November 2022


Volume 20 | Issue 11

This Giving Tuesday, Give For DV

On November 29, 2022, people worldwide are coming together to tap into the power of human connection and strengthen communities and change our world. Will you be one of them?

NYSCADV will be participating in GivingTuesday, and we need your help! By joining the GivingTuesday movement, you’re proving that in times of uncertainty, generosity can bring the whole world together.

Here is how you can get ready to give:

1. Mark your calendar. Click here to add GiveForDV to your calendar.

2. Give. On November 29, go to our donation page or the page of your local program and give. You can also support our organization in these ways.

3. Spread the word. Encourage your friends and family to join you in creating a real impact on November 29 by sharing what our mission means to you and why you support our organization (here are some ideas). Make sure to use hashtags #GiveForDV and #GivingTuesday!

Let’s rally together to build stronger communities!


Domestic Violence Awareness Month Recap

This October, NYSCADV and domestic violence service providers and many of you throughout New York and beyond, focused on raising awareness, and engaging communities.

NYSCADV hosted a Facebook Live session, "Realities of Domestic Violence: Raising Awareness in New York." to share information about myths and realities of domestic violence, domestic violence in New York State, and how to get involved in the cause and support the domestic violence movement. To view the recording, visit the NYSCADV Facebook page.

Our virtual pumpkin decorating contest voting is currently underway! Thank you to all the contestants, supporters, and sponsors for participating!


We received many incredible entries - thank you to all those who submitted pumpkins! Check out our Facebook page to vote for your favorites before November 3rd!


Thank you to all who supported survivors throughout the month of October throughout the rest of the year.


Special Thanks to Our Pumpkin Contest Sponsors!

Purple Pumpkin Sponsors

Since its beginning as a small credit union within General Electric in 1937, Sunmark has sought to live the credit union philosophy of People Helping People. We have always given back to various local communities, supporting financial education and improving the quality of life for those in need.

The establishment of the Sunmark Charitable Community Foundation in 2015 has expanded our abilities to support local, nonprofit organizations in our 14 county charter area by providing financial contributions, in-kind services and volunteer support. There are zero administrative costs: 100% of every donation goes directly to helping those who need it.

The Sunmark Charitable Community Foundation is devoted to the credit union philosophy of “people helping people”. Through various strategies and initiatives, the Foundation is able to provide financial contributions, in-kind services and volunteer support to non-profit organizations within the Sunmark 14 county charter area.

  • Volunteer Support: The Foundation is comprised of 10 members who use their own time and talents to help partner organizations when needed. In addition, Sunmark Credit Union allows all staff members to volunteer with local non-profit organizations during work hours.
  • Financial Contributions: Non-profits who are located within the charter area of the Credit Union can apply for financial assistance. The Foundation’s Board of Directors reviews applications monthly and have allocated funds to an average of 40 organizations annually.
  • In-Kind Services: The Foundation offers a dynamic range of support services to local non-profit agencies that stretch beyond financial support. Through integrative partnerships, the Foundation offers customized solutions to fulfill the unique needs of each organization.

If you are part of a non-profit agency and are interested in learning how the Foundation can help, please contact the Sunmark Community Engagement Program Manager, Audrey Stone at

The Times Union traces its beginnings to 1856, when the Morning Times was founded as a daily newspaper in Albany, New York. Following numerous name changes, mergers and transfers of ownership, William Randolph Hearst purchased the Times Union in 1924.

The Times Union is the leading news organization in New York’s Capital Region. The newspaper is widely respected for its focus on local news and watchdog reporting, particularly on state government and politics. It has won numerous state and national awards for its work on both print and digital platforms and has repeatedly been named New York’s Newspaper of Distinction by the state editors association. The Times Union also created Woman@Work, the area’s fastest-growing network of business women; it publishes several weekly papers and hosts numerous community events at its affiliated Hearst Media Center and major regional events, including the Times Union Home Expo.

Capital Region Gives

On November 20th, the Times Union will publish our largest editorial section on philanthropy, Capital Region Gives. This publication showcases nonprofits and businesses collaborating for the greater benefit of the community. The Big $100,000 Giveaway is a voting contest awarding 10 local nonprofits granted advertising space in the Times Union for 2023.


Nonprofits and the businesses that support them, are the editorial focus for 2022 where the stories will offer a glimpse into the dynamic behind the effort to eliminate care deserts in the Capital Region and beyond. People are still experiencing insufficient access to elemental human needs: food, health, shelter, clothing, education, mental health – the list goes on. Call these care deserts. Nonprofits work to support the community needs; this is where businesses and the community need to work together to alleviate the gaps in care and prevent care deserts to develop a system to sustain our community.

To be included in the Capital Region Gives special publication, all ad packages must be committed to by November 4, 2022. Nonprofits must be a designated 501C-3 to be eligible to be in the contest and will need to purchase an ad package or be gifted ad space by a for profit business. Contact Anne Curcurito, Director of Community Engagement, at 518-454-5792 or email for more information on how to be a part of the “Capital Region Gives” publication.


The voting contest for your favorite nonprofit will determine which 10 nonprofits will each win a $10,000 advertising grant. Voting will start on November 20 and run until December 9 on The 2022 contest will reflect an equitable award distribution determined by a combination of the number of employees at the nonprofit along with the most votes (4 large, 3 medium, & 3 small). The winners will be announced in December.     

Pumpkin Patch Sponsors

Jack O'Lantern Sponsors

Support Our Work

Click here to view t-shirt collections and place an order - a portion or sales are donated to NYSCADV

Shop for a good cause! Select NYSCADV as your charity on Amazon Smile

Support our work by making a donation or hosting a fundraiser

Advocate Resources

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Prevention Corner


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