None of these bills would be necessary if we had a single payer universal health care system to directly address issues of access, cost, equity, and choice of providers for all.
HB 4006 This bill would have forced insurers to reimburse for naturopathic care on equal basis. Testimony. It has not moved forward so people will continue to be denied choice of providers under the current system.
HB 4052 Provides mobile units to create access to address inequities. Testimony. Finally a step forward to address racism as a public health crisis.
HB 4083 Would have forced insurers to provide additional no copay primary care visits. Testimony. The burden of extra fees like copays will persist under the current system as this bill is not moving forward.
HB 4095 Provides dental care for some veterans (even the VA is not equal). Testimony. Looks like some veterans will get the dental care they need but many in Oregon will still have to do without under the current system.
HB 4134 Forces insurers to cover out of network labor and deliver. Testimony. Understand that this only has to do with state of emergency for the pandemic and only for diversion because of pandemic. Otherwise the big out of network bills will continue to cause stress for those just needing to deliver a baby in an urgent situation.
Know that these just amplify the need, our fight, and the opportunity to pass a single payer universal healthcare system in 2023.