Southland Parent Link

January 16th, 2025

Martin Luther King, JR. Day

January 20th - No School

End of 2nd Qtr.

January 24th

*Noon Dismissal*

Presidents Day

February 17th - No School



Middle School

January 23rd

Will watch One Act Play 'Little Woman' during 8th hour

February 25th

Choir Solo and Ensemble

February 26th


High School

January 31st

Will watch One Act Play 'Little Woman' during 8th hour

February 3rd

Choir Recital

February 26th


 Report Cards for Grades 6-12

Parents, you have access to your child's report card on the parent portal. If you would like a copy, you can request one in the office.

January Menu's

If you have questions about Breakfast or Lunch, please contact Diana Rodgers at

Visitors are welcome to join for lunch. Please let the office and teachers know that morning so we can give our cooks an accurate count.

Breakfast and Lunch are free for the 24-25' school year.

We still encourage all families to fill out a Free/Reduced application that can be picked up in the office. This helps with funding for our school


As the temperatures continue to drop, please ensure your student(s) are dressed appropriately (or have the appropriate clothing available) for recess. This includes winter jacket, gloves, hat, boots and snow pants.


Morning drop-off (7:45-8:15) can be done at the Main Entrance/Office or the Elementary wing on the East side of the building only.

We are looking at the safety of the students and all the traffic that there is at that time.

If you are dropping off your student after 8:15 or before 3:00, please do so at the Main Entrance, NOT the Elementary Doors. The office needs to make sure that the kids are getting checked in/out accordingly. 


After school pick-up (after 3:00) can be done at the Office or classroom. If you are picking up on the East side by the Elementary wing, please come into the building and pick your child up in their classrooms. If you are picking up your student before 3:00, please do so at the Main Entrance, NOT the Elementary Doors. The office needs to make sure that the kids are getting checked in/out accordingly.

Student Absences

If your child has to be gone from school instruction for any reason, please call the attendance line at 507-582-3568 option #1, or by email

Please leave a detailed message as to why they are gone (ill and symptoms, appointment, out of town....). Nurse Amanda will follow up if need be. Thank you for your cooperation.

Automated Attendance System

When students are marked absent, for an "Unknown" reason, for 1 or more classes for the current day.

Parents/Guardians are now being notified by an automated phone call/email around 4pm, regarding the "Unknown" attendance of their child(ren) for that day. If an oversight was made regarding their absence, please call the attendance line to inform the office and adjustments will be made.

Inquiring on Attendance

  • Check your "Parent Portal" to see what classes were missed and to adjust how you receive notifications

  • Call the office for further assistance 507-582-3568 option #2

Click to access login

Parent Portal Information


With this access, you will be able to see their schedules, attendance, lunch account balances (low balance notifications), fees, etc. You also will be able to update contact information (email, phone, address, emergency contacts), add money to their lunch accounts and pay any fees such as: Sports (MSHSL), school-related activities, and school-related expenses that are attached to them or you can select a fee to pay.

Get an Account/Reset Password

Please email,, If you need an account set up or if you have forgotten your password and need it reset.

Youth Athletics/Activities

MS/HS Athletics/Activities

Winter Sports Have Started:

Please make sure your athlete is:

Registered, Paid, and Physical is up to date.

Fees: HS - $85 MS - $65

*Click Schedule to Enlarge/Download*

Scan the QR Codes/Click Link Below

Southland Activities Calendar  *Click Here*

Southland Parent Link:

The bi-weekly update will be sent to your e-mail you have supplied or a hard copy will be sent home. The newsletter will also be posted on the school web site at

2024-2025 Academic Calendar

*Click Image to Download/Enlarge*

Earn Money For Our School

Box Tops: Easier than EVER to earn money for our school with the NEW Box Tops app! They have created a simple how-to video with simple step-by-step instructions for us to share with our school supporters. PLEASE pass this along and share with others in the community.

Coke Rewards: We are now accepting Coke Rewards online or bring them in!

Two Easy Steps:

1. Search for our school

2. Enter your code

Follow this link to enter your product codes: Enter Your Codes Here!

Find Participating Brands!

CASEY’S Rewards: Now you can earn points on all your Casey’s purchases – in-store, online or at the pump. Turn those points into donations for our school!

Click Here to Join Today

Southland School District

200 NW Water St.

Adams, MN 55909

(507) 582-3568

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