys and girls to the ECCC for senior meals on Thursday, January 16.
Come and join the fun! For more information on Trinity Outreach’s Cookie Ministry, contact Connie Finneran at: sailboatgal@yahoo.com
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Diocesan Cycle of Prayer. For churches and ministries: on January 19, pray for Commission on Global Mission Engagement and Immanuel Episcopal Church, Bay Minette, AL; and on January 26, pray for St. Monica’s, Cantonment, FL. For prisons: on January 19, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Santa Rosa County Jail, Milton, FL; and on January 26, pray for the prisoners, families, and staff of the Walton County Jail, DeFuniak Springs, FL. | |
Cursillo Weekends Are Back! Cursillo is a three-day retreat offered to persons who wish to deepen their faith and walk with Christ.
It is offered through our diocese at Beckwith Conference Center in Fairhope, AL. Cursillo is currently offered two weekends each year, and it is free to attendees. There are two weekends scheduled for 2025: March 13-16 and September 11-14.
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To learn about Cursillo, the diocese has a great website or talk to someone who has been (Chris Presnell, Bonnie Stewart, The Pecots, Ina Margaret Meyer, Patti McCartney, and many more). Check it out. Who wouldn’t want to be loved on and pampered for three days? You deserve it!. De Colores! | |
Supporting Southern California Wildfire Response Efforts | |
Episcopal Relief & Development is working closely with partners to support people affected by the Southern California wildfires. The Wildfire Response Fund is an important tool for responding to immediate needs and supporting long-term recovery.
You can make a gift here today or visit episcopalrelief.org to donate and get more information. Trinity will direct the loose plate collection for one of the upcoming Sundays for these efforts.
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In the meantime, please pray for those impacted, the first responders, and those supporting everyone impacted. | |
It was great to have Anne Knight back at Trinity recently, visiting with long-time friends, Patti & Bill McCartney, Candace Springer, and many others. | |
Karen Kessel, Donna Knutson, and Kerry Petty celebrated the New Year at FDR State Park in Pine Mountain, Georgia. | |
The TRINITY TEN, a ten-point questinnaire that provides a light-hearted,
yet sincere, profile of Trinity parishioners, is designed for us to get
to know each other a little better. Your responses, along with a
photograph, will appear regularly in the Bay View.
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Patti McCartney is from Selma, Alabama. She has been active in Trinity leadership as a vestry member, the recent priest search committee, the Memorial Garden committee, and other committees and projects. She is also an enthusiastic and faithful Penny's Worth volunteer. | Greatest influence on your life (person or experience): During my counselor experiences at camp, the women in the cooks’ cabin introduced me to their friend, Jesus. | |
How would someone else describe you: Very opinionated
One thing people might be surprised to know about you: In my younger days, I was quite accomplished on water skis, the slalom, and the flying saucer.
Favorite part of living here: A walkable neighborhood with awesome, friendly neighbors.
Dogs or cats: Dogs
Bacon or broccoli: Broccoli with crumbled bacon
Coleslaw - vinegar or mayo: either vinegar or mayo, or both
One thing you are good at: I am very good at misplacing things.
One thing you’d rather not do: I would rather go for a walk than clean the house.
What drew you to Trinity: As a lifelong Episcopalian, moving to St. George Island meant attending Trinity. But, hearing Wesley Chesnut sing Jerusalem from the balcony on our first Easter made me feel like I was where I belong.
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Watch our Sunday sermons online:
Generosity is a key component of our successful ministry: You can share your generosity easily and safely through our secure Electronic Giving platform.
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Your Bay View: Trinity's bi-weekly e-newsletter, the Bay View, reaches members and friends every other Friday, sharing news and inspiration for and about our parish. Please send information and announcements, as well as photographs, to info@trinityapalachicola.org or call the church office at 850-653-9550. The deadline for submission is noon on Wednesday of each publication week. (next deadline is January 29)
-- Kay Carson, Editor
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Worship Service at 10:30 am Sunday
Morning Prayer at 8:15 am Wednesday
Church address: 79 6th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320
Office address: 76 5th Street, Apalachicola, Florida 32320
Mailing address: PO Box 667, Apalachicola, Florida 32329
Phone number: (850) 653-9550
Email: info@trinityapalachicola.org
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