Everybody In! Nobody Out!
News, Events, and Actions
Thank You Bill Walsh
Passionate HCAO advocate Bill Walsh from Eagle Point passed last January but not before he left these final words: “Remember me. Blessed are the peacemakers for they will possess our earth. Blessings on our caregivers: family, friends, and professionals. They do the essential work to make our lives meaningful and productive. Finally, I declare that all residents of the world have a right to health care—care driven by well-regulated patient care rather than corporate profits. God bless one and all.”

Read Bill's full obituary. Thank you Bill and Shirley too.
Special Event--Racism in Medicine
Your not too late to catch this event.
Great Line Up of Speakers from City Club of Eugene. see flyer

Recording is available on Eugene City Club’s YouTube and Facebook pages.
HCAO Annual Membership Meeting Announcement
Call for Nominations
Save the Date: June 11, 2022
Location: Virtual by Zoom

Every year HCAO has a process for recruiting a slate on nominees for the HCAO Board and Nominations and Elections Committee based on what is in the best interest of the mission. Board members and members of the Nominations and Elections Committee are then elected at the Annual Meeting. The current Nominations and Elections Committee is in full swing recruiting for the Board. Do you know of someone who the has the passion, energy, and interest to serve on the Board? The person can show their interest by completing the volunteer interest form and checking "Board Interest". They can also email
Advocates Face the Cold Rain to Stand for Health Care for All
On Saturday February 26, HCAO supporters, Andrew and Collin, boldly stood in front of Providence Park to build awareness among Portland Timbers fans on opening day. They plan to continue standing up for HCAO at future events.

To take action in your community to build awareness and gain supporters contact your local Chapter Chair or Kate Pfister-Minogue at
Oregon Legislative Session Coming to End
HCAO Supported Bills Update
Great Conference Opportunities
Come to Learn
Learn to Act
The Medicare for All Strategy Conference sponsored by HCAO is virtual. This has that very important national focus.
Early bird rates and scholarships available.

Find detailed information here....
The Path to Universal Health Care ... Through the States is hosted by One Payer States and HCAO.

Perhaps timely for our work in Oregon. Find detailed information here.

Letters to the Editor (LTE's)
Read One. Write One
Check out this great LTE published 3/1 from HCAO supporter Gary Sinnen. Gary writes: "Our health care 'system' leaves significant numbers of our citizens unable to access care....Health insurance is not health care, and "insurance" is not the payment model the rest of the world uses......" Read it all.

Step into action and build awareness. Write a LTE. Get your personal message out in this fight for universal healthcare. Here is how. (list of newspapers)

Story sharing is another powerful tool in the movement. Share your story and/or help others share theirs at
Oregon Governor's and Legislative Races
and publicly-funded universal healthcare
Get Involved
Primary season is going into full swing. There will be many changes in who governs Oregon. What you do matters.

Governor candidates are listed at Oregon Secretary of State site. If a candidate is non-affiliated, they will only be in the general election in November.

Who is Governor in 2023 is extremely important. Will that person be ready to sign the bill that creates the Oregon Health Plan? Check in on the positions of candidates on universal healthcare by going to their campaign website. Contact the candidates and make your position clear.

Know who the legislative candidates are in your district. After March 8, we will know who is running for sure. You can find out who is running here. Put in the following:
  • Year: 2022
  • Election: 2022 Primary Election
  • Filing for Office: e.g. State Representative
  • District: (Select your district)
  • Party: (Select a Party)
  • Click Submit.

Contact them and express your thoughts. Find out where they stand on single-payer universal healthcare. Report the results to
Task Force on Universal Health Care
Engaging is Easy--Don't Wait Any Longer!
The Task Force last met on 1/27. The next meeting is scheduled for 3/13.

Lots more public testimony is needed. Tell the Task Force what kind of a health system you want through your personal testimony. Keep it simple, for example: "I want a health care system that does not require me to sign up every year."

Go to this link to find out how to submit written testimony. Go to this link to provide oral testimony. (Ignore the given date in the information.) Here is the link to the schedule for future meetings.

Here is the link to find the recordings. Public engagement is now the focus of the work of the Task Force and that of HCAO.

HCAO is following carefully and staying closely involved to shape that plan to meet the intent of the bill which created the JTFUHC. You can help by providing testimony.
HOPE is Here in 2022
The HOPE Amendment campaign is here. Look for a sign-on form coming soon.

Continue with everyone in your circle and network. Let them know that access to healthcare as a right is on the ballot in November and vote yes on HOPE in 2022. When the sign-on form is available be sure to share it.
Your Financial Support Is Needed
The work to educate about and advocate for universal healthcare is possible ONLY because of YOU.

For further information and questions, contact Linda Alband (
Please become a member, make an additional contribution, or volunteer.
Everybody in! Nobody out!