January 27th, 2025

A quick review of Sunday & a look at the week ahead!

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Rewind to Sunday, January 26th, 2025

Scripture: Genesis 37:3-11, 18-20

On Sunday as we began an enlightening new sermon series called "All the Feels." In this series, we will explore the often challenging and complex emotions that inhabit our lives, starting with feelings of envy and jealousy. Through the stories of the Bible, we will delve into how these emotions can impact our relationships and our spiritual journey. Be encouraged as we learn together and embrace the transformational power of faith to turn our hearts toward kindness, patience, and love.

Questions for Reflection:

1.How have you experienced envy or jealousy in your own life?

How did it affect your relationships with others & with God?

2. How can we cultivate a sense of contentment & gratitude for what we have, rather than coveting what others possess?

3. How might recognizing God's love for us as “His beloved creation” help us combat feelings of envy or jealousy?

You can view

the sermon HERE

Or view the whole

Sunday service HERE.

Just Three Things: January 26th, 2025

The annual meal packing event at the Rec Center is THIS Saturday! Have your RSVPed? Our Men's Ministry is gearing up for another Men's Breakfast! And guess what's back?! It's the mission collection that also fun to say: Undies Sunday! We'll be collecting for this special Sunday all through February!

Watch Just Three Things HERE

WEDNESDAY: Dinners and classes continue!

Visit learn more and see the menu. RSVP today for dinner and classes at


Sign up NOW for the Hunger Fight meal packing event! It's this Saturday! Email to to RSVP your spot!