Dr. Joyce Loyd-Davis, NPAA President, invites your to attend the


16th Annual Conference

October 14-15, 2022

12.5 CEs and 5.75 pharm hours

Early Bird Discounts Ends August 30

Register NOW!
View our Agenda

Meet the Workshop Speakers:

EKG Workshop

Presenter: Jennifer Miller, DNP, ACNP-BC

This interactive four-hour course will focus on the diagnosis and clinical management of adult patients with cardiac arrhythmias via an evidence-based approach. Principles of electrophysiology and interpretation pertinent to primary and acute care will be discussed. Emphasis will be placed on the following areas: SA and AV node dysfunction, supraventricular arrhythmias, ventricular arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and flutter, bundle branch and hemi-blocks, ST-T wave abnormalities, and common drug/electrolyte effects. 

Suture Workshop

Presenters: William Someral, M.D. and Melaine Hallman, DNP, CRNP, CNS, FAEN, FAAN

Refresh your suturing skills with Bill Somerall, MD, OB/GYN and emergency nurse practitioner Melanie Hallman, CRNP. Acquire techniques useful for office and emergency department applications during an interactive session covering local anesthesia, selection of suture and needle-type for specific wounds, suture site care and follow-up instructions. Time for hands-on suture practice with course faculty oversight is included in the session. 

There is an additional charge for supplies for this workshop.

Sign up for the Suture Workshop
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