November 8, 2021


The past few days have been just beautiful and as I was walking on one of these day, I couldn’t help but notice the contrast of the tall assorted trees reaching heavenward to the backdrop of the vibrant blue sky, and there was not a cloud in sight. The colors of nature are truly ones who have been blended by God in his glorious imagination and infinite detail.  But how often do we take the time to stop and praise God for the majesty that he shows us in nature? There are tangibles in nature such as trees, animals, waters etc. that we can touch and intangibles that we can see but are out of our reach, the sun, the moon the sky etc. But all natural things on this earth are created by our  
God, who by the worlds’ standards is often titled intangible. We cannot see him, or touch him but just like the wind, his Holy Spirit can rush right through us and we sense his presence. 

Mel and I were walking today, Sunday, and the scenery had changed; the sky was a softer blue, and the trees along Memorial that I had seen just days before were now adorned with green ribbons…tied on the trunks.  But why? And a little further down the road, a group of high school students were heading our way…. and crossing the street was one of my grandsons to greet us. I had heard of the tragedy of Friday nights concert the day before, and William said that his classmates all got together and tied these ribbons on the trees in memory of his friend.  He and so many others had just celebrated homecoming together, a few weekends before ,with dates, dinners, football and events of the weekend. The ribbons were a symbol of love and honor and sadness for a friend who they would miss greatly. His name was John Hilgert, and “green” was his favorite color.  The ribbons were tangible reflections of how one young man has touched the hearts and souls of a campus of students. 

But where is the evidence of the intangible God. His evidence is found in the hearts of those who support those who are hurting by prayer, and hugs, and continued reminders that John will never be forgotten. The evidence that God is present is by the strength that he will give to his family when they feel like there is none of their own to draw from other than God’s. The evidence that God is present is seen by using this awful tragedy to unite a class, and provide further a foundation of wanting to know who to turn to…and the idea that Christ is real and how he can be a trusted companion in all times.  If they just ask for His help and accept his truth.   Many of John’s friends who have reached out in support are in unknown territory and need help and guidance as to how to navigate this sorrow, sadness and loss, and thankfully there are parents whose love, faith, grace and possible experiences of their past have given them tools they have learned from God to pass along to help in the process and, in time, the healing.  God is the ultimate Father of strength, comfort, guidance and truth. And he is there for all who seek him. 

And just as those skies of vibrant blue are the backdrop for the beauty that is among us in nature, he too is the backdrop of our lives. We can depend on HIM to get us through tough and seemingly unbearable times. He may  be intangible to our eyes and ears, oh but he has sent his Holy Spirit to live within us and to be a tangible presence that we will see in everyday events if only we will be looking with hope and expectancy.  

May God bless you who are reading this and for those who are grieving with broken hearts, May God make clear to you his presence and give you peace as you walk through this unknown territory of grief.   

Tragic times like this, effect so many people, in so many different ways. John’s young life will make a difference, it already has. But as I write this I cannot begin to imagine the pain and suffering that comes with hearts broken into pieces, too many to count, of those who have loved this child with a love that has no bounds. There are many of you, I am sure, who who have experienced a pain similar to this.

May God’s Peace be with you all and may God give you comfort and shower you with his love….today and always.  Amen

We wait in hope for the Lord; he is our help and our shield.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans
My help comes from theLord, the Maker of heaven and earth

Praise God wherever you are and whatever situation He has allowed you to be in . . . His glory will shine through!